
New Era

Year 2030, A calamity hit humanity and changed life as we know it . We follow Lei TianFeng, as he was somehow reincarnated in this New Era, where the borders between reality and fantasy became obscure .

newstartalpha · Huyền huyễn
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2 Chs

Prologue : Calamity

Year 2030, the year when a disaster no one expected hit humanity.

In 2nd of June 2030, a rain of meteorites entered the atmosphere. At first, because meteorites of that size mostly disintegrated before hitting the earth, no one paid it attention.

However, out of everyone expectation these meteorites left small particles in the air invisible to the naked eyes, as this foreign matter fused with the air, creature all over the planet where affected, and mutation began to appear in them.

Pet's who were once humans best friends and family, became bloodthirsty monsters whose sole purpose was to exterminate and destroy humanity.

Because the mutations that affected the animals and plants gave them powers beyond our comprehension, our conventional weapons were of no use against them. To survive humans built underground refuges.

After five years of surfing, humans were near extinct. However, faith is never one sided. Finally, after all those tribulations, the light of hope shined upon humans. Hope for humanity to escape this calamity and become once again the ruler of their world.

Humans began to experience new changes to their physiology and anatomy giving them unexpected abilities. They discovered that they could perceive a new form of energy in the air, it was similar to the QI discussed in eastern martial arts and Taoism.

After years of trial and error, humans finally put together a training system that gave them the necessary power to face their enemies. It was similar to ancient Taoism cultivation.

With their new-found power, humans began to push back the monsters, after ten years of fighting humanity could finally get back to the surface. Fortified cities were constructed, and training academies were created, and a new era for humanity began.

My First serious novel .

Please, bear with the errors i migh make since english is not my native language .

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schedule : 1 chapter per day .

newstartalphacreators' thoughts