
New Guy More Like New Girl

Alison Walker a talented singer and songwriter, a student at the Arts Academy, capable of so much but she has a couple of things holding her back, like her stage fright and the fact that she is an introvert. But soon everything changes... Dean Ozeata a singer and songwriter as well transfers into the Arts Academy, hoping that the year will be drama-free. But sadly that is not the life he was meant for and he finds interest in the girl who is always in a corner writing not communicating with anyone. What happens when their worlds collide? Will all be well or will their worlds come crashing down?

Aaliyah_Vega · Thanh xuân
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93 Chs

Part 89: Not Today


After spending most of the night choosing which song will be her solo and putting the finishing touches on the music for the dancers and the play she was able to get two hours of sleep before her alarm woke her up reminding her of the morning session that she couldn't be late too.

After taking a cold shower to wake her up fully she quickly dressed in mom jeans and a graphic tee that said, "Not today." she deemed it appropriate given the circumstances. She then packed her bag with everything she'd need for the day and checked the time on her phone.

"Crap, crap, crap," She said before quickly putting on some shoes and running out the door.