
I Regret that Day

After the Kalos League conference is over, Ash decides to return home after becoming champion of that region.

During his entire journey in the Kalos region, he had matured mentally due to his change of character from a totally impulsive one to a thinking and serious one, in addition to having completely mastered his aura, and also matured physically, his body showed signs of maturity, his abdomen was well strong, slim but muscular arms, and the same face that causes an immediate attraction.

He had become the envy of many, however he did not care, his character changed a lot and although he was satisfied to dethrone Dianta and become the new regional champion of Kalos, he was not entirely comfortable, he felt that Something was missing, but I didn't know what it was.

Before heading home, he had to deal with certain responsibilities as required by his title as champion. Those responsibilities lasted about a month, the black-haired man was more than annoyed, he could not go to his house to visit his mother who missed her so much, although those situations were convenient in a certain way since he met and became acquainted with people from a rank equal to yours and higher.

In the last of his responsibilities as champion, he had to make a short trip to Jhoto to deal with relations between the two regions. Finally, after that, he could take a vacation, so he returned to his home in Pueblo Paleta as fast as he could. It didn't take half a day to get home from Jhoto because he was flying over his megacharizard AND

It was quite an entrance when arriving at his house, his charizard descended with a great roar which made Delia leave her house to see what was happening and her expression was pleasing when she saw her son return with a large trophy in his hands

Ash: Mom! I am back! and now I am the champion of Kalos - as he approached his mother

Delia: son! look to you! how you have grown, I am proud of you -as I gave him the most affectionate hug

Ash: I missed you mom, it has not been the same without you -corresponding the hug,

Pikachu stood on his mom's shoulder

Delia: pikachu! Thank you for taking care of my Ash, I don't know what I would do if I didn't have you

Ash: I'm not a kid anymore, mom-

Delia was smiling : but what are we doing here, come on in! I will prepare you a feast to celebrate

Ash: thanks mom! He starved - while his stomach roared

Delia: some things never changed - as they entered happily

Ash showed a more cheerful attitude when he saw his mother again, she made him forget all his responsibilities and turned him into his child and that He liked it since he was always serious.

In the evening, Delia had invited Professor Oak, Gary and Tracey to a dinner to celebrate the triumph of their son, all the aforementioned greeted and looked amazed at the surprising change of the coach, now they were no longer witnessing the impulsive boy they always knew but to a well-formed man who has matured during all his trips through the different regions.

The dinner was quiet and with a relaxing talk, they talked about how he became a champion, his responsibilities, the people he had met, among other things. The black-haired man also listened carefully to all the stories his mother, the teacher and his two friends told him, until a phone call came to his mobile.

Ash: excuse me, I have to answer - as he walked away

They all nodded

At the end of the call a frustrated expression formed on the black-haired man, he was urgently needed at a meeting in the Hoenn region, he had to leave again in 2 days. He explained in detail the reason for his call and promised that he would return as soon as possible, he just wanted to spend time in Pueblo Paleto together with his mother and friends free of all responsibility.

Ash: I'm sorry mom, I'll be back soon

Delia: don't worry son, I guess these are the things that a champion does

Ash: still, I want to rest, I'm very busy with the position and I want to spend all the time with you

Delia: son, you've I have been traveling 6 years, 2 days will not make a difference - with a cheerful tone

Ash: sure - laughing

The 2 days flew by, Ash left pikachu with his mother, explained that he had to take care of her and that he would return immediately to which the pokemon, sad, accepted the order. A moment later he was already riding his charizard to the city of Arrecípolis where he had a meeting with the regional champion Máximo, the high command of Hoenn and the president of the Pokemon League Charles Goodshow. There was no major inconvenience and since he was in that region he wanted to say hello to his old friend, Max and took a flight with charizard to Petalburg city, but he did not want to meet his brown friend due to the uncomfortable situation that happened to her 3 years ago.

Near the forest of Petalburg, Ash from the sky spotted a person lying on the floor unconscious and went down to help him, his surprise was great when he saw that it was Max, his friend from Hoenn, took him as fast as he could to the center Iron city pokemon that was the closest.

