
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Kỳ huyễn
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77 Chs

[3.0] Encourage Laras

Radit and the others continue to train to improve and develop their strength. Day by day, they come up with new creativity for their attacks and for their daily lives.

However, in those days, Laras had yet to gain her strength, which made her more and more moody every day.

Laras always hoped that tomorrow would be the day when her powers would appear, but they didn't appear until the day when all school activities would start again.

In the days when school activities are about to return to normal, Laras is sitting and staying silent in the garden of the apartment that has been repaired after the great events that have befallen the world.

At the same time, Radit, Steven and Gilbert were taking a walk in the park too and spotted a pensive Laras in the distance.

"The Amarta family is great, they immediately repaired this park," said Gilbert.

"Yes, even though when we were here, this park was damaged by trampling and used as an emergency site too," said Radit.

"The power of money is terrible," says Steven.

They continued to walk around the apartment building and mall owned by the Amarta family. While walking, the three of them saw Laras who was sitting pensively in the garden.

"Hey, hey, Laras is over there," Radit said, pointing at Laras.

"Ah, right, what's he doing sitting there alone?" said Gilbert.

"Maybe Hana or someone else went to get something," Steven said.

"Ah, no way, he looks relaxed. She's alone," said Radit.

"How did you know he was alone?" said Steven.

"Just guessing," Radit said. Hearing this, Gilbert and Steven just stared at Radit blankly.

"What's wrong?" said Radit.

"No, it's just that I felt stupid asking you earlier," Steven said.

"Steven, accompany him there," Gilbert said.

"Huh, what are you talking about?" said Steven, who was shocked by these words.

"Right, Steven, you should accompany him," Radit said.

"Hey, why did you come along too," Steven said.

"Don't you feel sorry for him? He's been depressed for over a week," said Radit.

"Yes, he looks gloomy every day, because the power doesn't appear. In training, he only learns and practices martial arts hoping that his strength will appear when he does something," Gilbert said.

"Yeah, well, why should I be the one told to encourage him? Both of you can do it," Steven said. Hearing that, Radit and Gilbert looked at each other and then looked at Steven with disappointed faces.

"Be a man, don't be like that, Steven," said Radit.

"Huh?" said Steven spontaneously.

"Steven, don't you like Laras?" said Gilbert.

"Huh!?" said Steven with a spontaneous shout.

Because he spontaneously screamed, Gilbert and Radit covered Steven's mouth and forced him to duck and hide behind a grass fence.

Gilbert peered at Laras to see if she heard Steven's voice or not. Steven's mouth is still closed by Radit.

Then, Steven with his hand forced and pulled Radit's hand that covered his mouth.

"What's wrong with you guys?" said Steven a little exasperated.

"Steven, this is a golden opportunity! Laras has been in a bad mood lately, she definitely needs someone to pour her heart out to," said Gilbert.

"Gilbert is right, honestly you like him, so this is an opportunity to get closer," said Radit.

"What's wrong with you guys?" said Steven, whose face and ears were slightly red.

"Already, to be honest, and quickly go and entertain him," said Radit.

"How do I comfort him?" said Steven looking at Radit and starting to open up.

Hearing that, Radit was confused about how to answer, because he himself had never felt love before.

"Cih, useless," Steven said to Radit, then looked at Gilbert.

"Ekh...!" Radit was a little surprised to hear Steven's words directed at him.

"Yeah, I'm sorry if I can't help with this, I just want you to be happy," Radit muttered.

Gilbert looked at Radit and felt a little sorry for her, but Steven kept looking at her and he felt proud at that moment.

"Steven, be proud of me for conquering several women," Gilbert said proudly.

"Yeah yeah... ok, just a few, so what do you suggest?" said Steven.

"Your response is not very interesting, it's a wonder you two never got together," Gilbert said.

"Say it quickly!" said Steven.

"Well, relax, so all you need to do is make her comfortable with you," says Gilbert.

"What do you mean?" said Steven.

"She's moody and upset, right? Well, let him pour out his complaints to you and comfort him so that he feels comfortable with you," says Gilbert.

"I see, then?" said Steven, who was happy to be enlightened.

"Then, don't forget to hold or hold his hand so that he feels comfortable, aggressive is also necessary! .... yes, just do that first and get there quickly," said Gilbert.

Hearing that, she walked straight to Laras nervously.

"Why is she so nervous? She usually talks to him normally," said an astonished Gilbert.

"Gilbert, how many times have you dated?" said a curious Radit.

"Twice," Gilbert said confidently. Hearing that, Radit was a little surprised.

"It's a pity for Steven to hear your useless motivation," Radit said while looking pityingly at Steven from a distance.

"Hey, that's a rude thing to say," said Gilbert, slightly offended.

As Radit and Gilbert peered from a distance, Steven nervously approached Laras.

"Laras..." said Steven who called out to Laras who was leaning back and looking up at the sky while closing her eyes.

"Ah... Amel, have you bought a drink-....." said Laras glancing at the source of the voice and it turned out that it was not Amelia but Steven.

"Is my voice that similar to Amel's?" said Steven.

Laras' brain stopped functioning for a moment and just looked at Steven who stood looking at her.

"Ah..hm.... no, I was just daydreaming so I thought it was Amel," said Laras.

"... it's okay, I'm like that too sometimes..." Steven said, then the atmosphere became quiet and lost the topic.

"Come sit down, don't keep standing," said Laras.

"Ahm... Ok," Steven said, and he sat beside her on the not-so-long bench.

After Steven sat down, they were both silent and nothing was discussed.

From a distance, Radit and Gilbert were a little annoyed at Steven's silence.

"Why is he silent, say something," said Gilbert.

"Gilbert, if you think about it, they never talk together. There must always be a third person who starts the topic or facilitates the conversation," said Radit.

"Ikh.... I'm so annoyed," said Gilbert, who was so annoyed with Steven and Laras that he was grinding his teeth.

When these two people were upset with Steven and Laras, suddenly someone came calling Radit and Gilbert, which made them both surprised.

"Hey! What are you doing sneaking around like this," Amelia said, and that startled them both.

"Akh... I'm dead!" said Gilbert.

"....!" Radit's hair stood on end in shock.

"Why are you being so talkative," Amelia said.

"Akh, you, don't be so shocked," said Gilbert.

"Well, what are you doing sneaking around like this anyway?" said Amelia.

"What are you doing, Mel?" said Radit.

Amelia looked at Steven and Laras who were sitting together from a distance and ignored Radit's question.

"Hey - Hey, how come they're together," said Amelia.

"We saw that Laras was moping alone and after that we forced Steven to cheer her up," said Gilbert.

"Don't ignore me," said Radit, trying to be present in front of Amelia.

"Good job to you guys, I've been waiting for this moment," Amelia said.

"But why are they just silent?" said Amelia.

"That's it! We've been dying to see them," said Gilbert.

"Ouch... Laras, Steven is so brave but how come you're so cat-shy," said Amelia, who was also annoyed at Steven and Laras not talking to each other.

This is the story in the next part of the book.

Wait... why is this a romantic comedy? But it's the same story isn't it?

Yes, of course. Then this is their next story.

Every volume you may see "chapter 0", which is the prologue of the volume. However, not every volume has such a chapter.

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