

Friday morning buzzes past uneventfully and all the way through the school day even having lunch where I can just sit and relax. I notice the same group of punks at lunch has moved next to the nerds and my crew. I make a mental note to punch Johnny the next time I see him as we head into the latter half of the day and finally get into the gym during homeroom to find Ben waiting with Kori. There's no practice going on and I don't head up to the bleachers but out onto the hardwood floor. It takes a minute but I watch as the rest of my crew joins me with Ben finally realizing I'm waiting on him, boy needs to work on the quickness as he heads over to us. He's got another button up shirt that is only decked out in blue and blue jeans today. I start to pace back and forth in front of my group as I size him up before starting in.

"Kori brought you before me cause she thinks you could be a good addition, I haven't seen shit out of you other than you don't want me to pound your head into paste and you like standing around instead of actually doing something," I start in," Devin step forward and tell me what you're ashamed of."

"I'm scared that I'm too big to be accepted, I'm afraid that if a girl ever saw me naked she'd be scared of the fact that I could crush her if I laid down on top of her," Devin says getting a few odd looks from most of the crew, it's Natsuko who pats his back letting him know he's okay.

"Now here you are, all nicely dressed and boring as cold piss," I say turning my attention back to Ben," so tell me what makes you ashamed to speak out, what are you burying inside you that makes you afraid of being yourself in front of everyone."

I can see the fear in his face, he didn't have it when we were fighting yesterday but today it's written all over Ben's face. I don't know if he wants to run but I turn and shoot a look at Kori as she starts to approach him.

"My family doesn't know me, they're traditional and I'm more modern which makes me feel like an outcast at home," Ben finally says.

"Oh fucking cry me a river, that is some serious bullshit if I ever heard it," I say mockingly," My family doesn't know me? Really that makes you like everyone else out there."

I point outside and can see Ben almost wants to leave, I am guessing he's looking to Kori for help but she isn't going to help out. I turn around and start to tell everyone to head out when he starts speaking.

"I like guys," Ben gets out just loud enough to be heard.

Now the whole group is frozen and with my back to Ben I can see their faces, all of my crew have a look of mild shock except for Devin who currently is about to have a brain breaking moment. I have to remember that gay is weird but bestiality might not be with him before turning around to face Ben.

"I'm not gay but I like guys and girls, Kori didn't know this and when she pointed you out to me the only thing I could think of was it would be a hot threesome," Ben finally says ashamed.

Okay I'm officially impressed at the openness of his declaration and a little thrown off by the confession. I check Kori's face and she's just as shocked as everyone else is. I compose myself and realize I need to make this moment a little lighter before it turns after school special.

"So does that mean you want to fuck me," I ask Ben turning around.

"What? No I just find myself attracted to guys sometimes," Ben stammers out.

"What am I not pretty enough for you," I ask smirking.

Everyone gets my joke and finally starts laughing except for Devin who still seems a little put off. It takes a few before everyone calms down and I address the situation.

"Here we don't care about silly shit like what gets you hard or wet, you feel ashamed because everyone out there wants you to be ashamed," I tell Ben walking up to him and placing a hand on his shoulder," No shame here, no weak self help bullshit or therapy crap. If you are with us, then you are the person you choose to be, otherwise you can figure out on your own.``

I back off and turn back to the group; most of them get what I've done. I grab my bag from off the ground and start to leave. It takes less time with Ben to pick up on what's happening than Devin did as he follows us out. The group parts ways in the parking lot and I give Kori a ride home like usual.

Once we get to Kori's house I can tell she's really happy that her recruiting went over well as we get into her room and she's emotionally gushing to me.

"Oh my god that was the best way to do that, and he's bi. I did not see that coming but wow," Kori gets out flopping down onto her bed," you didn't know he was bi did you, like something you read while fighting him yesterday?"

I nearly hit the floor laughing at Kori's comment. I don't know if she's laughing with me or just because I look hilarious to her. I finally got some level of composure and sat down on her bed.

"No honey a fight doesn't work like that in the slightest," I chuckle at her.

"Well then I need lessons or something then," Kori says, wrapping her arm around me from behind," Thank you for not making it impossible. I know you have a little bit of an issue with him because we dated but you were nice to him.``

I let her hold me for a bit when I got a text on my phone from Mathilda. Apparently there is an emergency at her place. I get a quick kiss from Kori and check the time, just before four as I head out on my bike to Matty's house. I pull up and see Matty's car is there alone like usual. I knock on the door and after a few moments Mathilda answers the door with a smile before pulling me into her house and closing the door behind us. I get about a step in when I'm shoved onto the couch landing on my ass. I can see my Amazon has her workout shorts and a tank top on but she's not sweating like she's been working out. I watch Matilda close the front room curtain and get down on her knees in front of me. I get the feeling I'm about to be asked for something and I'm not sure if it's a good thing but like all my girls she's got her big eyes and please look at her face.

"Okay so you did some recruiting this week cause Katy and Kori pestered you about it and I'm fine with that and I know that I usually don't ask for anything but I have someone who I want in our crew. Kinda like a person to keep me updated when things happen during lunches," Mathilda explains, rubbing her hands on my thighs.

"Alright, you have someone you want in the crew," I say to Matty, taking her hands," I'll listen but this needs to be good."

I watch Matilda smile and get up from the floor, I stay seated as she heads to her room. It takes her a minute or two before she comes back still has her shorts and tank top on but it's her friend that catches my attention more, Hanna is standing next to Mathilda. I haven't really seen much of Hanna since before the summer but she looks a hell of a lot better, about five foot eight and a bit curvier than when she stayed the night last year with large c cup breasts being held in by her green jogging suit. Her ginger hair is a little more prominent than last year being shoulder length and brighter in color.

"Hanna, you and Guy know each other from what you told me so explain to him why you want in," Mathilda says sitting down in her father's recliner.

"Well I got more involved with basketball last year and while I don't normally want anything to do with boys I want to at least know that if I were to try something out I'd be able to with you," Hanna says keeping calm.

"Wow, that tells me you're curious but why do you want to be a pariah," I stated to Hanna.