
New Demon Slayer Jigoku Shinazugawa

When the boys go to the Entertainment District with Tengen and Jigoku buys Zenitsu

CherryBlossom1990 · Tranh châm biếm
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Training or is it?

Tanjiro was helping him. He was running next to him. "You hungry," he asks. Tanjiro nods. "But want to finish my run," he said. Jiguko nods they finish the run. Jiguko was in the kitchen cooking. He hands Tanjiro some udon with pork. He sat next to him, and they ate. Tanjiro smiles. "This is good. Thank you, Jiguko," he said. He nods and lays down, and sighs. "So Tengen told me you like guys," Tanjiro said softly. Jiguko sighs. "Yeah, I dated a girl once, but she didn't do anything for me, so when I dated guys, that's when the energy came to," Jiguko said. Tanjiro nods. "You are beautiful, and your smile is amazing, but I still don't understand," Tanjiro said. Jiguko smiles. "Never been called beautiful before," Jiguko said and smiled. Tanjiro smiles. "Your body is like art," Tanjiro said. Jiguko smiles. "You should come by my mansion," he said. He stood up and stretched. He collected his things and left. Tanjiro swallows and touches his heart. It was pounding. "Why" he whispers. Tengen walks out. "Alright, I am heading out to you. Enjoy your time Tanjiro," he said. He left. Later that evening, Tanjiro knocks on Jigukos door. He opens it with a pipe hanging out of his mouth "Tanjiro," he says and lets him in. Tanjiro walks in amazed, seeing his place. "You want some tea," he asks. Tanjiro nods. "Please," he said. Jiguko put the pipe down and got tea. "What's up," he asks, sitting down and pouring tea. Jiguko picks his pipe back up. Tanjiro swallows. "We were talking today, and umm," he said, looking down. "I had been so busy with trying to find Muzan and then meeting you and speaking with you. It's my heart pounding," Tanjiro said. Jiguko smiles. "It just meant you enjoyed speaking with me," he said. Tanjiro smiles. "I did very much," Tanjiro said. "could you kiss me," Tanjiro asked. Jiguko blew smoke out. He moved closer to Tanjiro, and his hand softly touched his cheek, and he leaned in and kissed him. Tanjiro softly kisses back. "How is your heart," Jigoku asks. Tanjiro swallows. "Pounding, but I like it." He said. Jiguko smiles. "Would you like a deeper kiss?" Jiguko asked. Tanjiro nods. Jiguko leaned in and kissed him deeply, and slid his tongue into his mouth Tanjiro was surprised and moaned. Not thinking, Tanjiro ended up straddling Jiguko as they made out. Jiguko put his legs up, making Tanjiro slide closer to him. Jiguko moans feeling the pressure. Tanjiro stopped and saw how he was sitting and got off him. Jiguko smiles. "We just got a little carried away," he said and lighted his pipe again.