
Entering New Level

Vain saw that the group looked at him wearily, but chose to ignore it. Smiling with a kind smile as he could, Vain spoke to the group, "Hello my name is Vain. I both got separated from my original group and the new group I had temporarily joined afterward was killed."

The group leader looked at Vain and scrutinized every detail whether it was his words to his look, she kept looking at Vain like he was in an exhibit. Vain on the other hand could only smile helplessly and wait till the group leader made their decision.

After five minutes the group leader spoke, "We can now talk more forward with each other. My name is June. I have deemed your words to be true. Tell me more about the first group you were separated from. Then talk more about how your next group had died."

Vain sighed at how long it took to just get to tell his story. Looking directly at June, Vain spoke with a smile, "I'm happy you at least gave me the basic trust between people. So to start my story I should start with the fact that my first group was a small group with only a total of two of us, anyone else was a temporary member. We had just gotten to level 5 and were looking to buy a map, but before we could enter the room to buy the map, a strange entity stopped us and brought us to a strange space before she was taken away, and I was trapped on this level."

June simply put up her hand to Vain's face at that point. "I know you are lying to me now. Terror Hotel is a level without any entities."

"If I knew I would have told you more. All I know is first I was in a hotel then I am in a foggy library where a tentacle monster took my only group member and kicked me down to this level. Do you somehow think I know more than you do? I can tell you I am just as confused as you are even when I had experienced it."

June frowned and looked at Vain again looking at him trying to find the truth. Vain on the other hand just sighed and waited for her to finish so he could tell his tale.

Again waiting for ten minutes, June stopped looking at Vain as if he was the most suspicious type of person. "Alright tell me about your other group that died."

"Well I wasn't in a good state of mind, but when I got stuck here I eventually met a small group of two. I thought that they would be decent fighters, but when we had our first fight, I realized I expected too much since they died very quickly when I was going in to fight up and personal with the clump in the entity mob. Didn't even last half a day with that group. I really knew nothing about them."

June nodded and spoke with a knowing tone, "Although your words might not be entirely truthful, I believe most of your words are the truth, so on that account, we shall not attack each other and go our separate ways."

Vain sighed and spoke dejectedly, "All that just to not be attacked. I guess I don't know what to expect. Thanks anyway I guess. I suppose I should just leave, right?"

June smiled, "Yes."

With the short word she turned around and walked away. Vain could only sigh and keep walking in another direction. June on the other hand let out all the air in her lungs. Looking at the back of Vain she mumbled, "He isn't safe."

Vain soon met another group of entities and just kept fighting as he had been before. Soon eight hours passed in the blink of an eye. Another group of entities was heading his way, just like every other entity group Vain started the fight by shooting his bow. After killing several entities Vain heard footsteps coming from behind him.

Talking a quick peek behind him Vain saw the group he had met several hours ago running in his direction. The leading person of that group yelled out, "RUN! SMILERS!"

Vain didn't need to think twice and forgot about his arrows and the entities running in his direction to start checking the few doors around him. Luckily the second door tested opened up.

"Here!" Vain called out to the group. Holding the door Vain saw a few wretches coming a bit closer to him. The group on the other hand was running towards himself and was a farther distance than the nearby wretched.

Pulling out his sword, Vain fought the Wretch in close combat to allow more time for the group to reach him.

After a quick fight, the Wretch died quickly, giving just enough time for the group to run into the door he had opened. Disengaging all entities he ran just in time to see the last person of that group shut the door behind themselves. Vain tried to pull the door open, but he couldn't open it anymore.

After pulling at the door Vain tried to open up the door with all his might, but there was faint laughter that forced him to give up the entire idea. Running to the entity group that he was fighting before, Vain tried to fight his way to make some type of path to run away from the incoming Smilers coming in the distance.

Vain could hear faint laughter coming closer and closer as he beheaded another Wretch. The Clump in his way kept throwing it's arms into his path. Vain just kept chopping forgetting everything about injuries. All he could do was try and escape in the only direction possible.

The Clump kept doing it's best to stop Vain using it's arms to grab and punch everywhere it could reach. One after another, a hand kept grabbing Vain just to be chopped off a few moments later. Slowly one of the two clumps was getting closer and closer to death.

Through the tangle of limbs, Vain kept moving slowly. Behind himself Vain could hear the soft laughter right behind himself. A quick glance back showed the floating smile. Slowly floating in his direction.

The smile moved slowly but steadily towards Vain, until the entire world went dark.

Suddenly the darkness distorted to reveal a foggy library. Slowly a foggy figure appeared in the distance. It had strange tentacles for arms and a face full of small tentacles.

After walking right in front of Vain, the entity spoke, "Congradulations on completing the first challenge."

Vain on the other hand attacked without a second thought. Attacking the entity right in front of himself, Vain moved as fast as his body let him.

Stabbing the entity with his sword, Vain soon discovered his sword passed right through it. As if the entity was made of fog itself, the entity faded into the fog. Inside his head Vain heard a voice.

"Since you have so much energy already, then you should be ready to enter your second test. We wish you luck. You'll need it."

Without being given any chance, Vain found himself standing right in the middle of a hallway looked similar to a hotel with doors being fairly common with all types of numbers on them. The walls being a vibrant yellow.

On one of the walls was a small shelf with two bottles of Almond water on it. The lights were made up of what looked like outdoor wall lights that would be found lighting up next to the front door of a house.

Suddely a clicking sound appeared in the vicinity making Vain flinch since he was on his highest alert. Looking at the source of the noise was a small typewriter moving in his direction at walking pace.

Unsure of what it was and what would happen, Vain got his sword ready to fight whenever necessary. Slowly but surely the clicking sound kept getting closer and closer to Vain.