Ash: nurse help me -serious

Joy: if that happens-leaving a room

Ash: this young man is unconscious and with some wounds -carrying Max in his arms

Joy: put him on this stretcher, I will take care of him immediately -and took him to inside a recovery room

Ash could not wait, he reported the incident to his parents and they arrived as soon as possible. During the trip, Norman cursed the individual who was in charge of taking care of his children, Caroline only asked him to calm down, that the most important thing was Max's health

After a quick trip in his car, they arrived and were able to see the black-haired man who was sitting on one of the benches closed his eyes, they quickly approached him looking for information, Ash when noticing the presence of someone approaching opened his eyes and observed Norman and Caroline with an expression of anguish

Norman: Ash! What a joy you found Max, where is he? ‐Distressed

Caroline: How is my son? -Anguished

Ash: calm Mr. Norman and Mrs. Caroline, Max is resting in one of the recovery rooms, the nurse informed me that he fell unconscious and that he did not have any serious injuries, that only

Norman should rest : thanks Ash, you do not know what grateful that I am - calmer

Caroline: the same I say, I do not know what would have happened if you did not find it - calmer

Ash: it is nothing Mr.

Norman: you can call us by our names, after all we are confident

Caroline: this is

Ash: what I will take into account, but there is something that does not leave me alone, you can tell me that Max was doing just for the forest-serious

Norman: now that you mention it - clenching her fists - that girl is in trouble, I warned her along with that supposed champion that she had to take care of Max and not leave him alone

Caroline: calm honey, something must have happened, let's wait for Max to wake up, this is not the time to think about it

Norman: but I warned him ... -interrupt

Ash: calm Norman -taking him by the shoulder- as Caroline says, the important thing now is the health of Max

Norman: thank you son, you do not know how much I thank you for take care of him even without having any responsibility

Ash: he is my friend and I care about him, he would do the same to anyone so he doesn't have to thank me

Caroline: thanks Ash, we will be indebted to you

Ash: as I told them, it's nothing - quiet

So they spent a few minutes chatting menacingly about each other's lives until the nurse brought in a better Max. The little boy saw his parents and ran to hug them, he was scared of the event he lived, his parents also hugged him with an immense joy to see him in good condition, Ash only witnessed the affectionate family hug

After that, his parents told him that it was Ash who brought him, when he heard that, it was where the trainer came and surprised him with a hug, which he reciprocated, and thanked him for taking care of him. After a few expressions of affection from his son to his parents, Max informed them of what had happened to him there.

Max: What happened was ...


There was Max, May, and Hoenn League Champion Brendan, returning from Iron City. Brendan wanted May as her boyfriend, had to gain the trust of his parents and had to reluctantly take the child with them.

May little by little was falling in her games, she did not know that Brendan only wanted to use her to abuse her, the brunette was already fed up of not getting to anything with the chestnut so in an improvised play he released one of his pokemons, alakazam , and ordered him to use psychic on both of them so they wouldn't move. Max tried with all his willpower to free himself from the attack, but he only received blows from the brunet to the point of knocking him unconscious, May was able to take out one of his pokeballs and threw it freeing his blaziquen who attacked the psychic pokemon for later flee as quickly as possible from Brendan thinking that his brother will be fine since he was following her and had left his brother lying on the floor

End of memory

Norman: that coward, he is going to pay me to take advantage of my children - furious

Caroline: how dare he use us in that way - disappointed

Norman: he better prepare himself - clenching his fists

Max: this time he will not be able to do anything! ‐ Angry

Ash: hey! - Calling your attention - You must calm down first - Seriously - We have to be calm to think properly and not panic

Norman: You are right Ash - Calm down a bit - First things first, honey, go home with Max

Max: But I also want to go !

Norman: no! -Seriously- you must rest, Caroline please, go home and rest, I will take care of this

Caroline: it's alright darling, but don't go crazy

Norman: we'll see - frustrated - Ash, I know you're busy but could you help me - almost pleading with

Ash: okay, let's hurry before the situation worsens

Norman: wait May - he ran along with the dark-haired man

Norman was looking for his daughter by land while the dark-haired man was looking for her through the air. It was a relief to see her from the sky but he was also angry to see her running agitated and very slowly near a river followed by Brendan who followed her on foot with a face of malice.

