
Her story started way earlier.

Nick: "What did you say?"

Michelle: "I asked 'Why do I need to pinch you?'. "

Nick: "How did you know what I was thinking?"

Michelle: "It's common for our people to be able to read humans thoughts."

Nick: O_0 " Oh... okay. Just how old are you exactly?"

Michelle: " I'm 180 solar rotations old on my planet but that is an equivalent of somewhere around 18 years on earth."

Nick: *WOW Okay she's my age... Keep it cool Nick you've never been good with women but maybe today's the day that all changes you can still salvage your first impression you can do it.*

Michelle: "... Hey... Actually you have made an incredible first impression on me...." *OWO*

Nick: "HEY HOW DID YO-... oh.....he-he-hell no I will probably never get use to the fact that you can read my mind."

Michelle: oWo "hehe" *She plots to herself of how she can have sex with this poor boys virgin ass.* "..." *Michelle thinks that if she can get him to take her to his house then she'll leave and when he's asleep she can fuck him then.* "Hey...Ummm...Can we take this to your house?"

Nick: "What for?"

Michelle: "Well...why not? hehe"

Nick: O-O' *genuinely confused.*

Michelle: "Pleaseeeeee."

Nick: "You have to at least tell me why."

Michelle: "Okay fine... I just... want to get to know you better thats all."

Nick: "Oh well if thats all sure we can continue this at my house."