125 Want

Vy's eyes widened in shock. 

She took a step back, did she hear that right? She tightened the grip on her dress. What was this feeling of dread that was rushing through her entire body? She looked to King Olwin for answers but he did not offer her any clues. 

"You want Dotty? I mean my system?" Vy asked in disbelief. 

Her eyebrows furrowed. Did her ears deceive her? What did they want with Dotty? What would they get out of taking Dotty anyways?

"I understand this sounds extremely out of the blue, but we would like to make a deal with you, Miss Vyrena." King Olwin said as sweat trickling down his forehead.

He knew he had to mediate the situation. His daughter had always been direct with these requests. Usually, the end result is not so pleasant. 


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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