
New Beginning of the Ancients

This is a story about a young man, who was living in the present world at the end of 2019. He was only in his early twenties. His early life was tinged with bullying and later on success. But now everything is going down the drain. He failed his studies and is now thinking of what to do. He is scared of failing his elders expectations. But then, all of a sudden, it is all over and everything goes black. When the young man comes to himself again, he quickly realizes that he has gotten himself another chance. -------------------------------------------------- Hello dear readers, this is the first time I am attempting to write a novel of any sort. If you don't mind and have the time, give it short look. If you like it, countinue reading and if you don't then please tell me why. I hope to improve myself and for that critique is important. The protagonist is a character whose story is basically my own. And the story embodies my fantasies and dreams. Give it a try. Thanks Bartimaeus

Bartimaeus · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

First Kill

After buying both the second level of the beginner body strenghtening technique and the body double technique, I had 140 UV left over. But I decided to keep them in order to be able to buy an avatar technique sooner or be able to buy something in an emergency.

Since it was already 9pm at night, my parents had already gone to bed. So I knew that this was the best chance to set up my body double and go into the forest to kill something.

Setting up the body double used up all the mana I had saved up inside my body. All four points worth of mana.

While quickly spending fifteen minutes to recover some of my energy, I was thinking about what animal I should kill. According to my estimation, killing things like flys, ants and similar small critters that can't harm anyone wouldn't bring me any experience or benefit. So carnivorous animals would be best. Things like wolfs or foxes. Sadly there were no wolfs in my forest. And foxes were small and hard to kill. I might have to settle on some mice or small birds for now.

After recovering my mana, I silently opened the my window that leads to the garden. I snuck out and walked though my neighbors property into the forest. I had put on warm clothing, since it tended to get quite cold around here at night.

As I walked into the forest I passed by a small lake. Then I suddenly stopped and looked at the lake in a daze. I thought, 'Does killing fish do me any benefit?'. I quickly opened the 'Universe Shop' and entered 'Fishing rod' into the searchbar. Thousands of results quickly came up. I said,'Chaos, please eliminate all search results beyond the cost of 50 UV.'

Immediately only 10 or so results remained. They ranged from 5 UV to 50 UV. I decided upon a decent on priced at 15 UV. It appeared in my inventory and I quickly took it out and looked at it. It was scaled down a bit from the original size to fit my bodysize. It was made out of carbon fiber materials. Since I didn't know much about fishing, I decided to just try it out. I swiftly dug up a small earthworm from the ground and pierced the hook though it. Since that didn't completely kill the earthworm I did not get any experience from it, not that I cared much.

I threw the hook like I remembered and the hook landed in the small lake. Then I waited. But it did not take long for a fish to bite. I sensed the fish on the hook and quickly reeled it in. Less than a minute later there was a fish about 15 centimeters in length dangling in front of me. I placed it on the ground behind me in and took out the sword from my inventory. After taking a deep breath i hacked at the fish using my sword.


[+120 EXP]

As these messages rang through my head, I was blankly staring at he beheaded fish in front of me. Blood was flowing out of it. It was the first time I had killed something bigger than a bee.

[This is the first time you have killed a being bigger than a bee in your life, Simon. I know that the feeling must be a bit weird. But you will have to kill a lot of things in order to get stronger. Don't think too much over a fish. Millions of them are killed and born every single week. A single fish does not change anything.]

'I know, Chaos. But it just lets me see how fragile life is. I did not even kill this fish to eat it. Instead I killed it for Experience points. It feels like a pointless death to me.'

[But is it really, Simon? Pointless? Think. Killing this fish makes you stronger. It brings you closer to your goal. And what can you achieve when you reach that goal. You can make all of humanity stronger. By awakening the gods from their slumber, you can reignite the belief of the people towards the gods. The gods get stronger again, but so do those that believe in them. But first, you must get powerful and make your voice be heard.]

I just stood there in silence. Thinking. Then I looked up into the sky and saw the moon. I made my decision. For myself, for my family, for the gods that had given me a second chance and also for Chaos. She had accompanied me for almost six years now.

I looked at the dead fish again and willed it into my inventory. I also put the fishing rod and the sword back into my inventory. And I walked home. I willed the body double to disappear and layed in my bed. Staring at the ceiling I asked, 'Can I teach my techniques to others?'

[Only those that you have already mastered, Simon.]

'I see', as I contemplated.

If I want to have a good starting point for this life and my goals I will need money eventually. Having made my decision I went to sleep.