

It's the second week of October, and the school year has started and has progressed nicely for me and the girls. My family finally took our vacation that was meant for the early summer and while I had a good time my Dad and I aren't talking much. Mom tries to keep us both communicating but with Dad wanting complete control of my life and me just wanting to have some say in the matter it's getting rough. In August the school districts changed the district boundaries for the high schools, it was good and bad because Lajita had to move to another school but Mathilda got transferred in which caused some celebration among the crew.

Katy and Jun got her caught up on credits and for the past two months I've been dealing with people who are trying to sit close to our table in the lunchroom in case I decide to recruit anymore people. I think the balance is fine but Katy isn't. I'm letting some of Jun's friends sit at the table since they're all part of the same tutoring group but honestly not one of them has impressed me. Kori has been looking as well and Natsuko has been following me around like a secretary in case I make some decision. The patch on my jacket has people calling us 'Pariahs' when they think we can't hear them. I'm not sure if that's what I'd want to call this motley crew but I am more concerned with my studies.

It's Monday and everyone but Mathilda and Tracy have 2nd lunch with me and we're all piled around the table talking, everyone except me thanks to boredom with the whole recruitment nagging I'm getting from Katy.

"Guy you need to seriously think about getting yourself some back up here," Katy nags on," Jun is willing to fight but he's not exactly a force to be reckoned with."

"Fuck you Katy, I'm sitting right here," Jun says offended.

"Well I think we could start bringing people around and see who Guy likes for himself," Natsuko says, trying to be diplomatic about it.

"What you're all missing is that I really am not interested in making a big deal out of this," I tell them finally joining the conversation," So we all wear hoods and aside from being some kind of non-dorky looking tutoring we don't do shit."

My observation gets everyone to quiet down about the recruiting and we all finally finish lunch and head off to the fourth period. My day is quicker than most and it's only in my homeroom class that I start to feel a little out of place as I enter the room and see twenty kids all dressed damn near the same. A sea of button up shirts and blouses with either black slacks or khakis for the boys or long skirts and black dress pants for the girls. All eyes turn to me as I enter and it's my new advisor who is the one to address me.

"Mr. Donnelly, we're currently having a club meeting so here's your pass unless you are wanting to join," Mrs. Kelley tells me.

I see some of the students size me up and a few start whispering to themselves. I take the pass and am almost out of the room when I nearly run into Heather in the doorway. She warms up as she sees me but it's the pretty boy behind her who has more of my attention as he stares at me. He's white kid, blonde hair and I'm guessing on a decent build. This guy is all style too, done nice hair and shined shoes with his name brand button up shirt and dress slacks.

"Oh Guy I'm so glad to see you here," Heather said happily," I was wondering if I could talk to you about joining up with our club."

"No thanks Heather," I tell her, pushing through the two of them," I don't wanna join the Mormon religion."

"This isn't a church group," the pretty boy informs me," This is a school activities group with a purpose."

"Great, so go use your purpose to find some individuality," I tell him before heading off to the gym.

I can hear the pretty boy stop Heather from coming after me and I'd almost thank his smug ass for the favor. I get half way across campus when I see a few of the jocks chasing a guy out of the locker room laughing. I'm not sure how but the kid is covered in a white powder and carrying most of his clothes in his arms and his backpack is hooked around his leg. I see the jocks head back inside but the guy's not stopping and I let him pass me before getting a good look at him. He's large, not so much fat but big as hell and standing about six foot three. I let him get past me and catch that he's crying a little before shaking my head and finally getting into the gym where girls' basketball practice is going on. Tracy is running the new girls through drills and my presence isn't noticed by anyone until Mathilda takes a water break and waves a little to me.

I watch the girls and finish my homework on the bleachers as school finally lets out. I grab my gear and head out to the parking lot to see who is riding with me on my bike today. Jun and some of the Asian geek brigade are watching a video as they walk up.

"Hey did you see the big guy go running through the school covered in baking soda," Jun asks, showing me the guy I saw earlier.

I nod and they banter on about how funny it looked with the exception of Lilly who doesn't find the guy's situation amusing. I see Kori and Liz come bounding up with Liz's boyfriend Greg and I get a kiss from Kori while Liz tries to get a kiss goodbye from Greg. He finally gives her one on the cheek before heading off to his own car.

"Seriously I think he's gay Liz," I tell my sister, getting a death glare.

"He's not gay he's a traditional Christian," Liz informs me," He doesn't believe in sex unless you can prove that you are truly in love."

I stand there with the best 'wow that's idiotic' look on my face and get a punch to the shoulder from Liz for my mockery. I agree to take Kori home and let the girls take the family care that Katy gets to drive since she caught up on her credits this summer; Mom was really rooting for her on that one. Kori and I are down the road and home fast thanks to my near intimate knowledge of the route to her place.