
Chapter 2

"Stay calm, little one, embrace your new journey, and let these beings know your name," the gentle presence spoke with kindness.

With a soft motion, a mysterious mist formed, enveloping the young protagonist. The world blurred, fading into darkness. Amidst the obscurity, a sudden glimmer brightened the surroundings, followed by countless lights resembling stars twinkling in the vast night sky.

One of these lights drew nearer, unexpectedly merging with the protagonist.

In a distant corner of the universe, a beam of light burst from the ground, causing commotion. Winds howled, the earth trembled, and waters surged.

After a while, the radiant beam slowly faded, leaving behind a cherubic boy with dark hair and blue eyes. As his eyes fluttered open for the first time, he found himself surrounded by creatures, each monstrous in size yet oddly capable of speaking human language.

Perplexed, the young one surveyed the strange scene. Unfamiliar with his surroundings, the new boy began to cry, his cries filling the air.

The creatures—let's call them creatures—covered their ears in response. Among them stood someone who looked human. Was she truly human?

A whirlwind of thoughts raced through the protagonist's mind. Why was he here? Why wasn't the human attacked? Why were they in a forest and not a home? Slowly, one of the creatures approached. It was a colossal gorilla, hundreds of meters in size. Overwhelmed with fear, the protagonist burst into tears, his fear amplifying his confusion.

Witnessing this, the giant gorilla retreated. Meanwhile, a slender young woman emerged. She picked up the protagonist, regarding him with a mix of concern and bewilderment.

"How can a child emerge from the light? I expected a formidable creature, yet it appears to be a mere infant," the young lady pondered aloud. Despite her youthful appearance, she had existed for a hundred thousand years (appearances can be deceiving).

But as the newborn gazed at her and offered an innocent smile, her perplexity dissolved. This was one of the gifts bestowed upon him by the Deity—the power of empathy, capable of soothing people not just through words but also with a mere glance, instilling sudden tranquility.

As time passed, the lady continued to accompany the newborn and eventually decided to give him a name.

"As you are human and will one day embark on your journey, I have chosen a name for you," the lady declared, studying the newborn, who seemed utterly bewildered. However, seeing his adorable reaction, she couldn't help but chuckle.

"From this moment forth, your name shall be Qin Chen," she proclaimed with confidence. In response, the newborn protagonist beamed, delighted with the name he had been given.

Witnessing Qin Chen's reaction, the young lady continued to play with him and decided to explore the forest together.

Along the way, they encountered various kinds of creatures; some possessed immense winds capable of producing hurricanes, while others could transform into anything they desired. All of this fascinated Qin Chen.

Qin Chen had already resolved to protect this newfound land and repay the kindness he had received.

Three years passed since Qin Chen arrived in his new world. He befriended every creature he encountered, utilizing the empathy he had chosen earlier.

He was playing with a butterfly in a garden full of different flowers, which captivated him. He had stumbled upon this place by accident while chasing a butterfly.

Suddenly, Qin Chen heard his name being called. He thought it might be his sister, Xiao Wu—the young lady who saved him. Without any reason to worry, he turned his head, and something unexpected happened.

A small panel appeared out of nowhere, covered in writing.

"Congratulations, little one! You have used the power I gave you for the greater good. I have witnessed your progress in utilizing the power of empathy. I knew from the start that you would choose this power. I saw your purity and decided to grant you another reward. Wondering what it is? Here is your answer. I have blessed you with a system to help you survive in this world. This system is my most potent gift yet; it contains everything you need to grow stronger and conquer this world. Use it wisely.

Warm regards,


Seeing the panel, he was overjoyed and didn't know how to contain his excitement. (Of course, who wouldn't be happy?) He walked around the garden, and he was suddenly shocked because a panel suddenly appeared again, different from before. This time, there was a panel divided into different sections: status, shop, spin, inventory, and an unknown section.