May slipped and fell to the floor as Brendan approached faster and faster with the intention of abusing her, May closed her eyes as tears flowed from her sapphires, she only hoped that it would end in a good time, but before feeling to the dark-haired man, he felt a strong blast coming from the sky, the dark-haired man had launched an attack on the champion of Hoenn that knocked him to the ground.

Brendan: hey! Who do you think you are - rising furiously

Ash: no one you care about - said seriously as he got down from his charizard

Brendan: long here, you interrupt us - trusted

Ash: of course I will not - seriously - I will not allow anyone to take advantage of other

Brendan: you don't know who I am, I'm the champion of Hoenn! And if you don't want to get hurt, you'd better get out right away, 'said

Ash: the Hoenn champion? We will see what you can do

Brendan: I warned you, metagross go!

Ash: charizard - mentioned - you know what to do

May was lying on the floor, watching amazed the black-haired protect her, although she had emotionally hurt him, he was there.

Meanwhile, between Brendan and Ash a battle began, it was too easy for the dark-haired man who had a much higher level than that of the champion of Hoenn.

Brendan was getting desperate, he couldn't fight the black-haired man, he knew that he was going to lose and little by little, when he looked closely, he realized that he was battling the regional champion of Kalos, now a deep dread invaded his entire body, not know what to do.

Ash: what's wrong with you? why do you stop? ‐Trusting

Brendan: ... ‐ scared‐ metagross

Ash returns : what are you doing? did you give up -Relaxing

Brendan: agghh!

Ash cursed : I don't want you to take advantage of anyone again! ‐Serious‐ and take your responsibility as Hoenn's champion with honor

Brendan: ... ‐I was only listening to

Ash: you have to validate your position with beneficial actions and not dirty it with acts like this, if you are willing to change, go away once-very serious

Brendan: whatever! Thank you! ‐ Retired with a few tears

Ash: I know you will do the right thing ‐ calm

Brendan immediately walked away getting lost in the forest, Ash watched him walk away thinking that he would change, and May was about to jump into his arms to thank him for protecting her but the black-haired man felt her approach and dodged her without seeing her leaving the chestnut sorry lying on the floor

May: but why did you do that! -Rising

Ash: ... -in silence

May: answer me -thinking that I would not speak to you because of what happened between them

Ash: ...

May: please! tell me! - desperate

Ash: ...

May: forgive me! - falling to your knees - I didn't mean to hurt you - crying -

Ash: stop it! -Finally talking- stop crying and get up -turning around to see her

May: if -in obedience she stopped right away

Ash: your father is looking for you, you better go to the pokemon center, I will warn him, go up to charizard, he will take you

May: but ... and not .. -interrupted

Ash: as I told you, I will warn you and pick up charizard later -serious and cold-take her charizard

May: Ash! - crying - forgive me!

Ash: -he turned around ignoring her and then looking for Norman leaving the chestnut crying

May climbed into the dark-haired charizard crying inconsolably, she was sorry she had hurt him, she knew he was upset with her and even more now that she saw him with Brendan, she wanted to beg his forgiveness but she couldn't because he ignored her.

Meanwhile, the dark-haired man calmly looked for Norman, found him looking near a ravine, informed him of everything that had happened and both took their route to the Iron City pokemon center.

Both arrived in a matter of minutes, before entering Ash stayed outside with the intention of returning to his house, he was saying goodbye to Norman and before he got on his charizard, the gym leader took him by the arm and asked him not to he left, that he wanted to thank him and that he went to his house with them, the least he could do to thank him is inviting him to dinner, the black-haired man refused but at Norman's insistence he accepted

Ash: Okay, Norman - giving up - I accept your invitation

Norman: great! ‐Joy‐ let's go to May and then to my house

Ash: of course ‐he said in a dry way

Norman went directly to Nurse Joy to ask about her daughter, she informed him that she has no serious injuries and only needed to rest. For Norman that was a relief and finally he asked where his daughter was, to which she pointed out that she was sitting on one of the sofa in the room, the gym leader felt sorry for not seeing his daughter when entering causing a laugh at the nurse, just thanked for the attention and headed to her daughter who was head down

