

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Kỳ huyễn
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127 Chs


"Yes, yes, yes almost forgot, first time for Tagem, my brother to change" said Vixen with a big ass smile as Wattie just shook his head rolling his eyes back at Vixen.

Master Tagem shall we?" Stacks standing behind me waiting as she held her hands out for me to grab.

I stood up; Stack cupped my hand over hers as Vixen said. "We will see you tonight at dinner Tagem" Wattie and Vixen rose from their chairs and headed for the dance floor."

Sitting and drinking were easy to do but after getting up now I know why Stacks grabbed my hand for the contacts still made me a little dizzy walking. I pulled Stacks closer to me to hold my balance and to keep her close to me as well. We walked out of the banquet hall into another large hall. People talking in groups while others watched the walls or ceilings amazed as I was about the details of the artisanship. Stacks guided me through the crowd until we reached a glass wall.

The glass elevator opened Stacks pressed a floor number after we had entered. She leaned into me wrapping her arm around me. "I do hope you like" she put her head to my chest not understanding what she meant by that until the elevator shaft of metal disappeared and a flow of water surrounded us. The bubbles the swirling of water was like being in an aquarium exhibit but on a much grander scale. Schools of Fish swim by, sharks gliding through the water, and a huge turtle swimming in the distance. It was amazing.

The view disappeared as fast as it appeared to metal and rock. when we reached our destination. We walked out headed down a corridor to my door I assumed. She took my hand waved it across the handle and "click" of the door unlocking. Impressed with that type of security I raised my hand looking at the red dot still apparent on my thumb. Walked in behind Stacks looking over my room shades open to this view of the mountains with a castle built on the mountain to my left, it was just breathtaking.

Entering the room, a light appeared above me as my contacts notified me of my location. Do you wish to save?" the system asks.

I replied with a "yes." Stacks stopped, turned around, "you do not need to reply verbally to the system. It will read your thoughts, so your voice is not needed just so you know." Stacks continued to walk me around the rooms checking out the bathroom that seemed bigger than my work truck had a tub that could fit four people comfortably in black marble with silver fittings. Heading to the master bedroom Stack waited as a young woman dressed in the outfits that the other workers had on except she had diamonds and pearls stranded together. Standing tall at attentions waiting for me it seemed. I walked over to her glanced at the bed seeing cloths placed neatly folded on the covers.