
New World, Reborn

A strange phenomenon happened all around the world, jade like stones appeared everywhere. While every government and citizen were looking for answers, Ryan, a newly high school graduate, took the first step into a new magical and terrifying world, Astus

NandoXD · Quân đội
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The school's bells rang when the graduation ceremony ended. Ryan, a freshly graduate with a slightly more handsome appearance than the general population, was walking home when the jade like stones appeared out of nowhere, they were crystal like and without any imperfections. At first, Ryan thought that he was extremely lucky for finding such a beautiful gem, however he was quickly disappointed after looking around and seeing dozens of the same gem. Nonetheless, Ryan's gem was slightly different from the others.

After arriving at the front door of his house, he breathed in and walked right inside. He was alone, his father abandoned him and his mother when he was younger, after sometime, his mother died tragically in a car accident, leaving Ryan alone with a single apartment and some inheritance money, something that helped him greatly because he didn't need to work and focused on studying.

After that, Ryan bathed in his small bathroom and looked himself through the mirror, he was lean, had dark eyes and hair, his face didn't have any youthfulness or innocence. While preparing his food, he suddenly got an unexpectable urge, Ryan quickly took the gem that he found while going home and putted it in his mouth. Instantly he appeared in a dark room with a strange panel ahead of him. At first, it appeared some strange symbols and characters, after some time they rearranged themselves and formed a phrase that will be remembered in human's history as the starting point of a new era:

(Hello humans and welcome to Astus)