
Next life is going to be in Toriko universe

Just trying to write fan-fic for Toriko theme for fun. English is not my first lenguage so expect lot of gramar mistakes ;) Man with name of Rogan was pitied by ROB and get opportunity live second life with few resonable wishes. Story will be set in mix of manga +anime since anime end before manga and quite diferently. I don't own Toriko and all rights go to respective author expect my OC/MC .

Silir · Tranh châm biếm
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So it wasn't dream

Bright light from sun get throughth window. Directly to Rogan face wake up him.

After a while childish voice is hear ''aaww so bright'' and at bed boy around 10 years old start moving by not wanting go from bed. When sudenly boy freeze and get quckly up with eyes wide open, on his face are show emotions of disbelief and excitement.

When he calmed down, he slowly got up from the bed to the window and opened the door to the balcony. From the balcony he has a wonderful view of the ocean and sees a part of a giant cruise ship, which is towed by two giant white horses.

''Ah so it was real and it's happened.''Boy mutter while he has far away look in his face.

Lost in thoughts he is starting remember how he died and met a ROB.

ROB:''Oh pitifull soul with such boring life which lead to self destruction , here i am giving you a choice of reincarnation in new world of your choice with 3 wishes. And yes I am somebody who you can call ROB. And no you can't wish any Big 3 O's ''

Rogan:''Ouch quite cruel words but quite correct.'' said Rogan with heavy sigh ,then with moment of thinking he continue talk ''Can you please give me paper and pencil? I want have some visualization pro and cons of thinngs.''

ROB:''Ah shure no problem here it is''

After he get needed tools he start writing: 1) Training Dreamscape with time differences of 1 hour outside is 100 hours inside based on Matrix/Inception which will have conection with akashic records library and where I can learn and do training everything. It will provide every necesity for training with wished setings like for exaple: when i want teacher for fist fighting and i want it to be Bruce Lee ..... or when i want learn asian culinary get somebody from shokugeki no soma teach me and provide kitchen with food .etc.

2)The Gamer abilities from The Gamer manwha with shop where i can buy everything.+with Dungeon ID and Trainig space ID

3)Abilities and knowlege from Dragon ball like Ki power training and creation magic etc.

4)detailed appraisal skill at max lvl with guide how one can use said object etc.(conected with gamer ability)

5)Unlimited spatial inventory skill where one can set special zone with quickier time differences and temperature +refreshing food ingridients from my Full course menu and other food put once inside

6)active gourmet cells with god tongue abilities: like superior taste+how it make better, heat like vision, geting all information from taste , superior digestion etc. of abilities asociazitioned with mounth/tongue+not be negativeli effected by said abilities

7)Talents,skills,abylities,knowlege and experience from chefs and cooks from shokugeki no soma which will be slowli asimilated

8)Panmnesia skill +erasing and sealing memories

9)have some backround with lot of money +one use tickets for all restaurand and chefs which will grand me free meal with full course menu which they are obligated fulify to provide for me

10)able to learn every skill (food honor, enbu, or other which skills which need some condition for learnig)+all methods how learn them

11)great luck of any kind of version like Food luck, gambling luck etc.

12)pet space ship turtle (able to become small as my hand travel throught space and time, have hause like equpment inside have small ecosistem inside as well) with abolute loyalty and inteligence

13)eternal youth after reaching peak of physical growth

14)space&time travel to other worlds with new identities (OC)

15)Shop with free or minimal cost of meta CYOA essences (sub category in Gamer shop)

16) look like Emya Shiro Archer version

''Hmm and that's probably all i can now think of'' said Rogan after while of writing ,muttering and frowning faces

ROB:''That was quite a while , so which of these points will be your choise for wishes?''

Rogan after while of muling over his choises and inability to pick. Which he end with hiting his palm with his fist while making Naruhodo expresion said ''Hmmmm which to pick . . .ah i know .My first wish will be to get all things writen on this paper''

And after a while light materialize before him and show ROB who look like Samuel L. Jackson and shouting ''Choto matte you mother F**** , what do you mean by just first wish and all of that writen on paper.'' and after while of cursing ''ok, ok after decision of looking into your head which i deeply regret i will grand you what is writen on that paper to avoid more complication. But it will consume all of your wishes plus that 15 point will be restricted of loooot of choises. Who even come with something like this. That will make lot of reincarnation bothersome and anoying. Ahh i will need look more deeply into this ,if this become common knowlege. Luckily you pinpoint me this so make great contribution for me with it thats why i am so benevolent with your wishes.''

Rogan:''Why it will be problem?''

Rob: ''Well in the first place this reincarnation system with Rob etc. is new version of after death Hell and Heaven. Which work base on your Karma etc. and by this you either get your wishes and new world which will work as ideal paradise for you or Hell where you met nasty Rob who will mess with you like give you nasty system and bad environment etc.. And some neutral who met with bored Rob who grand them some small wishes and rest is up them. So if there are more loopholes like other version of 3 big O's it will disturb this new system and universe.''

Rogan:'' Hmm wait a minute so this second life or reincarnation is fake and not real? Will It will be like realistic dream?''

Rob make a smug face and said:''HeHe scared,disapointed? But to answer your question is hard for me to explain and you to understand because in sense we are diferent lifeforms so our existence is diferent from me. But to make it simple, to pacify you for you, it is and will be a real new life with unlimited adventures, etc., but take beings like me or just powerful people from marvel as an example who can create new planets, universes, and even new multiversum with a new life in it. With such power will your live be real for them or something they can make on whim so it will be surreal for them?

Rogan make a difficult expresion and after thinking a bit answered ''hmm for them it will be like virtual reality which they can change by their whims.''

Rob:''YES and thats one of the reasons why we prohibi big 3 O's and limiting abilities as reality warping. Not only ,,mortal souls,, are not capable using them or understand them they will go crazy or such abilities will dostroy them.'' said ROB while sagely noding with his head ''Well lets end our debate and send you on your way . As i understood it when i was reading your mind you want go to Toriko 20 years before canon and be 9 years old while you want start at Gourmet Carriage with VIP ticket for whole tour which take 2-3 years?And some specific thing for your backround aaand we are done.''

Rogan:''yea that is perfect place with lot of food and training time there plus meeting new people.''

ROB with amused smile agreed and with wave his hand send Rogan towards his new life :''well have fun in your new life.''

Back to reality Rogan stoped reminisce he star again focuse on his surrounding and enjoy view and after a while his stomach start rumble so with such signal he start change his clothes and go to buffet to get Food. When he get into area of buffets he get himself full plates and order some more to bring to his table. After siting he join his palms before him in praing position and said ''well since it's quite good custom in this world lets get started.

... for this opportunity of new life thank you ROB!!

and finaly

I give thanks to all of the ingredients in this world! Itadakimasu!!''