
New Sniper on the 141/ König love

When the 141 got a Sniper due to the uniform, no one knew it was a woman until the mission ended up lasting longer than they thought, and her helmet got fucked, so she took it off, and everyone was shocked seeing it being a woman. She finds her long lost brother, also going to be zombies so watch out lol

RoseMaddox1990 · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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6 Chs

Back at base

Kinsley was yelling on the phone and smoking. "You twat, you couldn't wait for two months, you little shit stain," she said. "Oh fuck that drive the truck I brought back to my base and have your little stank pick you up also all your shit out of my place in the next three hours," she said and hung up. She walks back and sighs. She went to the gym and was running pissed off. König walks in and stops the treadmill. "König not okay to be with me at the moment," she says. He walks over and shuts and locks the door. "Let it out, Liebling," he said. She fell and cried. "My mom is right; I will be alone forever," she said. König let her cry. "Why did you call me darling" she sniffs. He looks away. "When I saw you doing all the parkour without fail with a sniper in hand, I wanted you to be mine," he said bluntly. She blushes. "We'll I am freshly single, so," she said. Soap tries to open the door. "Dude, I want to work out," he said. "Okay," she said, opened the door, and walked out with Köing. "Oh, my friends and I will play at a local bar. You should come and hear me sing all of you," she said happily. König nods. "I will go," he told Gaz nods. "Sounds cool count me in," he said. Soap walks out. "Me and Ghost will be there," he said. She smiles, goes to change, comes out in a mid-thigh black dress, and goes. König made a fist and swallowed. He transforms into street clothes, slowly removes his mask and eye grease, and walks out. Soap saw him. "Okay, König," he said. They all go. She was on stage about to sing when she saw Köing without a face cover. "Man trying to give me a heart attack," she thought. König sat close to the stage and smiled at her. She blushed and started to sing. Her ex walks in. Soap saw it first. He throws a balled-up napkin at Köing and nods to the ex-boyfriend. König looked and slowly got up and sat down next to him. "She is sexy, you think so," he asked. Kinsley's heart was pounding seeing it but kept singing. Her ex looks. "Ehh, if you like girls who like BDSM and in the military, plus her smoking was a huge turn-off," he said. König looks at her, hearing it. "BDSM can be fun for both if done right," he said. Standing up, he walked back over to his seat and sat down. After she finished, the 141 clapped and cheered for her. She giggles and bows. König helps her off-stage. She smiles. König tossed her over his should, making sure her dress was down. "Köing what," she said. He looks back. "I just learned you like BDSM," he said, slapping her ass hard enough to leave a mark. She moans, feeling it. She covered her mouth. König grinned and took her to his house and picked her up again, slapping her ass and leaving a mark on the other cheek. She moans, feeling it. König loved hearing her. He tied her wrists together, tied her legs apart, and smirked, looking at her. "Listen, Kensliy, I am big on this also," he said, pulling a knife out. "When you are nice, horny, and wet after cumming a few times, I will carve my name into your inner thigh and take care of you after," she moans, hearing it. "I already know I won't fit, so today will be my name if you take all five letters and three of my fingers, and if you can handle that, you understand me," he said Kensliy nodded and wiggled around, wanting to be touched. He smirks, seeing it; he cuts off her dress. She swallows, feeling the cold blade against her skin. He put the knife down while his rough hands ran across her smooth skin. "Our safe word is purple," he said. She nods. This man turned on Kensily like her dream man came out and tied her up. She was almost leaking due to how wet she was. König was kissing and sucking hard on her neck, making sure to leave hickeys. He kissed her roughly. She swallows a moan and kisses back and moans feeling his tongue. He pressed his knee into her crotch. She gasps and groans, feeling it. He grins and returns to kissing her while moving his knee in a circular motion. She loved making out with him. She loved feeling his hands gripping her hips. "König, I am going to cum" she breathed. He stopped and moved his knee. She gasped. "Fuck König, no," she breathed. He smirks. He loved edging. Once he noticed her breathing evened out, he slid a finger inside her. She moaned loudly. "Fuck" she moaned. König was sucking on her neck. He was rubbing her clit with his thumb. "König, I am going fo cum" she said. He pulled his finger out, her eyes watering. "König," she begged. He smirks. "Yes, Princess," he whispers. "Please let me cum" she moans. He kisses her deeply. She kisses back. "If you can handle getting my first letter," he said, putting a towel under her left leg and ice on her leg. She swallowed. Her body was on fire. He pulled his knife out. She swallows, seeing it. "Remember the safe word," he said. She nods. "Purple," she said. He nodded and started her eyes to water; he finished the K. She breathed when he stopped. "My princess, you did it. You can come for me," he said, sliding in two fingers. Kinsley moans loudly. "Fuck yes," she said. König was moving his fingers. He had his thumb on her clit, pressing as he moved his fingers. She moaned loudly and came hard. He grins and licks his fingers. He kisses her deeply. She kisses back. "I want you to finish your name," she breathed. "I also want you to take a picture of it finished." he smirks. "God, you are amazing," he says, lifting her leg so it rests on his shoulder and starts the O. She swallows and moans when he starts on N. He sees this and grins. "Just two more letters," he says. She nods. König licks the blood up. She swallows. He started on the I he. He soon finished his name, cleaned the wounded, wrapped it, untied her limbs, and kissed her softly. "A warm bath and food," he said. "Right picture," he said and took a picture of her leg.