
New God of the forge

Hephaestus awakens memories of a past life he didn’t know he had and figures out that he has a device with him called the Hogkyouku and that it has made him much more powerful than ever. with this new found power he declares to make Aphrodite his and only his. ........ this fic is loosely based on Greek myth as such the Gods may behave and act differently than in their original myth. I took complete creative liberty in their portrayal. Also Aphrodite is the main waifu hope you like the story

Xinum_Sensational · Tranh châm biếm
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69 Chs

chapter 8

A/N: pretty short chapter sorry, Since you guys seem to want longer chapters, I'll try and increase the word count, starting after Chapter 12, that's because on Patreøn I'm in chapter 12, so from chapter 13 onwards it will be 2k words though updates will be slow


Hephaestus Arrived at his bedroom and immediately threw himself face first on his divine bed.

"well, that  was  something"

He voiced before rolling over and laid on his back, he stared at the ceiling and began contemplation. Meeting Aphrodite  revealed somethings to him, for starters  he found out the Goddess has an Aura around her that seems to draw out an individuals desire. This meant that whatever desire you have will be laid bare before her and she will know what you want from her and couple that with her beauty and  to add insult to injury, she seems to have a passive charm ability as well creating something nearly impossible to counter. To  an extent you couldn't lie to her but he was an exception.

With the Hogkyouku he can build up resistances to all kinds of ill status effects including one related to charm,  the good thing about this is that he can be sure he wasn't charmed by her and  that he truly did find her to beautiful without any interference from a skill or anything of the sort.

The Hogkyouku response to  the Hosts desires, meaning whatever Hephaestus desires the device  will thrive to allow  him to be able to do or  accomplish, and currently it was  working pretty well as it has  already  created multiple skills that should make Hephaestus  immune to various types of attacks  plus with his immortality he didn't need to worry about instant death weapons or attacks.

"According to  the myth this place is quite fucked up, so its good  that with the Hogkyouku I have  less things to  worry about"

He voiced before closing his eyes and  resting a bit, he has  to go  to the main palace and  see Hera. Within him there was a mixture of varying emotions, the God queen was someone he both Despised and  at the same time he felt sympathy for. Despised her as his mother and Sympathized with her as God queen.

As his mother she sucked, she  was terrible. How could she throw him off mount Olympus,  she didn't descend the mountain and place him on the earth  and  then left but she literally threw him off the mountain, the same way one  would throw a stone off a cliff. As God queen she was at the very least decent, still crazy  but  that's just because of Zeus's unfaithfulness.

"Honestly he  shouldn't have married the Goddess of Marriage if he wasn't going to respect marriage"

Zeus was an overall terrible God in the myths, Just because he defeated Cronus they let him take the throne of heaven, there must have been signs that Zeus was going to be a terrible ruler, Hades would have been a much better ruler. Perhaps he is missing something after all he was never really that well versed in Greek mythology, he only read a few parts of it so his knowledge about how Zeus became God king maybe be missing some information.

"No use thinking about this"

He shifted  his thought towards the various possibilities that have now presented themselves, as a God he has quite the amount of freedom  when it comes  to reality, he is no reality warper but with his divinity  there should be certain concepts that he can somewhat mold and touch.

 Generally  one God isn't allowed to access  concepts that are already within the domain of another, so the Gods restrict themselves to a few, this is because of 2 reasons. The first is to prevent anyone from becoming too powerful and the second is that a single God can't handle so many concepts at once, though Apollo is an exception but even he has limitations.

Generally, the average God can wield up to at most 3 concepts, having  anymore than that can put a strain on the Divine soul of a God, and it's been theorized that too many concepts  could possibly shred the a God's divine soul into oblivion causing a permanent death. Having fewer concepts can help the God master them easily and strengthen the connection between the  God and his concepts.

However while before as the God of forging Hephaestus had to request permission from other Gods to make a weapon imbued with their concepts, he doesn't need to anymore, not only does have access to the concept of creation  but much like a hacker, with his forging concept he can easily link various concepts together without being found out. This means he is free to create any weapon with whatever concept without the fear of having various Gods being mad at him, Though he will have to stay away from the concept of Lightning, thunder and sky for now. Zeus is the God king as such he might be more sensitive to getting his concepts hacked plus not to mention Hephaestus wasn't yet confident on Beating Zeus in a fight  until he creates powerful weapons like Gae Bolg, Excalibur, Ea and a few others but Ea will probably be the most difficult to create.

Speaking of things he created, the harp he made for Aphrodite was part of a series of prototypes he made while testing his skill, Both [bestow] and [Runecraft] seemed to be similar in terms of how they work, with  [Bestow]  seemingly being restricted to only things that he created, while [Runecraft] could be used on any object, another difference was that with [bestow] he doesn't need  to inscribe anything  he just has to will it to happen but with [Runecraft] he had to painstakingly inscribe every detail.  At a glance it might  seem like Bestow is better but it's actually not as it doesn't last long only about 24 hours, so he had to make the harp with [Runecraft] as it's permanent. On the bright side he isn't sure yet but he feels e can use bestow on organic things too so that might be useful

"How many weapons do I need to completely fill the GOB?"

 He asked before he sat up straight and prepared himself for the meeting.


A chariot  being pulled by lions flew in the Skies of Mount Olympus, the chariot was A mixture of the colors red and Gold with  various  jewels inlaid in to it. Riding  the chariot was a muscle bound man with Golden hair and Eyes, his muscles  were thick, his arms as big as tree trunks. The man wore  a bright red cape and what looked to be a toga that was made into a skirt, leaving his torso bare.

This was  Ares the  God of War and brutality and he had a frown on his face, the cause of his displeasure was his father, Zeus suddenly calling an immediate meeting made  him halt his plans, he wished that he could Ignore the meeting but he can't suddenly dismiss the king so he is forced to comply.

His  chariot landed on the  clouds  that  served as a ground  of Olympus,  as it did so  there  were various minor Gods at the front entrance seemingly awed by something and  by their gossip it seems that Aphrodite was already here.

He frowned, he  didn't hate Aphrodite in fact he found her quite beautiful and desired to bed her just as everyone else did however he hated how much attention she received, in any place regardless of where, Aphrodite steals the attention of whoever saw a glimpse of her, Aphrodite being present meant that no one would be looking at him or any other  God for that matter and Ares hated that.

Getting off his  Chariot he walked to the gates, and  like  a nobody the masses only offered him their greetings before going back to talk about Aphrodite's beauty. He closed his eyes to calm himself  and  entered the gates and made his way to the palace.