Norman: May! are you okay? - relieved to see his daughter

May: yes dad - downcast

Norman: when he finds that certain champion he will see them with me - angry

May: calm dad, Ash already gave him what he deserved - raising his head where you could see that his eyes were red for crying

Norman: daughter

Norman hugged her because he believed that the brunette had hurt her, but it was not like that, he cried for having hurt the one she considered her best friend, he only consoled her saying "now everything is fine" but deep down the brunette knew that she was not

May: where is Ash? -He asked with immense pain in his chest

Norman: he has already ridden on his charizard to Kanto -wanted to test his daughter

May: no! Ash! -He came out with tears from the pokemon center and with a deep pain in his heart hoping to see him one last time in heaven

Norman: this girl -thought happy

May left the pokemon center desperate shouting the name of the black-haired man without realizing that he was leaning against a wall near the front door, she left in the middle of the garden looking up at the sky, with tears in her beautiful sapphires, she regretted To have hurt him, but a voice made her silence and at the same time she felt calm because she thought if he was the person she expected, she would do everything possible to earn his forgiveness and his friendship again.

Ash: stop making such a fuss - closing your eyes

May: Ash! -Turning around- what are you doing here! -I looked happily at the black-haired

Ash: if you don't want me to be here, I can go -Quiet

May: I didn't mean that, I just want to thank you for protecting me in the forest -as

Ash approached : be more careful who you are with -his tone changed to a sad one when remembering the saddest moment of his life

May: Ash I ... -interrupted by what I was going to say

Ash: that's history now -still sad and hiding his face under his cap

May: Ash I ask you. .. -again interrupted

Ash: I don't want to know anything about that now -seriously

May: please Ash! -While tears were forming

Norman: something's wrong guys -as he was leaving the pokemon center

Ash: it's nothing Norman -whether he opened his eyes

May: yes dad, everything is fine -wheeling wiping his tears and faking a fake smile

Norman: well guys, let's go home. it's getting dark

Ash: as you like

May: -she fell silent and approached her father- dad, you didn't tell me that Ash had already left -speaking low so that the black-haired

Norman would n't hear her : I wanted to see what you were doing daughter -with a smile - I did not imagine that you loved him so much

May: dad! She said it loudly and with a big blush that caused Coach

Norman's attention : let's go before your mother worries and everyone got into the leader's car.

On the way to the trip, Norman and Ash struck up a quiet conversation, both were sitting opposite, while May was sitting in the back deep in thought, devising a strategy to win back the friendship she used to have with the black-haired man, but she couldn't think so much in that because every time that memory invaded him where his friendship with the coach was severely ruined


Ash and May were in their farewell to their adventures in the Kanto region, Ash had won the Battle of the Frontier and May had been semifinalist in the Great Kanto Festival, they both formed a short relationship of 2 months but it was long enough for the coach will fall deeply in love with the chestnut. Ash was very happy to have May as a girlfriend and before having his last battle with Brandon he had invited her to travel with him to another region, which she happily accepted with a kiss.

After the Battle of the Frontier, they went, together with Brock and Max who had happily accepted their relationship, to the port where they would undertake another journey, but Ash's expression was unpleasant when he heard the strong words of the brunette an hour before leaving.

Ash: but ... why? -His voice was breaking

May: it's not easy for me either -Tears formed- I just want to go to Jhoto to beat him

Ash: don't lie -Seriously- you want it, isn't it

May: I admit it Ash, I like it Drew, that's why I can't be with you - she was lying to herself because she actually loved him with all her heart but was blinded by the mind games of the green haired

Ash: but I love you with all my heart, you are my world, I can't living without you -containing

May: don't make this more difficult, I'm going to Jhoto -breaking his voice

Ash: is it your final decision? -Without emotions

May: yes -as she tried to contain herself

Ash: in that case, go well with him -he said serious and cold as he tried to contain the urge to burst into tears

May: I'm sorry Ash! -She started crying in front of him- I will always miss you and I will never forget all the happy moments we spent, I promise you -as he approached to kiss him

Ash: keep your promises -stepping away from the kiss and changing his attitude- I don't want you to go back to you towards me as you have done all this time

May: but Ash! -Even sadder

Ash: from now on you and I have finished -turning around

May: please forgive me -as he fell to his knees

Ash: - left the place ignoring the brunette

An hour passed and the Ferry that would take the brothers to Hoenn began to leave, before boarding they said goodbye to Ash and Brock, Max made it very emotional because he was swallowing his pride by shedding tears, the black-haired man promised him that one day they would have a battle which made the little boy happy. As for May, she normally said goodbye to Brock, but when she spoke to Ash she got a simple "do you well" in a sad and dry way, which made her sadder about ending their relationship.

