
New Life as a Futanari Tentacle Girl

This will be the first time writing something. I'm going to take all genres I like and try force them together. The MC gets reincarnated into a world of swords and magic. Start of the novel will be character and setting introduction, and later MC will travel around. R18 chapters will naturally come later... nevermind, the whole story is R18. First few chapters are just her building her 'character'. [R18 Tags] Harem | NSFW | Domination | Threesome | Foursome | Tentacle | Futa on Female | Female on Futa | Futanari | Incest | Anal | Sex | Choking | Humiliation | Lolicon Dis*cord https://disc*rd.gg/QPK42eMnUw replace the * with a o I am open to feedback and hope you enjoy.

SleepnSweets · Kỳ huyễn
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163 Chs

Status Shop I

She purchased all her skills and once again, like following a program, the screen closed and she was brought back to the main screen. While thinking happily about her skills, it dawned on her, she forgot to take a skill that would be paramount to her new life. Cooking!

Thea was a big sweet tooth in her last life but as she was the head of a criminal organization she had to carefully hide her love for sweet foods to reduce the chance of being poisoned.

In the past her mind started to subconsciously block her love for sweets. Even while she was looking through the skill list, cooking didn't seem that attractive.

But during her time floating as a soul with no threats from anything, her mind had started to relax, and after the time she had spent looking through the active skill list, her mental barrier holding back her addiction to sweets, crumbled and put her in her current predicament.

If Thea had tears in her soul form, she would have made a small pond under her, but she didn't, so she just floated there crying internally while sniffling.

She lamented her life choices for an hour until she started to get a hold of her emotions. When she looked back up Thea saw a panel she hadn't seen in a while, one that she had seen a total of 3 times, including now.

[Status Shop]

[Origin Point]


Emotionally tired after her recent fit she selected the next tab. A two brand new windows popped up in front of her.

Before she could look at them another new window popped up:

[Every being on Terah has a Status. All beings start with specific values and each time they level up, a specific amount of value points gets assigned to each value. Luck and Charm will never increase with level ups. Some titles are specific to certain people with other titles need certain conditions to be unlocked, the titles can be owned my multiple people.]

She read this window carefully and closed it to investigate the screens that had popped up.


[Name = Thea ?]

[Race = Bohemicum]

[Titles = First Grand Space Mage, Reincarnated, Primum Bohemicum, Sweet Tooth]

[Level = 1 (0/100)]

[Strength = 1] [Mana = 1]

[Defense = ∞] [Charm = 50]

[Agility = 1] [Luck = 1]


[Passive Skills: Select to Open]

[Active Skills: Select to Open]


On the top, her [Status] window and on the bottom, her [Skill] window.

As she looked at her [Status] window she had some questions, she habitually inspected what she was questioning:

[Name = Thea ?: First name Thea, Last name not yet received.]

[Race = Bohemicum: A species created by combining different races together.]

[Titles =

First Grand Space Mage: The first mage in history on Terah to achieve the max level in rift magic. |Effect: As long as you are alive no one else will reach this level.|

Reincarnated: A soul that died and was reincarnated to another planet. |Effect: Learning skills becomes easier. You keep memories and knowledge about your past life.|

Primum Bohemicum: The first individual in the Bohemicum race. |Effect: All offspring from the Primum Bohemicum will receive 10% of the current stats of both parents when the offspring is conceived. Maximum 1000 points, per stat, inheritable from each parent.|

Sweet Tooth: Lover of Sweets. |Effect: You always have a slight need for sweets.|]

[Defense = ∞: The strength of your skin.]

It seemed that Thea had made a new race through all the body modifications she made, which was pretty logical. She then learned that titles give the user privileges for having them and that reaching max level in 'certain' skills blocked others from reaching that point. Otherwise she would have a title for each skill she had. Lastly her defense was infinite, probably because of her [Goddesses Delicate Skin].

Thea now thought [Goddesses Delicate Skin] was cheap for all the benefits it has continuously brought her.

She closed the descriptions and selected her values, a new screen popped up when she did.

As you may have read I have left the child route there. I will not, however, be giving the MC children before at least 150ish chapters I am wanting to write. I just wanted to make it certain to the readers that don't like MC having children too early on, as I share the same mindset.

We are halfway through Theas character creation and I hope you have been enjoying.

I welcome feedback, criticism and opinions, so I can maybe integrate them into future chapters.

SleepnSweetscreators' thoughts