
New Life = Lewd Life

"Are you absolutely sure about this?" I gave her one last chance to back out. Her beautiful, watery eyes wavered momentarily, thoughts flowing chaotically in her mind. Then, suddenly, they blazed with determination as she bit her lip. "Yes," she stated resolutely. "I want this. I need this." A smirk formed on my face as I took her hand in mine, pulling her body close, her soft, bubbly butt landing on my thighs. "Then come to me. Let's forget your husband together." - x - X - x - "Aahn~!!" "Not here, please! My parents are just outside," she moaned softly, trying to suppress her voice, whispering in my ear. "Didn't you invite me to your house? Don't tell me you didn’t want this," I said huskily, giving her sensitive ear a lick. "No!... ahhnn~ I didn't know they would come back!! Hngh~" she said between moans. Despite her words, her hand still clutched my shirt tightly while her legs wrapped around me, as if she would never let go. "Hehe... if you really want that, stop holding me and I'll stop," I said provocatively. Her face flushed immediately, and she turned her head sideways even as her body trembled. But she didn't stop holding me. Hehe, I am loving this new world! - x - X - x - "Yess!! Harder! Harder! Don't stop!!" she screamed into my ear. "Hehe, I didn't know you were this passionate. Is it because your boyfriend is just behind this wall?" I teased as I increased my pace. "Yess!!... I love it so much, cheating on that bastard!! You are so much better than him!!" she cried, her eyes swirling crazily as she clung to me. "Well, it's his loss," I said, feeling a surge of satisfaction. That guy deserved it for cheating on such a wonderful woman. "Let's forget about him!! I don't care anymore! Even if he sees me!" she said, licking my neck and sending shivers down my spine. - x - X - x - This is the story of a Man with experience, who dies after taking down one of the most powerful gangs in his country. Now reincarnated in a Pornhwa World by a mysterious but shady system, he discovers he gains special abilities the more he indulges in the world's sensual pleasures. So who is he to deny such a golden opportunity? Watch as he embraces his new life, using his abilities to their fullest extent, and dominate this whole world. - x - X - x - And one more thing: No Netorare[Guys who want this should cut off their dick and hang themselves and let death take away your pathetic existence from this world]

NexusPrimodius · Tranh châm biếm
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22 Chs

Chapter 13

Chapter 13

The sun was almost setting when he reached home. Now that he thought of it, Eun Ha must be worried sick about him.

Sighing, he realized he had gotten a little too cozy and comfortable with the blondie that he lost track of time with her. And also he didn't have the habit of someone being worried for him if he was a little late, especially not like this.

As he approached the door, he thought about how to explain his absence. The excuse of being with Gobong wouldn't work since Eun Ha might call Gobong house, even exposing his earlier lie.

Ultimately, he shrugged off the concern. He wasn't in the mood to overthink a small thing like this. After all, Dae Ho was 18 years old , an adult. He could be a little late if he wanted. He wasn't a kid anymore.

Taking a shallow breath, he turned the knob and stepped inside. As expected, he was suddenly enveloped in a tight hug by a sexy figure, his face smashed into two bountiful mountains, almost reminding him of the ones he had recently encountered at the motel.

"Where were you? Do you know how worried I was?" Eun Ha's voice was filled with concern as she pushed his head even deeper into her bosom, almost suffocating him.

"Agh~ Aunt, l-let me breathe," he said, his voice muffled as he tried to push her away by holding her waist, but her grip was too strong.

'Wtf! How strong is this woman! Or is it just my body that's weak?' he grumbled internally. Seeing that Eun Ha wasn't planning to let go, he had to resort to his ultimate technique. While he didn't mind the feel of her soft breasts pressed against his face, he didn't want to die from suffocation.

He opened his mouth slightly and gave a small bite to the peak of her breast.

"Aahn!~" she moaned, immediately releasing her hold on him and letting him breathe.

He gasped for breath for a moment before looking up at her and immediately noticed the flush spreading across her cheeks, but it was quickly overtaken by a chiding and pouty look as she glared at him.

'...Fuck! What are those changing expressions! They are almost turning me on again. The women here in this world are really a succubus' He thought while slapping his horny mind back into his place. "Sorry... I needed to breathe as you were hugging too hard. You didn't want me to die, right?" he said, shrugging his shoulders.

She opened her mouth to say something but ultimately closed it, "I am…sorry" she apologised but not before giving him a stink eye.

It seemed she was more annoyed by him biting her nipple, though he could see it wasn't just pure anger; there was something else mixed in too.

"Where were you?" she asked again.

"Didn't I tell you? I was with Go—"

"I called Gobong, so don't lie," she interrupted, frowning. He had never lied to her before, so what happened to him now?

"I... went to the city. I wanted to roam alone once, to check it out," he said calmly. No need to lie anymore since she had already called Gobong and it's not like he was hiding murder.

"City?! Alone? Why did you do that? What if someone kidnapped you? You don't even know the directions!" she almost shouted upon hearing his answer, her heart beating fast. Dae Ho had never traveled alone, even outside of this small town, and now he had gone to the city by himself! She couldn't even imagine it.

"I'm 18, Auntie, an adult. If I can't travel to the city alone, how will I even take care of myself in future? You can't always take care of me, right?" he said.

"B-But I…" She wanted to say but seeing the calm and serious look on his face, she paused. Hearing such mature words from Dae Ho's mouth she couldn't find the words to respond. She had taken care of him since he was 10 years old, handling all his needs up until now even the most basic ones like taking him to pee until he was 16. It was hard for her to process her emotions about him suddenly asserting his independence.

Seeing her struggling, he softened his tone. "I appreciate the concern, Auntie. But I need a bit more independence, uh... just like you give to Mia noona."

"Oh... I see." She nodded a bit blankly.

