

Good news, I finally finish my collage and now I'm finally a Bachelor of Economic (Sarjana Ekonomi). It's really a long journey for me... 6 years... and now I can do anything I want. I want to correct this trash I made in an attempt to learn English. So, I guess I should start with correcting on my many mistakes on grammar and stories... Thanks ************************************************************ It's a Story about a man who died saving someone and given a second chance at a new life in The World God Only Knows world and there are also many characters from other anime. That sum this story. ************************************************************ This is my first English story please understand the grammar isn't good enough. I did use Grammarly the free version though so I hope it can make my story more readable. ************************************************************ Also please give me support with coffee here ko-fi.com/boy72 as I really need money soon to pay for my college. If you guys help me pay it I will be really grateful and post 5 chapters/day for 1 month. ************************************************************ Rank 1-50 : 1000 Word/Chapter Rank 51-100 : 900 Word/Chapter Rank 101-150 : 800 Word/Chapter Rank 151-199 : 700 Word/Chapter Rank 200 : 600 Word/Chapter Rank 200+ : Up to me. It means it can be more or less as I like. ************************************************************ The Update is always 2 chapters/day. And starting today the update will be at night time. At least in my place, it will be night. Don't really know about the other place's time. I finally have a new laptop that I manage to buy using my wage. So I guess you can expect my story on your library again.

Just_Reading72 · Tranh châm biếm
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203 Chs


The four of us go together to a meeting room that I prepare.

Ophis is waiting for us inside Council Room where we use that place as for talking alliance or just having a meeting.

We even use that room when Azazel come the other day.

I sit in my cair raising my eyebrows looking at Ophis.

Huh? It decides to use the young girl again.

Why? Didn't Tenri just said that it uses the old man's appearance.

"Katsuragi Keima!" She said expressionlessly.

"Ouroboros Dragon Ophis!"

With her as usual is Vali.

Look like he is its bodyguard now.

"I hear you want to see me before. Please help yourself!" I take out some cake for us to enjoy ourselves.

Ophis look at Vali and told him to sit beside her.

I look at Tenri and she just shakes her head.

Knowing that I want to make sure she didn't make a joke before saying Ophis use the old man's appearance.

"I hope you won't mind with my form. I usually take an old man's appearance as you know I'm a genderless being but I take a liking for this form. So I change it as much as I want!" That explains it then.

Well, I'm not really bothered by it so it's fine.

"It's okay. What do you need from me then? As you know I have another thing I have to do!" I strike to the business.

When I say this I mean that she didn't have upper ground against me at all.

Right now her power is already taken half by Rizevim.

She nod, "I know. At first, I want you to join me killing stupid red for taking away my silence!" I can't help but sigh at that.

Killing stupid red as she said it wasn't that simple.

I said it before. True I can kill them.

But that itself brings problems.

If I kill Great Red other stronger beings can come to this dimension using their power.

And who know their power.

It's also caused a problem with civilization so I can't have that.

"Yes, even if you ask at that time I would say no to that!" Ophis didn't refute that.

Then Vali look straight at me and said, "We intend to join your faction!" I actually surprise hearing that but didn't really show it of course.

"Oh? You two will?"

"Ophis and My team will!" So that includes Kuroka, Bikou, Arthur, and Le Fay, if she already joins that is.

"Interesting. correct me if I'm mistaken. But aren't you guys are just a terrorist a while ago!" Tenri said this looking sharply at those two.

"We know. And we understand that we are basically a bad guy. I think I can say that you all have noticed this already and despite that actually letting us inside!"


"Well, tell me then. What is your purpose in joining me?" I ask them back.

"Because you are the best chance we can get to kill Rizevim!" Vali response in a cold tone.

"Such a bad grandchildren. Thinking about killing their gramp!" Komachi snort at this.

Vali glare at me for saying that.

"Very well. If you can tell me why I should let you join me I will accept you guys!" I decide that.

I didn't really care about them, to be honest.

But as long as they didn't go against me they are fine in my book.

"We will...."