
The fourth hokage!s summons

The Same Day

Neji. - what do you mean your fiancée I don't know what you are talking about

Sakura - well specifically you are going to be my husband

Neji - what why me I don't know you why not Sasuke overthere

Sakura- you are joking right I mean that guy can't come close to you

Sasuke- what are you talking about I'm way stronger than him I'm from the Uchiha clan and he is from the inferior Hyūga clan

Neji- a child with no mangekyo sharingan could never beat me and even if you did it would still be my victory honestly the truth is that you are the weakest of the four of us and I know that for certain you couldn't beat me but if you want we can fight anytime

Sasuke -lightning flash palm

( he goes straight through his body )

Naruto- woah he went straight through

Sakura - I'm amazed that has to be some advanced space-time ninjutsu but I've never seen anything like that before

Hiruzen- I have now stop this foolishness this instant and come with me we are going to the hokage's office

30 minutes later At the hokage's office

Minato - I see team 7 has met its newest member so tell me how is it going

Hiruzen- well minato I've come to understand why you called an old man like myself out of retirement these four geniuses are like nothing I've ever seen they each are genius in their own way I now know that these four are the children of prophecy foretold by the sage of six paths to the great toad sage the ones said to stop coming of the clan of the moon and the destruction of the ninja world as we know it from neji and his mastery of the byakugan and the Shikotsumyaku mixed with his innate talents in the gentle fist and taijutsu in general makes him scary enough don't be alarmed but I think he has another kekkei genkei he has this space time ninjutsu I don't know how he does it but I've seen it enough to know it's limitations and strengths yet his abilities are far greater than we expect

Minato- where do you think it came from his unidentified kekkei genkei

Hiruzen- it could come from his byakugan that is my leading guess as of right now

Minato- ok next the young Sasuke Uchiha

Hiruzen- who would have thought that the second son of the Uchiha clan would be even more impressive than his genius older brother

Minato- you believe that he is more powerful than itachi well please explain why

Hiruzen- well for starters he is the first Uchiha we have seen have all three tomoe at such a young age following that he could have easily been a genin at the age of 10 let alone even a chunnin in the same year he was smart enough to create a jutsu that at least a A-rank so complex it can only be learned by jonin of the Uchiha clan and the fact his innate ability to use genjutsu at such a level I think that he would be better than most jonin who were experienced it'll get to a point where he would only have to look at you once to put you in genjutsu

Minato- that's terrifying to think about

Hiruzen - imagine having to be expected to teach him

Minato- okay let's talk about that child of mine

Hiruzen- well he is somewhat of a oddity he's the only one I can see a path of progression from while I must say it's a mind altering thought that he has wood release and is the host of the nine tails and he can do so without using using a seal or wood style to subjugate its power he is the first jinchuriki of Kurama I've seen have such a great relationship and communication with the biju

Minato-Hiruzen as you know everything we are talking about can never be spoken to anyone everything you have said about all four of the children is proving my theory of the whole prophecy and its meaning and from what I've observed as his father is his skill stems from the early teachings my wife gave him on being a good jinchuriki and his innate genius in his gift from her and his ancestor the son of the sage of the six paths asura Ōtsutsuki he was the first person to be the jinchuriki of the tailed beasts and the first user of the great wood style trust me I was stunned when he first found out he could use wood release as well as his third chakra nature being wind release me and kushina decided that he would have to learn the basics before he could use wood release to our surprise by the time he was 10 He mastered all three of his chakra natures yet that pales in his ingenuity in battle would you believe me if I told you that jiraiya intends to teach him sage arts