
New Foundation

From his defeat, Reukra, he find himself dislocated to another reality, in the Kanto Region in Animeverse (Ashcanon). Baffled, he struggle with this new reality and adapt himself very well. The picture isn't mine, its from another artist, by the name of Hacker93. If you find it offensive to use your work, tell me and i will delete it :)

DaoistLflweQ · Tranh châm biếm
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20 Chs

8 - Viridian Forest (Ash Verse)

Finally, Ash and Misty were ready to go to Viridian Forest but.....

"Ash, we have to really go throught Viridian Forest?" Said Misty

"Well Misty, there aren't more roads to Pewter Town, so we have to go after the forest.....Why are you asking by the way?" Said Ash

"Well, i kinda hate Bugs Type Pokemons....." Said Misty

"I see. Don't be too much afraid, i'm here with you" Said Ash

"Thank you." Said Misty blushing a little

The duo enters the forest. The forest was very abundand and big, the duo hoped to don't waste too much time in the forest, but who knows.

After like 3 hours of walking, they appared in a place with flowers.....It was kinda strange to the rest of the forest, the duo decided to rest in this nice spot, there was even a water pool in the center.

"Misty, did you know about this place?" Asks Ash confused

"No, there wasn't information about a flowerbed with a water pool, its new even for me" Said Misty confused as well

"Lets rest some times here" Said Ash


"Yes Ash, i'm kinda tired" Said Misty

Ash was going to take some water, when he notices that the water is illusory. What's going on here?

"Misty, not to make you afraid or anything, but the water is an illusion?" Said Ash confused

"What?!" Said Misty

After that, the duo listened to, possibly a wounded Pokemon near them.....

"Yip" Said the mysterious pokemon

The duo founds the pokemon that was sleeping near them, but something awaked it.

"Misty, do you know that Pokemon?" Said Ash

"No, i don't know it, but i kinda seem to have seen it previously, but its wasn't in this strange colour or form...Wait....It seems to be a Zorua, but why it appared here?"

The pokemon in question was a Zorua, but its was strange, with a white colour mixed to some red....

The pokemon seems to have seen them

"Yip!" Said the Pokemon

"Pika!" Said Pikachu

"Wait, it does seem that he want to have a battle" Said Ash confused


"Okay, Pikachu go!" Said Ash

Pikachu enters the battle

"Yip" Said the pokemon while using Shadow Sneak

"Use Quick Attack to evade, then ThunderShock!" Said Ash

Pikachu who has more speed than Zorua, evade the attack very simply, then he used Thundershock aganist the opponent. Zorua doens't have much time to evade so he takes the attack head on.

It was sufficiently effective!

Then, after recovering a bit, Zorua used Swift

"So he used Swift, Ash that attack is impossible to evade." Said Misty

"Right. Pikachu use Thundershock aganist the Swift!" Said Ash


The two attacks collide then a dust fog appears. After that, the Zorua sneaks using Sneak Attack aganist Pikachu using a Strong Style, increasing the strenght of the attack. Pikachu was launched aganist a tree but with his legs evaded most of the damage

"This is a strong Pokemon!" Said Misty

"Yeah!" Said Ash

"YIP!!!!!!" Said the pokemon

The pokemon had enought of the fight, and want Ash to capture it

"So you want to be in my party?" Said Ash happy

"Yip!" Said the Pokemon

Ash uses a empty pokeball on the pokemon and capture it

"I have caught a strange Zorua!" Said Ash happy

"Pika!" Said Pikachu happy for the trainer

The terrain that the duo were on disappear and they are in another location of the forest

"Ash, it seems that the plain that we were in was an illusion made by that Zorua" Said Misty

"Yeah it seems so. But what is happening, we are encountering some strange pokemons in these days. We have to talk to Prof. Oak when we are out of the woods!" Said Ash

"Agreed." Said Misty

After a while, they continued to walk in the forest and they seemingly arrived at the end of the forest by the end of the day, it was night

"Ash we have to rest before going into the city" Said Misty

"Yeah i'm tired...." Said Ash


The duo rests outside the city for the night.....

After the night passed, the duo arrived in Pewter City finally.....Arrived there, they went to the near Pokemon Center to eat something and to call Prof. Oak

Ash uses the intercom set to Prof. Oak Lab.

