
New Life - Naruto In The Past

Naruto dies, but his soul goes to the past of the parallel universe and takes the body of little Naruto, whose soul has already left this world. Naruto wakes up in the hospital, but no one knows that he is no longer the Naruto everyone kmew.

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9 Chs

New Life - Chapter # 8

They had been moving for the second day, leaving their native village far behind. Kushina could breathe a sigh of relief because her team could move by the overhead paths, something the clan children were taught long before graduation from the Academy. How Naruto knew about this was another mystery to her that had yet to be unraveled. She had long ago made a note to herself in her head to follow her son and finally find out who was secretly teaching him the art of shinobi.

The children were tense. Even their communication was reduced to a minimum set of words. Namikaze did not play up and did not show off, talking directly about the level of their task and its importance both for the village, and in particular for each of them. She wanted every member of the team to be able to collect their thoughts and put them in order, maybe even seek advice from relatives. The woman didn't know if Sasuke and Hinata had done that, but Naruto had definitely spared himself a good opportunity to talk to his father or mother. And it was depressing, it made me think. Worried. His facial expressions did not reflect even a drop of doubt, as if such a mission was not the first for this child in his short life.

- Kushina-san, - the crimson-haired one's eyelid twitched at that treatment. She was a mentor, not a guest in the house, but, nevertheless, as if by agreement, each of the wards addressed her differently. Kushina-san spoke to Hinata, as if hinting that if it weren't for her close relationship with the current Hokage, then the girl would not take her seriously. Kushina-sensei went to Sasuke, who met Namikaze too often within his estate. He knew too well about her from his parents to see in his wife the Fourth strong shinobi, an intelligent leader and an experienced teacher. He respected, he craved invaluable knowledge. He's an Uchiha, and that says a lot. The last in their trio, her own son, limited himself to the official Kushina-taicho. Such a treatment was informally adopted among the ANBU to the seniors in the group, and it was only a question of where Naruto got such a thing from.

- Yes?

- How much longer do we have to move? - Sasuke nodded in agreement with the Hyuuga's question. He, like her, was rather tired of moving at such a fast pace, making halts almost only for the sake of spending the night. Even having started early training in the clan, both of them just weren't used to it.

- We've almost made it to the border with the Wind, haven't we, Kushina-taichou? - Naruto was leading the group so no one noticed his smirk. Initially, he did not want to stand out too much, but then such moments became a kind of game for him. A couple of words, a randomly thrown phrase, a few sentences that carried only one role - to be surprised, to ask a question, to sow misunderstanding.

- You're right, - Namikaze turned her head, only stealing a glance of contented gleam in her son's blue eyes. She increasingly thought that she knew practically nothing about this man. As if he was not her child, but just a genin who came under guardianship.

- How do you know that, Naruto? - There was something in the Uchiha's voice that could be called anger and envy. Someone his age, who never stood out in any way, who also never left his native village, knew more. And pride itself throbbed in my head.

The climate has changed, become drier. There are fewer living creatures that prefer to live near more food and water. Some other minor aspects that play a lesser role.

- You're very observant, Naruto-kun. - Kushina raised her hand, gesturing for the team to stop. - Here we will spend the night, we need to gain strength before crossing the desert. Hinata, you will get food. Sasuke, prepare camp. You come with me, Naruto, check the area and fetch firewood.

The silence dragged on as they both picked up dry logs. The woman threw rare, quick glances in the direction of the blond, but he did not seem to notice this, with all his appearance showing concentration on the lesson.

There is no point in blaming him for such behavior, Namikaze thought ruefully, only their parents are to blame for what children become. He withdrew, found solace in solitude, and not in the circle of his family, which had reproached him for many years. But why did I start to understand it only now?

- Mom, - the boy suddenly said, stopping in place. The scarlet-haired woman started up when she heard this - I see that you want to talk.

- I want to return those times when you smiled happily in the family circle, - she did not go around and around Kushin. She carefully placed the brush under the roots of the tree and gazed into the blue eyes, hoping to see at least some echoes of the hope of the child himself. But it wasn't.

- This issue should be raised at home, with all relatives, - the Uzumaki answered after a moment of silence, sitting down on a lonely standing stump. - Just because you want to be a bridge between us doesn't mean others will want to cross that bridge.

- Where such confidence? - Kushina gritted her teeth and marveled at her son's pragmatism. He did not bustle, but said directly what he saw himself. And she couldn't help but agree. Part of herself believing that it was possible, she also understood the complexity of the situation. For what children become, only their parents are to blame. - Kagami...

