
New World Saga

Josh is and 18 year old kid who lives in a world where a controversial vr game has swept the world. As Josh graduates, his friend offers to buy him the game during it’s 100th anniversary. How will Josh cope with a new environment, read to find out if he will sink or swim. This book is being put on hold due to more time loss for school homework

Daoist753180 · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs


I can't believe how unlucky I am. "Hello, my name is Mr. Samuel, one of the masters here at the academy. Now, let's go around the room telling each other our names."

"Hello, my name is Rose, younger sister of the famous ranker, Pickle." She says as she triumphantly stood up. Next we're her subordinates Sapphire and Jade. Other than them, there were five others, two being guys named FlowingWind and MovingCloud, cool friends who also sat next to and talked with me

Today we will be going over how magic works, and some of the theory's behind it. Basically there are two types of magic, concept and chant magic." One is able to be instantaneous as long as you can understand basically the physics, for example, to create ice, you would use what is considered mp while envisioning the effect on a molecular level as well as on a human level, this is called concept magic. While chant magic is more of a set of predestined effects, supposedly given to humanity by the gods, long ago. Comparing the chant to concept magic, concept magic is way harder and uses more mp based on what you want but can do more stuff.

The next day was about practicing both types of magic and yes, he gave us different spells, I was great, top of the class, since you can only really be "good" at concept magic.

"Alright, now we will be doing a mock battle that has one on one battles from each team and if a teammate loses their 1v1, they are out. I'll let you pick your teams of three." Said Mr. Samuel as it was nearing the end of class.

First up, teams Rose and team C, my team. "Why don't you just give up little slug."

"Haha, in your dreams." I was going to end this quick.

"Alright, the first Person to land a clean blow wins. START!"

I immediately start off with a controlled explosion at my feet, taking all of my mp away, as I rocket towards her. "Sup, cutie." I whisper to her while winking, catching her off guard enough to punch her in the stomach.

"Team C wins."

We ended up winning the competition by a large gap. Also due to winning, we got an apprentice's ring.

That gives + 5 mp

The last day was about different events perks and other stuff about the magic community all across the continent.

After class on the last day, I got a message, saying to come get my swords. "Sup dude, how's it been?" "Pretty good, I met a young dictator haha, her name was Rose and I destroyed her in a magic tournament. Hey, enough about me where is Ray?" "Oh him, he has gone into the alchemy and cooking branch. Here are your rapiers by the way." "Thanks, I'll see you soon".

Next thing I need is something to practice on, and where would I find that, the training hall, the practice area for people of guilds, Mages association, etc.

After 2 hours of hitting moving dummies,

"Hey kid" I turn around to see an old guy watching me practice. "Yes sir" I respond "I have never seen that style of art before, are you making your own?" "Yes sir, I wanted to find and create my own style that suites me best". "Is that so, I feel good about you and your new art, come back when ever you want and you can practice with me." "Thank you sir". Ding... title found... "Sword Artist" description, old man Jankens has taken a liken to your ingenuity with swords, +3 to luck, +7 to attack,and +7 to agility. Ding... you are created a new sword art, what would you like to name it? "Hmm... mo fa dao men" meaning magic knives. Ding... being the creator of a sword art, you need time to evolve it, takes up main class slot, +5 luck. Holy s*** what is this luck!

Name: TrickishHarp

Title: none

Main class: sword artist

Secondary class: none

Art: mo fa dao men

Hat: none

Shirt: none

Legging: none

Boots: none

Necklace: none

Ring slot 1: apprentice ring

Ring slot 2: none

Str: 10

Mp: 8

Agi: 10

Resil: 3

Luck: 8

Elemental resis: 3

Skills: none