End of memory

They both took different routes, from the moment of their relationship breaking up, Ash had totally changed his character, he only thought in a calculating way how to improve and get stronger, he had won the Sinnoh and Unova Leagues but surprisingly he refused to face the high command to become in the champion of those regions. It was in Kalos where he met an old friend, Serena, who made him remember May, she always passed him by and that made him sad when he remembered his moments with the chestnut, he won the Kalos League and at the insistence of the honey-haired boy and With the support of his friends, he agreed to face the high command where he easily won each of the members, remaining as the regional champion of Kalos.

While things did not go as expected for May, after only 2 weeks of being with Drew, she realized his true intentions, the green-haired only wanted to use her and take advantage of the brunette, she saw those intentions. slapped and filled him with insults for cheating on her. After that discussion, she felt the worst garbage in the world, she had left the love of her life for nothing, she regretted every moment for having left her, she always cried for the mistake of having left her and because of that she could not concentrate on the contests. A year passed, she still felt the strong pain of her breakup, after being among the best 16 of the Great Festival of Jhoto, she promised to forget the black-haired man, and it was after another year, when she returned home after the

The three arrived at the house of the gym leader at night, Caroline was waiting for them worried but seeing everyone saved her calmed down, Max also looked forward to the return of his father and his sister and also hoped to see the black-haired man which did arrive. Norman gathered everyone in the room to personally thank Ash for saving his children.

Norman: Ash! -Calling everyone's attention- I think I speak for my whole family in thanking you for having protected my children from any harm, thank you very much!

Caroline: you were like a hero, we will always consider you as one of the

Norman family : that's how

Ash is : it's nothing Norman and Caroline -also- I would have done it with anyone, so they have nothing to thank me for, it is not like that-while stroked Max's head

Max: I admire you Ash, you are like the older brother I never had -happy

Norman: I like the way you are Ash, count on us for whatever

Caroline: that's right, don't have any resentment when asking us whatever

Ash: thanks, I'll take that into account

Norman: May! -Calling her attention- you are not going to say anything -he looked at her strangely because I had not said a single word

May: thank you Ash -said shyly and lowering his head

Ash: Norman I do not want to rush him, but I am starving-ignoring what was said by the chestnut

Norman: hahahahaha! that's the attitude son -happy- let's have dinner

Caroline: dinner is ready, come in, I'll serve you right away

Everyone entered the dining room happy except for the brunette who still felt like the worst scum in the world and was even more sorry for being ignored by Ash, but that wasn't going to depress her, she still had the intentions of earning the black-haired's forgiveness.

Dinner was quiet, all the time they talked about the black-haired anecdotes, until Norman brought up a very uncomfortable topic for his daughter.

Norman: and tell me Ash! You have a girlfriend, I know you have a lot of fans who are after you

Ash: I don't have a girlfriend Norman, nobody has caught my attention, I still can't find the girl who makes me feel that touch of happiness -

Norman said calmly : haha! you heard it May! He is single, you know what to do daughter! -Happy

Caroline: how I wish I had a son-in-law like you -Happy

Max: I would also like a brother-in-law like you -Happy

Ash: -He listened to the three members of the family indifferently, it did not take him importance and continued tasting her food -

May: - She lowered her head very red, in part she wanted everything she heard to be fulfilled, that Ash was her boyfriend again, but for that she had to make an effort and give everything she had to get him back -

Once dinner was over, Ash had the intention of leaving, but at the insistence of the family and because it was already night, they convinced him to stay the night at the gym leader's house. May got excited and quickly thought of a strategy to get Ash's forgiveness, this time she was going for everything and she didn't care about the consequences. The whole family talked for a while in the living room until they fell asleep, Norman took Ash to the guest room that was in front of May's room, they all said good night to the black-haired man, he also returned the gesture with the peculiarity of ignoring the chestnut, and then going to her room to sleep.