Dae Ho nodded, understanding what was likely going through her mind. After all, a sheltered child suddenly wanting independence would surely shock any parental figure. But he knew he couldn't do anything about it, and he didn't want to behave childishly like the old Dae Ho. It was too draining to act that way, so after today, he decided to totally give it up.

"I'm not saying I don't need you," he added quickly, seeing the flicker of hurt in her eyes. "I just need to learn some things on my own."

She sighed, her shoulders relaxing slightly. "I understand, Dae Ho. It's just... you've always been so close. It's hard to let go."

He gave her a reassuring smile. "I'll always be close, Auntie. I just need to spread my wings a bit." 'Ugh..the cringe.'

She returned his smile, albeit a bit hesitant. "Alright. Just promise me you'll be careful."

"I promise," he said earnestly, squeezing her hands gently.

She pulled him into another hug, and this time, it felt much more soft . They stood there for a moment, before finally seperating and getting inside.

As they went inside, something else was going through Eun Ha's mind. 'What was that smell? It was a womanly scent for sure, and he was literally covered with it. Did he go to see a woman?' Her face couldn't help but frown immediately at the thought, as she bit her lower lip. She somehow didn't like that.

Dae Ho noticed her sudden shift in mood. "Auntie, are you alright?"

She snapped out of her thoughts, forcing a smile. "Yes, just a bit tired, I guess. It's been a long day."

He nodded, though he couldn't shake the feeling that there was something she wasn't saying. "You should rest then."

Eun Ha nodded, trying to conceal her swirling thoughts. 'Who could it be? He's never shown interest in girls before…' The idea of him being with someone else, especially without telling her, unsettled her more than she wanted to admit. 'Is it because he was aroused after yesterday and didn't want to ask me? No, I can't let that happen. I have to help him. I can't let some outsider garbage take advantage of my dear Dae Ho, especially since he's very inexperienced in this matter. I have to make sure he doesn't go outside to relieve himself.'

"By the way, Dae Ho, were you with someone today? I noticed a peculiar bad smell on you," she asked with a motherly smile.

'What the hell! Is she a dog? And even then there's no way I have a bad smell on me, especially after I took a bath with Hyuna before leaving the motel. Wait!, is she referring to Hyuna's scent as bad? How did she even notice it?' He thought with a frowning expression.

"No… Auntie. I was just at a game café all day, so maybe the smell came from there," he said calmly, maintaining his composure.

'Game café, huh? Noted,' Eun Ha thought and her intuition told that he wasnt telling the whole truth.

"Oh, I see. Never mind then. You should go wash up; there's hot water prepared in the upstairs bathroom," she said with a sweet smile, eager to rid her house of any lingering scent.

Dae Ho gave a small nod. "Uh, okay. I'll go wash up then."As he headed towards the stairs, Eun Ha watched him intently, her mind racing. 'I can't believe he's hiding something from me. I need to make sure he stays on the right path.' She bit her lower lip, her stomach feeling a bit cramped, but at the end she just shook her head and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner.

Meanwhile, Dae Ho was trying to process the strange turn of events. 'How the hell did she even notice that smell? I was sure I washed everything off. Though I did cuddle up with Blondie for an hour after that.' He sighed as he reached the bathroom, turning on the hot water. Since she had noticed the scent and even wanted him to wash it off, he didn't protest much. The walk from the city to the town, which was at least 10 km, had left him drenched with sweat and exhausted. 'I seriously need to work on this body,' he thought.

As he undressed and stepped into the shower, he let the water cascade over him, washing away the remnants of the day's activities. The warm water was soothing, making his mind still and calm. 'Today was quite a good day. Firstly, I got my lust satisfied with a beauty and even got a good ability as a reward, not to mention the supernatural skill I got, which is really interesting.'

Feeling the soreness in his legs, he used the {Advanced Massage} skill on them to relieve the pain and immediately almost moaned in relaxation. 'Fuck! This skill is crazy. Even when I'm using just a quarter of its potential, I almost feel like I'm passing out from the pleasure. Should I really open a massage parlour? It would be a good hobby and make good money too, not to mention the happy endings I could give.'

While he thought about those he slowly massaged his legs, feeling the soreness and exhaustion leaving him as he drifted into a zone of pleasure, almost like sleeping.

- x - X - x -

[Soo Ah's POV]

Heavy Breaths~

In a dark room, barely lit by a dim bulb, Soo Ah lay on her bed breathing heavily, sweat drenching her body so much that even her clothes were sticking to her, showing off her hourglass figure. Sadly, no one was there to appreciate it.

"I… shouldn't have done it," she whispered to herself in an exhausted and weak voice. One thing to notice was that one of her hands was inside her pants, playing with something magical and unknown.

Pulling her hand out, she brought it to her face and saw it was covered in some type of clear fluid. 'I really shouldn't have done it, fuck!' she thought again.

Turning her head sideways to her laptop, she saw a video playing continuously. If one focused on it, one could see that at the top of the screen it read (cornhwa.cum), where a video of two gorgeous women making out was playing, making her bite her lower lip as she felt her core tremble.

[A/N: I don't write Yuri, so no need to worry. At most there are few groping and kisses involved and it will only be during a threesome with Mc present. No exclusive scissoring between fmc's Ok~. Though I can write a few exclusives for you if you want it. Haha]

"Mmnm~" She suddenly put the finger drenched with her own juices into her mouth, licking it clean.

"Aahn~ why do I like it? I- I should–" she suddenly slapped herself, trying to exterminate the thought .

"Fuck!, what am I doing?!. I need a bath," she shouted to herself, standing up from the bed, shutting off the laptop, and heading straight to the bathroom.

'If I remember correctly, I saw Mom preparing hot water in the bath,' she thought, not knowing that fate was about to surprise her.

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