
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Kỳ huyễn
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77 Chs

[2.8] Training Part 5

Steven and Fauzan's show of strength in panco made the others even more enthusiastic in their training.

"Akh, why doesn't my power want to come out," said Raka a little annoyed. He accidentally stared at Leonardo who was doing movements to train strength. Leonardo saw Raka as a person who was very difficult and failed continuously, so Leonardo made an annoying grinning face at Raka.

Seeing Leonardo's annoying face like underestimating him, Raka was very annoyed with Leonardo's stare and he was getting excited in his training. Meanwhile, Britta is still thinking about how to unleash her power.

"No luck yet?" said Amelia.

"Not yet, tell me how," said Britta.

"Hm, how about that, I just imagine like in fantasy movies that I have superpowers," Amelia said.

"I did that but it didn't work," said Laras.

"Hm, what do we do?" said Amelia thoughtfully.

While Britta and Amelia were thinking, Laras approached them to help Britta.

"Britta, you saw the new animated series, where the heroine has the power of light," Laras said as she explained.

"I don't really follow but I know," Britta said.

"Good, try to imagine that you are the heroine of the story," said Laras.

"Oh, I'll try," Britta said.

Then Britta immediately practiced what Laras had taught her. However, it still didn't work.

"Akh, it doesn't work, I can't," said Britta a little gloomily, then continued her words, "Besides, I don't know what the power of light is. In the story, the power of light is to heal," said Britta.

"Hm, yes, I don't know what the power of light is either," said Laras.

"Hey, Hana, come here," Amelia said calling Hana who was practicing, hearing the call from Amelia, she immediately approached her.

"What's wrong Amel?" said Hana.

"You have the power of light just like Britta, do you have any tricks and tips to bring out the power of light?" said Amelia.

"Well, I'm sorry, I also can't bring out the power of light because imagining it is quite difficult, because in my mind that light is to illuminate," said Hana, who also seemed confused about bringing out the power of light.

During the conversation, Luna came over to them.

"What's wrong?" said Luna. "Ah, you see, Britta and Hana are having trouble bringing out the power of light because they don't know what the power of light actually is," said Amelia.

"Oh, the problem with imagining it is. Hm, if I'm not mistaken, the power of light is the speed and light rays that can be condensed," Luna said.

"Compacted?" said Amelia, Britta, Hana, and Laras simultaneously.

"Hm, never mind, I don't have that power. Ah, just find a power user," Luna said, then looked around for a light power user and she found one.

There were two men walking near the arena where Radit and others were practicing. Suddenly cheered the man, "Hey, you over there, come here quickly," Luna said.

Two men were surprised to hear Luna's voice, "Eh, shit. You were called," said Man 1 pointing at Man 2.

"Akh, no, no, it's you," said Man 2, as they pointed to each other as to who was actually being called.

"Hey, why are you chatting over there, come here quickly," Luna said, the two men then faced Luna.

"Hm, if I may know who was called," said Man 2.

"The glasses are light power users, right?" said Luna. "Hm, yes," said Man 2.

"Then, here you are, glasses," Luna said.

"Eh," said Man 1 wearing glasses.

"Hehehe, I said you were called, so I'll go to the cafeteria first, I'll wait there," said Man 2 and then left the man with glasses.

"Hm, I hope I don't get beat up again," said the man with glasses.

"Here, quickly," Luna said.

"What's wrong?" said the man wearing glasses.

"You're a user of the power of light, try giving them directions on how to unleash the power of light," Luna said.

"Oh, it's just this anyway. I thought it would be another battle of strength," said the bespectacled man letting out a long breath.

"Okay, let me teach you," continued the words of the man with glasses.

"So, who wants to bring out the power of light?" asked the man with glasses.

"Me, Om," said Britta and Hana simultaneously.

"Please don't call me Om, I'm still young. My name is Zerk Zelda, just call me Zerk. I'm a light power user," said the bespectacled man named Zerk.

"Okay, fine, Bang Zerk," Britta and Hana said.

