
me, myself, and I

Sup, I'm Seo-Yeon Park. In case you couldn't tell from my name, I'm Korean, but I was born in the United States. I'm currently sixteen years old lounging on my bed and staring off into space. I seem to daydream quite often these days, mostly because of boredom.

My daydreams continue to consist of a life where I become successful or become a strong independent woman, something anyone would hope to achieve in the future. But whatever, I'll just live life as it comes and goes. Whelp now I'm kinda sad that my sorry self is only slightly smart, unable to be an elite to be able to ACTUALLY do something for my family. What if I could just hit a restart button and just magically become a genius. Now I'm just going crazy with absolute delusions that will never happen. *Sigh* I should just get some ice cream to make myself feel and better and to distract myself.

I leave my home and bike to the nearest ice cream shop, but unfortunately, I got a little reckless while crossing the road and kinda missed the GIANT FRICKING TRUCK speeding towards me. *sigh* I'm too careless sometimes.

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

Why the heck can I still see, hear, breathe, touch, smell, and do stuff that a LIVING human could do?

No way. Was I reborn? There's no possible way that this is actually happening. Hey, god if this is some kind of sick joke then I'm over it. . . . No response, okay then. This room looks kinda familiar, it looks almost identical to my room that I had when I was a kid before my parents divorced. Huh. Okay let's think. Am I in heaven, hell, or reality? Wait..... why the hell do my fingers look so chubby and small?! Oh damn, I really was reborn. That means I can see my family again, right?! Unless, I was reborn as someone else. Oh god no.

"Seo-Yeon! It's time for your nap!"

Mom!? .....

Hell yes.