
New World: Terra

She is a quiet person and quite mysterious. However, once you get close to her, she will open up and the more you get to know her, surprising things will keep coming to you. The world that was once full of fairy tales and supernatural things that were just fictitious, has now become real. She and her friends start exploring the world, searching for the mystery of her identity and trying to make the world livable again. But will she succeed? What is there? Will they be able to discover new things and the truth about the world? The story of a world of swords, superpowers, magic, and an original modern background with a detailed world begins! *This is a translation from Indonesian. Although I'm not completely sure of the translation, I have used a paid translator tool which is reliable and more accurate. I hope you enjoy it.

Nosphire · Kỳ huyễn
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77 Chs

[2.11] Training Part 8

[2.11] Training Part 8

The blue team and the red team are heading to their respective positions before the start of the simulation.

"Lampart, which team do you think will win?" said Bilgard. "I don't know, but with this kind of advantage, it looks one-sided," said Lampart.

"Oh, really?" said Bilgard. "Yeah, you'll see. The red team is only 3 people and the blue team is 4 people, and Radit hasn't awakened his powers yet. The red team is outnumbered and outgunned," said Raka.

"Yes, it looks one-sided, but during a battle no one knows who will win. Besides, mentality and strategy can also determine victory," Bilagrd says.

"Yes, indeed," Lampart said as he stared at the monitor showing the two teams.

"Hello, do you hear?" said Johan to both teams. "Hey, there's a voice in my head," said a confused Fauzan.

"This is the sound that comes straight to your ears. So, before it starts you can think about your strategy for 3 minutes, after that there will be a siren sound, that means the battle simulation has started," said Johan.

After the announcement, both teams had arrived at their respective positions and the time to think about strategy began.


<<[Red Team Equipment]>>


Primary weapon: ARX-250 + Holo Scope x1.5

Secondary weapon: Glock 170 + Silencer

Support Tools: Knife, 2 grenades, 2 shock grenades, 2 smoke grenades, 2 Healing Injections, 1 Adrenaline Injection


Primary weapon: SWAR L GL + Scope x3 + Silencer

Secondary weapon: CF-06

Support Tools: Mando Sword, 3 Grenades, Knife, 1 Healing Syringe


Primary weapon: MP-9 + Silencer

Secondary weapon: Revolver 001

Support Tools: Knife, Sentry Gun-21 Suppressed, 10 Claymore M21 Mines, 3 Healing Injections


"There are many interesting weapons," said Radit.

Others began to select weapons and recommend each other.

"So what should we do?" said Fauzan.

"Oh, come on, don't ask me. If I were to make a strategy, I would only think about attacking," said Raka.

"You suck," Radit said.

"Eh... this way I always hit a lot of people when playing airsoft gun," Raka boasted.

"It's a plastic bullet, it's a real bullet, you know," Radit said.

"Bang, how do we survive?" said Fauzan.

"Uh, why are you holding on? Waiting for the enemy is boring, you know," said Raka.

"That's it, shut up," Radit said.

"Hey, Fauzan, you seem to have a good idea. Let's say it," said Radit.

"So you see, I'm carrying an automatic dome gun. I also carry a lot of traps in my bag. On the way here, I also saw buildings like small shop places, we'll defend there. Since Bang Radit hasn't awakened his powers yet, so Bang Radit will be behind us both from a distance while we both attack and lure the enemy, and monitor the enemy's movements when we are attacked," Fauzan said, giving his idea.

"Hmm... that's okay too, because I don't have any elemental or unique powers, the safest strategy and especially since there are only three of us," said Radit.

"Why not just attack directly," said Raka.

"Already, shut up. Do you have a better plan?" said Radit.

"Of course there is," said Raka.

"What is it?" said Radit.

"There is a 100% chance they will attack, so before they attack us, we attack them," said Raka.

"How?" said Radit.

"Fight directly," said Raka. Radit and Fauzan's faces were very flat hearing Raka's strategy.

"Okay, Zan, we'll go your way," Radit said.

"Ok, ready," Fauzan said.

After the conversation, the sound of sirens was heard.

"Come on, it's started, let's put up the marijuana immediately," said Radit inviting Fauzan to run immediately, and they ran first.

"Hoi, you guys aren't listening to me?" said Raka, but Fauzan and Radit didn't respond. "Oh, come on, at least answer something," Raka said, then he chased after the two of them.


