
New God's Mission

The last god has just been created when the last god has died, he has only been embedded with the knowledge of one mission as well as knowledge of himself. His mission is to create candidates to become the next god.. once all 10 are strong enough, they will all battle to see who is the strongest. Join him as he travels to different worlds to complete his mission, cultivation, medieval, fantasy, rpg, the multiverse is so diverse.

Absorbing_Rocks · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs

Void of Creation

'I am alone.

There was always only a black of such intensity it would blind any mortal's eyes, permanently scarring their soul.

Why am I alone? Simple. It's just not my time to leave yet.

When there is light there is will, when there is black there is despair. It's always been the same case.

I don't even remember when I was born, I only know my name and what I am, as well as what I must do in the future.

Being the last god of all the multiverse is tough, but I'm built for it. But are they ready for me?

'It's been forever since any mortals even worshipped a god, they've all long been dead.. Gods of different factions, nature, spirituality, I'm nothing special compared to them.

I am Sind, God of Missions. Quite a confusing name, it took me a bit to figure out how I was going to complete MY mission, but.. it's quite obvious now.

'Hmm. There it is.. there's the light.. I should leave now. But.. do I need to? I suppose I'll leave for now.'

A light that could burn five universes enveloped a small pocket dimension which had kept something ancient for millions of years.. the multiverse shook from the realization of what was about to be unleashed once more. It was the remnants of something long forgotten, it was the last god.

On a certain planet a man in his 20's can be seen in a field, practicing hitting a wooden dummy. Covered in sweat and blood, hitting the dummy over and over, he was used to the satisfying cracks that resounded out from each swing.

"This isn't good enough.." The young man sighed and sat down on the ground, he wiped the sweat from his forehead and began to think.

"What's become of me? I used to be the genius of the clan, now I'm nothing more than a cripple trash.." He sighed once more and laid on his back, staring at the peaceful sky.

The man smiled and drifted off into his own head, but soon the sky began to darken. Clouds erupted from the heavens, the man quickly got up in a cold sweat as his heart began to accelerate.

"Who's there?! Show yourself! Even if you are a powerful cultivator, I will fight to the death!" The man shouted with bravery and passion, but to his surprise, the response came from the sky.

"Calm.. I just have a mission for you." A voice resounded out in the area with the wind of it breaking the training dummy.

"Mission? Who are you!" The man screamed out.

"You need not know. If you complete my missions I give to you.. you will be rewarded greatly." The mysterious voice responded.

The man was once more immersed in his own world in his head. If there was some reward from this clearly powerful being that could strengthen him.. he has no choice but to accept!

"What is it you need from me?" The man asked worriedly.

"My first mission for you.. Destroy your rival clan's base. Your reward will be 'Cultivation Manual of the Ancients' You have 1 month. Good luck." The voice faded out and the sky returned to normal in the blink of the eye.

The man was at a loss for words, before he could even think to reply the voice was gone. He calmed his body down and ran across the fields, he had to prepare at his house. This month would be one hardship after another, he knew this for sure.

Alone above a planet the last God in a form of consciousness had began to move, he was going to change the fate of this entire universe by creating missions.. This was his job.