- You see, you know yourself, - Naruto smiled good-naturedly, squinting at the setting sun, which was still visible through the trees. - Father - Hokage, he can not devote much time to strengthening relationships in the family. Especially with older children. But, nevertheless, it is possible. The whole problem is with your little sister, who has been copying your model of behavior towards me for years. This is part of her established norms. She, with all her desire, cannot change her mind. This is psychology, mother, banal and simple. Without a father, for whom work comes first. Without a sister, for whom I am a disgrace to the family, even if she has warm feelings for me. Your bridge does not have a good foundation and will be swept away by the first torrential current.

- I… - The woman stammered in mid-sentence, swallowing tears and the harsh truth. - I don't think all is lost yet...

- There would be a desire, but there will always be ways, - Naruto got up and moved towards the camp, not even hoping that Kushina would understand the meaning embedded in the last phrase.

Suna saw off the last rays of the sun to once again plunge into the darkness and cold of the harsh desert. A short middle-aged man stood with his back to the front door, trying to enjoy the view of his native village. But heavy thoughts about her fate haunted her. Hidden Sand, an impregnable fortress among dunes, withered. There was no war for a long time, which brought both grief and its fruits, in the form of expensive trophies, prisoners, or one of the most important goods in Suna - water. Suiton masters were born at best once every few decades, and they died in the last full-scale battle fifteen years ago. It was necessary to take measures, otherwise this village could soon become a city of ghosts.

- But we are not in a position to start any action, - the man sighed, closing his eyes. The fingers tightened behind him.

- And that's why you decided to make this pact with Konoha? - The quiet rustle of that voice was unmistakable. Deceptively youthful and affectionate, he did not portend trouble, misleading the surrounding people about the person's personality. Turning his head, the owner of the office stumbled upon a teenager who, in fact, had almost exchanged his fourth decade. He settled comfortably in an armchair opposite the table, studying with interest the situation that had changed over so much time. And her owner. The boy's lips cut into a fake smile as he noted the lines of others.

- There is no choice, - Rasa returned his gaze to the window again, knowing that a stab in the back would not follow. - For Suna, I have to make sacrifices.

- There is always a choice and ways to implement it, - the young man commented on the words of the Kazekage without delay, returning my usual peace to my face. He never liked emotions. And he got rid of them... By his own methods. - We can take some of the land to the east of here. Pretty fertile land.

- Like the rest of the Land of Rivers, - the man chuckled. - The only thing I missed was the war with Leaf over this buffer zone that separates us.

- Really. Far better to beg for help from this upstart.

- I can remind you, my friend, how this "upstart" mowed down our ranks in the past. And you, if my memory serves me right, survived only thanks to your… specific abilities, - Sabaku stood for a couple more seconds, and then he sat down, leaning back in his chair. - Why did you come back?

- My home village and my friend are on the brink, - the young man drawled. His eyes rested on the portrait of the Third Kazekage that hung on the wall to the left. - It was not for the sake of such a future that I helped you, bearing the stigma of a murderer and a traitor on my shoulders.

- Do you know how to help? - Rasa didn't even try to hide his surprise. He owed this man a lot, and it is unlikely that he would ever be able to pay this debt. The only thing left was to thank fate.

- The terms of the contract will tie Hidden Sand with not the best offers. It will not be a mutually beneficial exchange, but rather an outstretched bone, for which you will have to jump on your hind legs and wag your tail, - the guy began from afar, operating with obvious facts. The Kazekage only sighed, knowing this perfectly well and without other people's instructions. - But who said that we ourselves cannot dictate these conditions?

- Do you want to jeopardize Suna? - Rasa hissed through his teeth, not believing his ears. - I will not let…

- Two of your habits always pissed me off: being late and interrupting. A newly minted team of genin was sent from Konoha, led by none other than the bearer of the Kyuubi. Kushina Uzumaki...

- But these children are not the simplest either: her son and two offspring of the strongest clans of the Leaf. This is the lever that will make Liszt dance to our tune.

- It is unlikely that such a group was left without attention. And attacking them here means giving the jinchuriki of the strongest biju to raze everything to the ground. Do you realize the folly of your plan? - Sabaku asked seriously, hiding half of his face behind intertwined fingers.

- I'll do everything myself when they leave these walls, - the guy replied utterly calmly, - you just have to lull the vigilance of the jinchuriki, Pretend to be peacekeepers and lowered their hands.

- Why do you need all this, - brown eyes stared intently into crimson, trying to read the thoughts hidden behind them, - Sasori?

- Perhaps this is how I can regain my good name? - The young man smiled mysteriously. Just a couple of moments and Ras was left alone in the office.