

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Kỳ huyễn
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127 Chs

Chapter 75

I extended her away slowly at arm's length I could see only caring eyes in her feature. But I could not feel her like Daria and Lady Nancy. Which made me puzzled at the thought of why I could not feel Vixon as I could feel the others. This made me worry as thoughts started to run through my head If I was going crazy would e locked up in a Vampire prison or just go mad and or insane to the point I die? Even with all these thoughts running through my head my body did not react the way it should have. I was still calm and collected as I answered Vixon "Yes!"

"But you should stay away for I don't know what I am capable of doing."

Vixen slapped me fully in the face. Everyone, even Wattie, clinched ready to pounce on me. Nothing happened, and I just looked at Vixen.

"Why do you do that for?"

She gave me the look of are you an idiot. "Just because your eyes are different doesn't mean you are not my brother, Brother." The room relaxed at what Vixen said. Telling the medical personnel "Take his blood, give him a physical and see what comes up."

Lady Nancy walked over brushing against her daughter without hesitation right up to me looking me over intensely. Then her attention went to my right arm. Placed her hand on my arm and brushed what looked to be dry skin. As she did so, the skin started to peel like a snake. The dead skin peeled off me from the upper chest to the back and down the right arm. It looked to be a dark black tattoo of black ancient marks of strips shown instead of ugly dry skin that was there just minutes before.

"What the hell is this?" Lady Nancy verbally said aloud of course causing a steer within the room as Vixon shoved her mother over to the side. We will see what is happening to my brother's Mother. Until the calm, down for this is not about you. Seeing the anger in Vixon's face for the PM-ing was not being used just so that everyone could hear what was being said and calm those around down.

Everyone just looked at me as if I were an alien from some other planet, and that is saying a lot I thought since the people in this room were mostly Vampire stood.

Daria and I sat on a brown leather couch waiting for the results and admiring the tattoos or at least I was. I was never a major fan of tattoos, but this did look pretty damn cool I thought, or it was just the kid in me trying to escape.

Vixen and Wattie were waiting with us as others came and went. Finding out through the grapevine that all the vampires outside in the arena were still there partying and waiting for what might happen or to at least hear the news firsthand.