

I surprised to say the least, never did I really expect that Jean Grey a fully indoctrinated cultists would show up at my door step. Yet Lo and behold right before me there she is looking extremely nervous and uncomfortable without her friends at her side. Judging by the fact she had luggage with her it seemed like she was either kicked out which was extremely unlikely; or she decided to leave. Rather than make this more awkward I decided to move the plot along.

"Hello Jean, please come inside"

Jean: I... thank you

I took her bag from her passing it to Cortana as we went back inside.

"Cortana place this in one of the empty rooms and prepare some tea for us"

Cortana: The tea is already ready please relax and it will be out shortly with some snacks

"Thank you Cortana"

As we sat down Cortana appeared with drinks and snacks handing each of us a cup of tea. We sat in silence as Jean slowly built up the nerve to say something as I never asked or said anything regarding her circumstances.

Jean: I came here because I didn't know who else to turn to as I couldn't stay at the X mansion. I tried talking about my insecurities regarding the professor to Scott but he just dismissed it every time until he blew up. He was so angry thinking I was betraying him some way by questioning the professor.

"You lived in a school it should be normal to ask questions. No one is without fault other than the enlightened God Emperor of mankind."

Jean: That is another thing I wanted to ask you about you said that you believe that there will be another Emperor of mankind and that you are preparing for whomever it may be yet you don't seem to be actively searching for them why?

"If I am honest I am afraid that you may not believe me"

Jean: Try me

"Every person I meet I search for unique qualities and potential but I must also act with caution otherwise I may influence possibly corrupt a potential candidate. The other reason is to protect candidates from those that would seek to destroy or influence them."

Jean: What if you are wrong I mean you have met many amazing people I sure that you have hundreds of possible candidates at least by now and what if you are wrong?

"It's called faith for a reason I never said that I knew who it is. Maybe it's someone I crossed off my list is in fact the Emperor of mankind but they weren't when I initially checked them. Maybe they just weren't ready at the time but would be in the future. As for my list I only encountered three individuals so far that seem likely"

Jean: That is not very encouraging but at least it is better than zero anyone on the list you could tell me about?

"There is but I believe you will severely doubt who it is"

Jean: Stop with the dramatic suspense and just tell me who it is!


Jean: Yu? That sounds Asian is he someone I should know?

"I mean you Jean Grey are a likely candidate to be the Emperor of mankind or should I say Emperess of mankind"

Jean: Me!! Why me?! It can't be me!

"Why can't it be you?"

Jean: It just can't... I'm no savior and I'm certainly not strong enough... you are definitely wrong it can't be me!

"You are stronger than you know not every leader of mankind should be exactly the same the fact that you don't desire such authority makes you more worthy than those that seek it for themselves. You must stand up and face the darkness that threatens mankind as you have on your missions with the X-men. It is our duty cut out every scrap of darkness that threatens humanity from the corruption of chaos to the Emperor forsaken xeno"

Jean: That was different...

"Did you not choose to stand up and fight the injustices before?"

Jean: I don't know the professor may have influenced me to do so

"If humanity was threatened would sit on the sidelines?"

Jean: No!

"I am the same even at the risk of body or soul I would stand against those forces because like you I am a warrior"