It was 2 in the morning, Ash went down to the kitchen for a glass of water, while May got ready to give herself body and soul to the black-haired man, she was determined and would not back down, so she went to her room, when she entered she was all dark and without hesitation he threw himself on his bed in the hope that he would reciprocate. Her disappointment was great when she did not see her sleep, she thought that she had escaped without saying goodbye, while the black-haired man saw the door of her room open, she already imagined who it could be, she only entered with an annoyed. expression to withdraw it.

May: where is it? -Sad

Ash: get out of here! -He said annoyed as he turned on the light

May: Ash! I just ... -interrupted

Ash: you nothing! go if you don't want to have problems -serious

May: but I ... -interrupted again

Ash: go! -Fasted

May: Ash, please forgive me, at that moment I was blinded, but now I took off the blindfold and I realized that the one I really love is you

Ash: -with his aura power I could see if What the chestnut said was true, which was affirmative, she spoke with her heart and had every intention of giving herself - ...

although he knew his good intentions, he only remained silent

May: Ash! forgive me -breaking down- I didn't want to hurt you

Ash: ... -I did n't want to talk

May: Ash! I don't know what to do to make you forgive me, tell me what to do, I'm willing to do whatever I want -she knelt in such a way as to humiliate herself

Ash: ... -he listened carefully, but without wanting to speak

May: please Ash! -Grabbing the black-haired's knee- I wish with all my heart that you forgive me, even if you are not with me again, I would settle only for your friendship -I was crying intensely and humiliating

Ash at the same time : let go of me and stand up -I had already lost my patience

May : yes -wiping her tears thinking that she could finally talk to him about their relationship

Ash: is that all? -Fast

May: no, I want you to know that I was wrong, I made the worst mistake of my life when I broke up with you, from the moment I separated from you a part of me detached itself I always missed you and I am ready to do anything to get you back -decided

Ash : that's it? -

May asked again : I think so - uneasy about what

Ash would answer : now you can go! -He hadn't cared what

May heard : no Ash! -Crying again- I am willing to do anything to get you back

-she kept shedding tears Ash: stop crying -funny

May: yes -calm down a bit

Ash: I am not interested in anything that deals with you -seriously- I ask you to withdraw

May: but ... there's nothing I can do -he lowered his head

Ash: a few simple words mean nothing to me, go now

May: I ... I ... forgive me -I fell back to the floor crying

Ash: I already told you to stop crying! -Raising her voice

May: ... -he didn't want to get away from the black-haired

Ash: do you want to talk about our relationship?

May: yes - calming down a bit

Ash: well that won't happen, you won't have the opportunity to talk to me like you do right now, leave - tired

May: No! -Raising his voice- I do not want to lose you again, no matter what you say, I will do my best to regain our friendship

Ash: you think so -sarcastic- there is nothing that will make me change my mind, now leave the room, tomorrow I return to Kanto and I must rest

May: no Ash! Please, I just want to be by your side forever, I don't want you to be separated from me -crying again

Ash: I already told you a thousand times to stop crying, if you continue with those attitudes it will be better not to continue bothering me -very firm and seriously

May: no Ash! I will not cry anymore, but I ask you to talk about this, please! -Calming down

Ash: that won't do any good, talking to you is just a waste of time

May: just think about it, I'll wait as long as necessary

Ash: leave

May: Ash -sad and looking at his expression- it's fine -he resigned- Goodnight

May left the room that the coach occupied very depressed, she did not know what to do, she thought that she had already lost him forever, she just entered her room and threw herself on her bed crying without consolation until she fell deeply asleep.

Ash only limited himself to lying down, he thought of all the suffering he wanted to put the brunette through for having cheated on him, but at the same time he did not want to hurt her, he was in an uproar in his thoughts, the only thing he knew was that tomorrow he would return to Kanto , and without further thought he fell asleep suddenly waiting for the next day.


SkiaNinjacreators' thoughts