

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Kỳ huyễn
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127 Chs


The Two young ladies from the pool stepped up and informed Lady Nancy that they only massaged me in the pool of preparation, but no actual fluids were exchanged.

"Except for us has anyone been with Master Tagem," asked Catherine looking around the room.

Lady Nancy's voice broke the silence in the room. "Do you feel any different Catherine? Do you feel ill? Neither do I so let's not scare the families and continue with the Ceremony?" Lady Nancy looked in the mirror in the room did some touch-ups with her hair, lifted her breast to make them bounce while showing more cleavage with the new dress she had on.

Lady Nancy asked before opening the doors to the main hall, "Vixen what is the name of the family you made up on that game thing you were on?"

After sucking down her third drink just after handing Wattie his second, N.e.w.B.l.o.o.d she spelled it out NewBlood is the family I name.

Well, I guess we set up for a new family as she opened the door. Stopping before she stepped through the door turned in Tagem's directions, "I guess you had better learn to be a King, Tagem of the NewBlood family."

Vixen spurted out her drink all over the floor, Daria's jaw dropped while everyone else was in shock. "Well, then I guess we are having a party, a big fucking new family party," Vixon yelled aloud grabbing my hand pulling me to the door.

Others came into the room and started to get new clothing, hair done, makeup applied, and yes more lotion for the bodies that had not as much clothing on to glisten. Even though they could transfer their appearance in seconds. Sometimes they just like to do it the old fashion way, plus who does not like to feel good in a new outfit and dress up occasionally?

"What the fuck is going on?" Watching people now ignore me as they hustle to change. Standing there naked except for a Tarzan-looking cloth covering me wondering what was going on. What is the big deal? I asked but no one listened to what I was asking. All I could think was I speaking, did it come out aloud instead of my inside voice? I backed up as vampires approached me, I started to stress out to wear my mind began to spin as a fuzzy vision started to blur my sight until soft hands grasped my hands. The world around me began to come back to focus as the eyes of my love held my hands within her.

"Tagem are you alright my love"? Daria's expression was of sympathy. I shook my head from side to side.

"I was to come here and meet you on this vacation and have an exciting time but not this. Not this" I mumbled "I am now a vampire and soon to be king of a family, what the fuck Daria what the fuck!" I whispered to only she could hear. For that was as high as my voice could go.