
New World Saga

Josh is and 18 year old kid who lives in a world where a controversial vr game has swept the world. As Josh graduates, his friend offers to buy him the game during it’s 100th anniversary. How will Josh cope with a new environment, read to find out if he will sink or swim. This book is being put on hold due to more time loss for school homework

Daoist753180 · Kỳ huyễn
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A New Starting point

BEEP...BEEP...BEEP..."PO... get up you'll be late for work"... Nuggets, I am late for the last day of school. I was up all night, watching gameplay of other players for a game that has been out a hundred years today, "World Online". Critics were saying how it could be controversial in evolving society creating companies within the game. So when my friend asked me if I wanted the New World system's gear, I was ecstatic.

I bike probably 3 miles to and from school every day, run 2 miles and also work on breathing, so I could be considered very athletic, but I never joined any sports as I didn't find a need for it. This would end up with me having few friends and not being very popular. "Hey Jobi, you seem out of it, it is close to the last day of school for us seniors." By the way, my name's Josh but my nickname is Jobi. "Oh, sorry I was just thinking about the game. Hey when are we going to get my gear?" I said. "We can go right after school to pick it up" said John. World Companies, which was the name of the company that created it, would make today the first day the game was open to the public. John was the son of the CEO of a company who was also able to get some of the early access, and was one of my 7 friends and also our financial game supporter.

"Beep... school's out go home". Finally, I am able to go get my gear. My fire-team friend group, also my only friends would be able to get our gear. Other than John, there was Mark who would always be a tanker, Sam who loved to be a healer, Ray and Ethan being both crafters of some sort and ranged, Aidan being a ranged dps and aoe character, while Quinn maining an assassin and leader of any operations and me being a melee support character jumping in to relieve stress on others. We all decided to meat up at the entrance where John would drive us in his truck to get the gear. After standing around with the boys, I heard behind my, " you boys looking for a ride.", John I new it was him. "Ya, if you care to drive us to the local World Companies." I said. "Sure, hop in." He replied. On our way we were talking about pefessions, like Ray being an Alchemist or Ethan being a Blacksmith. Our conversation was cut short with a "were here." "Hey, how much did this cost you?" I said. "15 thousand dollars, haha" replied John. Wow, that's a lot.

After getting home, I stay in an apartment alone as my father is always away on travel. First I had plug in the console than the headset/ helmet while reading the instructions that say to lay on either ground or on a safe surface. To turn it on, you have to click the red button on the side , than to dive in after it has loaded, press the button in front of it and your in.

Wow the imaging looks amazing.