
Chapter 1

Aww so soft I wanna sleep abit mor- wait soft?

I opened my eyes saw the strange modern room

Woah~so cool they look expensive wait that's not it!Where the hell I am?Did I got kidnap by a rich shogar daddeh~?

At first I thought I was kidnap when I heard someone called my name down stairs saying that ill be late in my firstday of school

"Sweetheart lei~youre going to be late in your school!"She yelled my name down stairs with a sweet voice


"Co-coming! Ill just wash my face and come down!"

Alex are you playing a prank on me?Got it babe ill play along with your jokings

I just play along with them cause I remember my friend alex, she's my best friend and she likes pranking me cause my expression was always funny and upload it in newtube.

Then I walk to the bathroom and wash my face in the sink then I saw my reflection in the mirror

Wa-wait wh-who's this?Since when did I dye my hair and why is my eye color change am I wearing a contact lence?

Even though im startled I tried to calm myself and observe my current situation.

My face didn't change its just my skin became more smoother than before and my hair color became long curly rose pink and my eyes were lilac shining through the light

As I walked through the room I saw a picture frame on the small table near the bed.There was 4 people on it.

One woman with a pink short hairand golden eyes that shining as if it was a real gold her skin was morena that suit's her look like as if she wasn't a korean and she was holding the little boy's hand.

The boy has golden eyes just like the woman and black hair he was cute and pretty just like the woman.If he was a girl and a bit older they will think they're twins because of the carbon copy of their appearance

And a man with black hair and lilac eyes holding the little girl with long rose pink hair and lilac eyes youll think of her like a barbie doll.

Are they family?Imjealous how perfect family they are

"Sweetheart are you not done yet?"My thoughts snap out when the woman called me once again

"Coming m-mom!"I yelled back in a sweeter voice

And a question pop in my mind

So where am I? Did I die and reincarnated?No! Let's just get ready from school and think about it later

"Mom!Where's my uniform?

"Your uniform is inside your closet"

Then I quickly open my closet and saw a lot of beautiful clothes and expensive jewels.I then tried to find my uniform when I saw a uniform pure white from head-to-toe the jacket was pure white as well as the skirt.The vest has a light beige color that hang in the door knob.

Ahhahaha what is this kawaii uniform?Its not like I was in some sort of anime or manhw-











That was then I realised that I was inside on the manhwa I read year ago


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