"Ah Ash, where are you boy?" Said Prof. Oak

"Me and Misty arrived in Pewter today, after some days spent in Veridian City. In the way here we encountered 2 pokemon that we didn't know. Could you help us?" Said Ash

"2 Pokemon that you didn't know? What are them?" Said Prof. Oak

"Well, one is a vulpine pokemon with white fur with red, while the other was a glowing gold bird" Said Ash

"Mmm, well.....Right now i don't know what pokemon did you see....But w-w-w-ait, did you say a glowing gold bird?" Said the Prof. Oak

"Yes professor...." Said Ash

"Send the pictures of the pokemon by using the Pokedex" Said Prof. Oak in a hurry

Ash sent to Prof. Oak the pictures....

"...The bird pokemon...Is probably Ho-Oh! There aren't a lot of glowing gold bird in existence, but its so rare to see it...Its incredible!" Said Prof. Oak with passion

"While the vulpine pokemon...I don't really know. I have to consult other professors to know about it. Remain in the Pokemon Center for some time, i will call you to tell you about the news!" Said Prof. Oak

"Yes professor we will do it" Said Ash

Meanwhile Ash and Misty were waiting the professor for his data comparison, the professor was calling Prof. Elm to tell him about the pokemons


"Oak? Why are you calling? There is something i can do to help you?" Said Prof. Elm

"Yes Elm, i have something to ask to you....I will send 2 pictures of Pokemons. Tell me what do you think they are" Said Prof. Oak

"Mmm Okay...." Said Prof. Elm

Oak sends the 2 pictures to Elm

"Mmm, the bird pokemon....Its Ho-Oh! While the vulpine pokemon in the picture....i don't think its native to Kanto or Johto. You probably have to talk to other professors. Try Kukui or Juniper firsts by the way, maybe they could help." Said Prof. Elm

"Yes i will do so. Thank you Elm." Said Prof. Oak

"Nothing. Thank you for the picture of Ho-Oh its very important for this region" Said Prof. Elm

"Bye." Said Prof. Oak while interromping the call

["Mmm, who i could call to resolve this enigma? Maybe i could try Kukui...Or i could call Reukra, he have the best ideas after all..." Thought Prof. Oak]

Prof. Oak then called Reukra


"Hi Professor Oak, how's the day going?" Said Reukra

"Hi Prof. Reukra i have a question for you. Do you know about this pokemon?" Said Prof Oak

Prof Oak then sent the picture to Reukra

"Mmm....Now that i have seen the picture, i have a resemblance of a Pokemon in my mind, but the colors and pattern on the fur are different. I guess that's a Zorua by the way. But its similar to Delta Pokemon from what i could guess. Where did you seen it?" Said Reukra

"Well, it was a dex trainer of mine who captured it" Said Prof. Oak

"Mmm, from what i could tell, its probably a regional variant, but i don't know. Its very mysterious. We have to do some experiments to know more about it." Said Reukra

"Yes, we have to study it. I will tell Ash to send him when he don't need him. Thank for the help Reukra." Said Prof. Oak

"Nothing. If you don't have anything to add, let's end this call, i have something to do." Said Reukra

"Yes, Bye." Said Prof. Oak

The call ends and Reukra is confused

["What is that pokemon. Its not a Pokemon Delta but its not a normal variant either. Something strange is happening here." Thought Reukra]

Then the professor called Ash to tell him about his Pokemon

"Ash, the pokemon that you caught its a Zorua, but its likely to be a regional variant or a mutation" Said Prof. Oak

"What's a regional variant?" Said Ash confused

"A regional variant its a pokemon that have his typing different from the normality based on the terrain he lives. They appear in some regions." Said Prof. Oak

"I see. So Zorua is a regional variant." Said Ash

"Well yes, but at the same time its confusing, because nobody i consulted that knowed about Zorua could tell from what region comes. Its like it appared from nothing." Said Prof. Oak

"What?????" Asks Ash

"When you don't need him, could you send him over, i have to do some experiments to study him/her" Said Prof. Oak

"Yes Prof." Said Ash

"Thank you boy." Said Prof. Oak

Then Oak interrupted his call to Ash

The duo was confused about the informations they got, but excited about new species of pokemons, and they stayed for the day in the proximity of the Pokemon Center. Tomorrow Ash will do some training to overcome his first Gym, but he does know nothing about the Gym or the Gym Leader. It will be very difficult