"So, what do you imagine when you want to unleash the power of light?" asked Zerk.

"I imagined a popular animation that recently came out," Britta said.

"Animation? Oh, I see, you're imagining a heroine with the power of light, right," said Zerk.

"Yes, Bang Zerk," Britta said.

"What about you?" asked Zerk.

"I don't really know how to explain it, but I just imagine that light means illumination," Hana said.

"Hm... yes, that's right. The basis of light power is illumination," Zerk said.

"Have you read the manual on how to unleash various types of power?" asked Zerk.

"Not yet," said Britta and Hana.

"Uh, why not yet?" asked Zerk in surprise.

"The two of us haven't, Kok, the others too," said Amelia.

Leonardo heard Amelia's words and immediately replied, "Eh, but I've read." "Noisy, you. No one is talking to you," said an annoyed Amelia.

"How come you didn't read the manual first?" asked a puzzled Zerk and looked at Luna with an astonished look.

"Don't look at me like that," Luna said.

"So, why don't they read it first?" asked Zerk.

"Well, in our opinion, the guidebook is not very useful. The point of the book is basically just to imagine," Luna said.

"Us?" asked Zerk, then looked at Lampart who was helping Raka and Radit to raise their strength. Then he looked at Bilgard, who was helping Fauzan and Steven to increase their strength.

Zerk sighed and said, "To put it bluntly, you three are weirdos, you know. Do you realize that?" said Zerk. Luna was a little surprised.

"Others need to read first to understand the power aspect, but you don't," Zerk said.

"Then we're geniuses, right," Luna said proudly.

"Geniuses and freaks are very different," Zerk said with a sigh.

"Let me now explain what the power of light is," Zerk said, preparing to explain.

"So, the power is all about speed and strength. Light users have very fast dodging abilities and track or detect living creatures around a distance of up to 100 meters. Power users can condense light to form any object including weapons and it glows. According to the current manual, the brighter and warmer, not hotter, the stronger the density and power of the light. That's about it for light users," Zerk said.

"Wow, doesn't that look cool and powerful," said Laras.

"Yes, but light users have the disadvantage that it is very draining," Zerk said.

"What does that mean?" asked Britta.

"So, the longer you use this power, the faster you will get tired. Also, the stronger the power of light, the faster you will get tired. This power also can't be used for stealth fighting because every time you unleash the power there will be light coming out," Zerk explained.

"So there you have it, behind strong strengths are troublesome weaknesses," Hana says.

"The summary of understanding has been explained, now try doing it," Zerk said.

Britta and Hana immediately tried to imagine what was instructed earlier.

"Solid light, yes, let me imagine the core of a star," Hana muttered.

"Light that can be molded into anything. A sword might work, a sword of condensed light," Britta muttered.

Amelia, Laras, Luna, and Zerk looked at Britta and Hana who were very focused on imagining their powers. They both closed their eyes to increase their focus. A few minutes passed, and finally they were able to unleash the power of the light.

Hana's right hand was pointing forward while holding something, and the left hand was in a side position also like holding something. Soon there was light coming out of both hands. Her right hand gave off light and formed an arc and her left hand gave off an arrow of light.

Meanwhile, Britta piled up and clenched both hands forward as if holding something. Soon, from the light emerged and formed a sword.

"Here comes the awakening of a new light user," said Zerk. Meanwhile, Amelia, Laras and Luna were still looking at Britta and Hana.

After a while, they both managed to form a weapon. Britta made a sword of light and Hana made a bow of light.

"You finally did it," said Amelia. "Congratulations, you did it," said Laras.

Britta and Hana looked at each other and then laughed together.

On the other hand, Jiyan, Gilbert, and Raka are still unable to unleash their power.

"Akh... why can't I, this frustrates me," said Raka. "Why is it so hard to just imagine," said Jiyan.

Before long, Gilbert managed to bring out his earth skills. "Yeah, I did it!" said Gilbert happily. Jiyan and Raka were getting frustrated because they couldn't get their powers out.

