
Hail to the King!!

Somewhere in the Jungle of Jawin 4 Light flashes appeared with lightning scaring animals nearby that run in every direction.

Handsome blonde Boy appeared from it.

"So here it begins, huh" Said boy with amusement, looking around.


Black window appeared

In Right Uper corner is Ammount of monay he has interesting that they have symbol of Euro and dolar merged Euro-loladrs ED in short

On Left from top to bottom are options Shop and Status


screen shows listed in the categories Civil and Military


Name user needed to make choice

After some minutes, Boy decided to go with Zack


Race User need to make a choice options Ghoul Vampire Demon

"That harder choice" All of raices was great and i'm comfoteble in use but I need to make a choice with which is my starter. Demon is great but needs a lot Mana to use his powerful magic and body abilities also needs to consume souls to raise rank .

Ghoul is a great option I'm starting from bottom power lvl and don't have much mana to start with Ghouls base is their body and natural weapon that rise from their lower back and have many forms called kagune only needs little mana to infuse their body or kagune with an addiction effect. Perfect doesn't it ? But unfortunately, not you see they need to feed on meat from intelligent humanoids to bust rank of their kagune and body only if I had Ghoul and Vampire race Ghoul can rank up by drinking/absorbing blood and I don't have this option also I don't know if there is any intelligent humanoids as For Buying ship and hunt elsewhere well I don't think that Jedi will Close Eye if they get info that something is eating residents of some planet. So it live Vampire they Have Pretty aperance especialy Royals and Have many hair and eyes colors in Normal form but Royals as I'm have Pure Blood Form When our body and power is busted but our skin becomes white eyes crimson red And white hair in both forms can use claws lenght controled max 12cm Razor sharp when infused with mana sharp and strong enough to go against beskar armor or energy sword so yea.

And for Account, Zack will have more abilities in any of this race than others that will be created in futere becouse in sens of universe he is a progenitor of this races they can't be buyed only created his creation will be in royal rank their creation would be weaker and so on to the point of mindlest beast with many weaknesses. Also he can only give some drops of his blood to humans to stop their ageing and strengthening bodies at max 2times of original limit there also will be limits to that so don't worry and Also There will be counting EDs in chapters but when economy starts roling only buying will be said maybe biger Constructions and ships will have named prise .

"I chose Vampire race" Was Zacks Decision feeling his power and body strenghtening it feels good but as he was used to much higher state he was calm



Race:Vimpire (Progenitor)

Power:Mana Access to Shadow Element and Devil Flame (Blue Color)

Rank:Lower F When using True Blood state Rank rose to Higher F

"Hmm Minimalistic but clear" Though Zack

Ding Screan shows the notification. Zack Opened it

"As host End Personalization There is a Beginner Gift Pack Open?"

"Yes" Zack simply said


-10 scaut

-20 Militia

-Shinobi (Lower F)

-Soldier rations 2 crates

-Mana Armor set + Weapon

-500K EDs

As troops are granted by system they will come equipped with standard and as one star when buying host can customize, but weapons and gear or stars buy in detail"

"Not Bad Millitia is weak but for now will be enough scouts good they will scaut area best from it is Shinobi and EDs are good suprise" Zack thouth with smile

"Gear up my Armor and Wepon"

Shadow mist rise and complytly engleful Zack when dispresed armmor was set Swords in Hands. Good

"Summon Soldiers"

Mist covered area before him after some moments there could be seen 31 Figures kneeling in front of him in 2 groups on left millitia right scauts

In middle between two groups on front is kneling lone figure That look to be younger than Zack emiting mana aura with Black Ninja like suit with Ninja sword on back and half mask on face.

All of them have aura of determination and devotion.

"Hail to the King!!" Shout Thundered in Jungle

New power will Rise