
Bleach Fanfic

Ichigo will gain control or at least come to an understanding with his inner hollow early.

First form of his hollow powers is his changing mask.

Second form is the full body alteration shown in the ulquiorra fight.

Third is the altered form shown is his Inner World, a White Ichigo.

Quincy powers will be included eventually. Ichigo doesn't do well with the bow, so he trains in the other Quincy powers.

Ichigo's true zanpakuto will be Zangetsu, will have its shikai have dual blade, but will have a different bankai.

When Ichigo utilizes his Quincy powers, his shihakusho turns an azure blue color. Ichigo gains a pair of pure white wings and a halo through Vollständig.

Combining just hallow and quincy powers creates a pair of black and white mixed wings along with a pair of horns protruding from ichigo. Along with a tribal shihakusho with a mix of red and blue.

In Bankai his shihakusho changes to incorporate splashes of white, red, blue, and black.

Ichigo may experiment with combining his techniques properly. like combing Sonido, flash step and Hirenkyaku. Cero, getsuga, etc.