Steven said to Jiyan. "Hey Jiyan, you saw an animation where the main character has many elements, right? Why don't you try to imagine that," Steven said.

"Ah, I'm so stupid, why didn't I think of that," said Jiyan who was annoyed with herself for not remembering her favorite animated series.

Jiyan closed his eyes and started imagining that he was a character from the series and had three elements. After a few minutes Jiyan opened his eyes and began to perform the movements.

He set up his stance and began to move.

In his first movement, he spread his straight arms quickly and with his palms open, water poured out of his hands.

Jumping straight into the second move, he spun once while jumping and suddenly lowered his head and hit the ground, then between his right fists flames spurted out around him.

His final move, after which he stood up while spinning once and brought his hands forward and brought them together. The ends of his hands opened in a V shape, after which the wind came out blowing forward.

Others were pensive as they watched Jiyan's movements.

"Woah... bravo, cool martial arts moves," Steven said.

"Thank you, Steven, for enlightening me," Jiyan said as he gave Steven a thumbs up, seeing that Steven gave him a thumbs up as well with a smile.

And finally there was only Raka who still hadn't unleashed his power.

"Hahaha..... no, it's the sucker who hasn't been able to summon his strength," Leonardo said laughing deliberately.

"Shut up, damn it!" said Raka in annoyance.

Raka went on and on trying to imagine and he finally had an epiphany.

"Look at this, Lightning!" said Raka suddenly pointing his hand upwards.

However, nothing happened.

"What the hell do you want to do," Steven said.

"Bang Raka, try to imagine you want to strike someone with lightning," said Fauzan.

Raka listened to Fauzan's directions, then looked at Leonardo who was playing with his powers. Leonardo who realized it looked at Raka who was staring at him.

"What, are you looking around?" said Leonardo, after which Raka stretched her hand forward, towards Leonardo while closing her eyes. Then Fauzan shouted at Leonardo.

"Bang Leo, don't move," said Fauzan, hearing that Leonardo was confused and after a while he understood himself feeling the danger.

After that, Raka opened her eyes. With reflexes, Leonardo immediately jumped to the side, then lightning came out of Raka's hand aimed at Leonardo. However, luckily Leonardo managed to avoid it.

"Fauzan! Good, your advice is very effective," said Raka. "Great, Bang!" said Fauzan while giving a thumbs up.

"Good eye! If you want to unleash your power, don't point it at people, you idiot!" said an angry Leonardo.

"Halah, just get angry," said Raka.

"Hah... whatever, you still can't get your water powers out," Leonardo said as he stood up.

"Hehe... you can, look at this," said Raka while pointing his palm downwards.

Fauzan, Bilgard, Steven and Leonardo looked at Raka's hand.

After that, Raka said "Water, come out!" he said. However, little water came out. All of them, including Raka himself, stared at the droplets of water that kept coming out of his palm. After seeing that, all four of them laughed.

"Ouch, damn that's funny," Bilagard said with a laugh.

"Sorry, Bang, I can't stop laughing," Fauzan said with a laugh.

"Crazy, don't joke, what!" said Steven with a laugh. "It's very funny, very weak," Leonardo said with a laugh.

"Akh... you guys piss me off," Raka said and then stuck out his hand towards Fauzan, Bilgard, Steven and Leonardo.

"Oi..oi what are you doing?" Steven said in panic.

"Hehehe feel the punishment of this sky," said Raka, then took out the lightning element that pointed at the four of them.

"Woi - Woi, danger - danger, Bang!" said Fauzan.

"Hahaha..... feel it," Raka said with a laugh.

"When I show my power, an earthen wall appears," said Gilbert, stopping his dodge and forming a wall to block Raka's electric attack.

"Good job, Gilbert," Leonardo said, as they all took cover behind the earthen wall Gilbert had created.

Amelia, Britta, Laras, Hana, Radit and Jiyan look up to Fauzan, Gilbert, Leonardo, Raka, and Steven.

"What the hell are they doing," Amelia said.

