

The world has a big elephant in the room. Jules Riemann knows about it, his classmates know about it, his teachers, parents, friends... everybody knows what happened twenty-one years ago, and yet, nobody talks about it ever. It's the shame of progress, the failure of human ambition, everybody ignores it in hopes they can lead a normal life regardless of the massive mistake kept sealed inside the abandoned city of New Athens. July is one of these everybody people, trying to carry on, unbothered by what happened before he was born in the other side of the globe. Unfortunately, his hopes shatter when it's the thing everybody dreads, what drags him inside out of the blue. Now July is in an unfamiliar place, facing unfamiliar monsters, and unfamiliar faces he didn't even know could exist. Contents: Apocalyptic scenario, science fiction horror, found family, queer themes and characters, queer protag, although romance is not the main topic we will see some. Author is transmasc and many characters are trans as well. Trigger/content Warnings // Blood, Violence, mature themes, strong language, drugs and alcohol although briefly mentioned. Recommended for mature audiences, however, no explicit sexual content will be depicted

Leontokire · Khoa huyễn
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2 Chs

Current Characters: Guide


Age: 19

Pronouns: Apathetic/doesn't care/Narration uses he/him


Enneagram: 7w6

Color Coding: Yellow

Physical appearance: Mid-dark olive skin, big and anxious brown eyes, curly brown hair and top-heavy lips that are always frowning, July is average-tall, and shows more strength in his legs than anywhere else due to him being a biker.

Dressing style: Wooly sweaters, natural colors like opaque green, mustard, browns and dirty oranges. Autumn palette, mostly comfortable wear that doesn't get in his way

Personality: Creative, anxious, constantly yearns for freedom, although there have always been things that held him back all his life. Anxious, Holds back from sharing ambitions with others. While kind and considerate, he's private. Struggles with perfectionism and inadequacy

Hobbies and Likes: Painting, drawing, graffiti, biking, folk songs, urban exploration, solitude

Dislikes and burdens: Crowded spaces, boredom, routine, excessive optimism, depending on others, lack of control in situations, being truly and really alone.

Mask: Black surgical mask and nothing else, since he doesn't feel they actually need it.

Occupation: Food delivery (previously)

Pollution effect: ?????


Age: 25

Pronouns: He/him


Enneagram: 4w5

Color Coding: Neon Green

Physical appearance: Tall, skimpy, pale skin and a plastered smile in his face, long, messy blonde hair that reaches his shoulder blades and is tied up in a ponytail, the only eye he shows is bright green and hooded, unstable posture, bitten fingernails and a scar on his lip.

Dressing style: His signature white trench coat, cargos and turtlenecks, he is fashionable, but comfortable. And doesn't like letting his figure be seen. Uses mostly grayscale colors with the huge exception of neon-green.

Personality: Energetic and enthusiastic, curious, individualistic, although tries to be consciously considerate to others despite his personality. Unpredictable, has an overall positive outlook. Obsessive checker, a bit superstitious

Hobbies and Likes: Botany, Foraging, but because most of his life has been defined by the Rift, he doesn't have many other hobbies that are not related to things he finds useful for survival. Despite that, he takes care of a small garden, and loves collecting stuff.

Dislikes and burdens: Lack of cooperativeness, Situations where an outlook changes abruptly or something disrupts his messy, but otherwise virtually perfect routine. Anything that may affect the little things he does to keep himself afloat and sane can stress him very much.

Occupation: Forager

Mask: Italian mask that covers everything but his mouth and left cheek. The right eye of the mask is covered by it, in an "X", while the left one can be seen. The mask is slightly cracked and entirely white, although some parts have stickers glued to it, courtesy of Lileep.

Pollution effect: Inorganic transmutation.


Age: 16

Pronouns: She/her


Enneagram: 3w4

Color Coding: Orange

Physical appearance: Lileep has curly light-brown hair, and doesn't show her face. She is short, squirmy and flexible, and has a very good physical state. Spends significant time in her daydream world 

Dressing Style: Extremely bright and mismatched color combinations, mainly orange and blue. Fisherman hats, extravagant accessories, pretty and shiny things, cool!

Personality: Unpredictable and Moody, Childish, active and energetic and extremely perceptive. She can never, and will never, sit still

Hobbies and Likes: Collecting material possessions, pink, orange, and pastel colors, aesthetics and cute, shiny toys and dolls, indulging in sweets, candy, cake, and soda pop.

Dislikes and burdens: Dark and Gloomy Atmospheres, messy surroundings. A shortage of sweets, candy, cakes, or soda pop could be a minor annoyance, the looming transition into adulthood, letting go of the past and material possessions

Occupation: Scout/reconnaissance

Mask: A theatrical mask, half of it is bright orange with a smile while the other is light blue with a sad face. There are stickers in her mask, her mouth is uncovered, and she has pointy teeth

Pollution Effect: The Nothing