<<[Blue Team Equipment]>>


Primary Weapon: P90 + Silencer

Secondary Weapon: M1911

Auxiliary Tools: Boya Sword, 3 Shock Grenades, 1 Healing Injector, 3 Adrenaline Injectors


Primary Weapon: K30 + Laser

Secondary Weapon: CZ-75

Auxiliary Tools: 4 Kunai, 1 Grenade, 2 Shock Grenades, Knife, 2 Adrenaline Injectors


Primary Weapon: AK-100M + Scope x3

Secondary Weapon: Shorty 12G

Auxiliary Tools: Knife, AI-R Drone, 2 Grenades, 2 Healing Injections


Primary Weapon: LSAT-210 + Holo Scope x1.5

Secondary Weapon: HK45

Auxiliary Tools: Knife, Panzerfaust-4, 2 Smoke Grenades, 4 Healing Injectors


"So what's the strategy? Defense or offense?" said Jiyan.

"Of course attack!" said Steven excitedly.

"Yes, that's right. We took the initiative to attack," Leonardo said.

Steven was a little surprised by Leonardo's words, which were usually always in the opposite direction. "Hey, you agree with me," Steven said.

"Just a coincidence, your stupid brain only thinks of attacking just like Raka," Leonardo said.

"So what?" said Gilbert.

"It's likely they will use a defensive strategy and set traps," Leonardo said.

"I see, so where will they stay?" said Gilbert as he opened the holographic map.

"If you look, there are two possibilities: in a residential area or in a shopping area with buildings that are only one to three stories high, which are next to the forest," Leonardo said.

"How do you know they might be there?" said Jiyan.

"Their condition. Radit doesn't have the strength yet and there are only three of them. If they stay in a field, they will be easily attacked, and if in a high-rise building, then their movements will be limited, especially Radit," Leonardo said.

"Then, we split up?" said Steven.

"No, we're staying together," said Leonardo. "If we split up, finding them will be faster," said Gilbert.

"Yes, indeed. But you have to be careful with Raka, even though he is a bit stupid, but his survival instinct is extraordinary," Leonardo said.

After that, a siren sounded signaling that the simulation had begun.

"It's already started. So, where do we go first?" said Steven.

"Housing," Leonardo said.

In the shopping area that was surrounded by forest, Radit, Raka and Fauzan had arrived there and they began to install all the Claymore M21 mines in places that were likely to be bypassed.

The Sentry Gun-21 Suppressed support device was placed in a hidden place and could protect Radit who was in full defense.

After about less than 10 minutes, Radit's team had set all the traps and waited for the Blue team to arrive.

On the other hand, the blue team has reached the residential area.

"Be careful, we're splitting into two teams. Jiyan and Steven go left, and me and Gilbert go right," Leonardo said. Everyone nodded, then began to split up.

Ten minutes had passed, the blue team was still checking the area very carefully.

"Hey, Leo. Looks like they're not in this area," Steven said over the radio.

"I don't know," Leonardo said.

"It will take a lot of time, I will be more aggressive," Steven said.

"What do you want to do?" said Leonardo.

"Walking in the middle of the highway. Protect me," Steven said, ending his words over the radio.

"Hey, Jiyan, I'll walk in the middle there," Steven said.

"Are you serious? If they're here, you're a bullet target. Remember what Bang Johan said, think of it as a real body because getting shot hurts," said Jiyan.

"No need to worry, we have superpowers now," Steven said with a smile, then walked towards the center of the street.

'I know we have superpowers, but that's not how war works. Does he play games too much?" Leonardo said in his mind.

Cautious and alert, Steven walked in the middle of the street and looked around. After about 5 minutes of walking, there was no sign of the red team.

"Leo, it looks like there aren't any of them here. We'd better go to the shopping area," Jiyan said over the radio.

"Yeah, it's not like they're here. Something should have happened a long time ago," Leonardo said.

"Shall we leave now?" said Gilbert. "Yeah, I don't think they're here," said Leonardo.

"Steven, Jiyan, gather at the place where we parted earlier, after which we go to the shopping area," Leonardo said.

"Ok, ready," said Jiyan and Steven.

After gathering, they went straight to the shopping area.

How about the story? Comment and let me know.

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