"Fortunately, I hurriedly avoided them," said Jiyan.

"Hahaha, the spirit of youth, it has to be like that," Bilagrd said.

"Hey, why are you hiding? Are you afraid?" said Raka, trying to provoke.

"Crazy, the electricity seems stronger than yours, Bang Steven," Fauzan said.

"Ah, no way," said Steven.

"How to beat him," said Gilbert.

"Ah, I have an idea," Leonardo said and then shared his strategy.

"How?" said Leonardo.

"You're smart too," Steven said.

"I agree," said Gilbert.

"I'm coming," said Fauzan.

"But we can only unleash our power earlier, I think the attack strategy can only be done if we are proficient or easy to unleash our power," Gilbert said.

"Take it easy, I've read the guidebook, if someone has succeeded in releasing their power, then the rest will be easy, it's just creating it that's difficult," Leonardo said.

"Seriously?" said Steven. "Well, why lie," said Leonardo.

"Okay, let's go, Bang!" said Fauzan.

"Okay, let's start," Leonardo said.

They began their strategy of attacking Raka.

Fauzan approached Raka quickly using his mutant lion powers. "Sorry, Bang, don't be angry," Fauzan said and pointed his fist at Raka.

However, Raka reflexively dodged very quickly, seeing that Fauzan was just stunned. "Woah... it's cool how powerful this lightning is," said Raka who was surprised by his own element.

Then Gilbert appeared from behind a rock, stared at Raka and brought out a high wall to her left, right and back.

"Ah... sorry, I can't make a dome," said Gilbert.

Raka was surprised by the appearance of the wall around him and he had to face Fauzan.

Later, Steven jumped onto the wall made by Gilbert and stood on it.

"Hey, idiot, what are you doing upstairs? You should have attacked Raka right away," Leonardo shouted.

"Hehehe... There's no way I can follow all your directions. You only take the best parts. The best part can only be for me," Steven said.

"Akh, it's bad," said a panicked Raka, who quickly kicked Fauzan, and he bounced away from him.

"Raka, be my first stepping stone! Dragon Lightning, attack him!" said Steven as he unleashed the lightning element towards Raka.

With quick reflexes, Raka also took out lightning elements like small bullets towards Steven.

The two mains pass each other in the center, and both are very strong.

"Akh... Ouch, ouch, it hurts! How can I, an electric element user, get so sick from electricity," said Steven who was in pain.

"Ouch, ouch, the taste of centrum. It reminds me of home, experimenting with turning on a light bulb with an ordinary cable directly plugged into the switch," said Raka.

"Wow, you're crazy too, Bang. The experiment," said Fauzan, trying to stand up.

In that atmosphere, Leonardo quietly approached Raka from behind. Raka, who had strong instincts, realized his presence, but too late. Leonardo hit the weak spot on her neck, and she fainted instantly.

Seconds before Raka was about to faint, she said, "How come, so fast behind?" Then, she lay down.

"Phew... exhausting," Leonardo said.

"Wow, that's great, what a young master," Bilgard said.

"This is the boss's son," Lampart said.

"Sir, you're great," Luna said, approaching Leonardo and trying to hug him, but he avoided it.

"Congratulations, sir," Zerk said.

"It's just training, nothing to brag about," Leonardo said.

"Ok, since everyone has been able to unleash their power, we'll continue tomorrow," Luna said.

"What are we doing tomorrow?" asked Laras.

"Doing exercises so that you can bring out your unique abilities," Luna said.

"Wow, interesting! I can't wait," Hana said.

"But what about Radit?" asked Fauzan.

"Ah... As for him, maybe we should continue tomorrow. Who knows, reading the guidebook will make it easier to bring out his strength," said Lampart.

"Okay, let's go back to our rooms. Don't forget to go to the dining room afterwards," Leonardo said. Then they all walked out of the room.

"Uh... what about Raka and Steven?" asked Britta.

"I'll let the medical team take care of it," Bilgard said.

Then they all rested to continue the training the next day.

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