


solo_play · Kỳ huyễn
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With the thought of exploring this new world which has only two colours of sky black at night and red at day. truthfully, I was scared and don't want to live the house even though I have no other choice but to scout out the area for survival. with this suddenly I got a breakthrough in my thoughts and imagined if this is just a tipoff the iceberg there may be well-advanced civilizations where, I can find a suitable place to live. I was joyed and was thinking to find the secrets of the New World. But my thought process was disturbed by the sound of my stomach. where are rats making a mess for food And I couldn't endeavour anymore so I rushed to the kitchen for eating leftovers. I was embarrassed! because, the sound from my stomach couldn't stop. As there was nothing much to eat. I sighed and started my journey in search of food. in this way for the first time coming into this world I mean hell I decided to leave the stronghold behind. And descendant from the mountain like plateau, but before doing that I searched the whole mountain for food and except some wild berries I couldn't find anything else. It sure is a bad luck Which does not let go me. And, I started to laugh at myself. Truly a bad condition I was in! I sighed again. But everything come to an end cause, I was stoned look at the scenery beneath the mountain. Huge forest with the trees as giant as Mount Everest. Not literally but in comparison to the forest of earth this forest where at least hundred, no! 1000 times wilder. The sky was red, and forest looked danced black as its leaves were very dark, but what shocked me most watch a 🐻 bear like creature. Drinking water which look like red blood, no! no! that's not what I mean; I mean the size of bear at least 25. Ha. no, I can't call you the bear now, it's more like a baby Godzilla. I was not even at the foot of mountains. And I could feel the pressure from the existence of that use bear. Truly frightening nothing I could do except surviving. I waited for the bear like creature to go back from where it has come. descendant the mountain to drink the water. I couldn't believe water was red not because of sky but its colour or nature was really like blood. But I don't have anything else that I can consume. There is no going back now I had to become powerful. I am just like last time I swear burning with desire to survive. Now that I am at the foot of mountain, I could see how huge it was at least 2 km in height. Well, I am not going back. It was almost time of night and I need a shelter to to hide and I considered myself really lucky for the first time after a long as I can find shoes rock with small cracks in it where I can easily fit and sleep and as well as hide to survive. With this 26 day of my hell ended. Next day I woke up really early in the morning and to the shock I could find the huge bear like creature outside my hiding spot. I was literally very near only hundred metres away from him and another shocking surprise was that he was a glaring at another huge monster which look like a big anaconda of 70 metres height and 2 metres width. But I wasn't shock because I was in hell where nothing is impossible