
Netori system in the multiverse

Some guy died by being stabbed by a crazy ex-fling but he was lucky enough to be chosen as a host to Netorase System. Now with a chance to do what he wants without any big consequences. Of course the only way to live his new life is to get the girls by using any method necessary. MC is a psychopath and doesn't care much about other people. His main concern is his entertainment. Tags: Evil MC, Perverted Protagonist, Blackmail, R-18, Ne Non-consensual sex, Intoxicated sex and many more fetishes. Not recommended for people who gets easily uncomfortable.

kurit_kun · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Plan start

(Kirishima's pov)

2 days passed, and I was gathering the necessary information. I need to know what I work with, after all. Going blind, while fun, would be stupid, and I plan on getting the whole package. Just imagining all 5 sisters in my bed is making me hard. I always dreamed of getting triplets to ride on my dick, but the best I could do was twins, and I needed to cheat a little. I somehow convinced both of them into a threesome, but I said that the other participant was shy, so I persuaded them to wear blindfolds and gag balls so they wouldn't be able to see each other or recognize their voices. Let's just say that they weren't thrilled the following day when they saw each other. I'm honestly surprised that they weren't the ones who killed me, but now I have a chance with quintuplets, which is even better.

I need to play smart. 

Ichika is out. I need to get at least one of the sisters, and she seems to be the most troublesome with her acting skills. From what I got from Observe, she would see through me if I wasn't careful.

Nino is a maybe. She is an easy target. She likes the wild type, and I look the role, but I would need to play a long game by being her boyfriend. I would be able to mold her into a great plaything, and her type usually loves anal, and luckily, so do I. The downside is that I would need to pause my plans on other girls until I drilled the idea of me with other girls into her.

Miku would be difficult, but for a whole different reason than Ichika. She is shy and has a small crush on her tutor, Fuutarou Uesugi. It would be fun breaking her until she was addicted to me but I'll refrain myself until later. I need leverage in order to get her. I could just rape her and get some photos and blackmail her like that, but surprisingly, she is hard to find alone despite her shyness. She is almost always either with her sisters or the Fuutarou guy, and I want to get one of them by the end of this week, so pass.

Itsuki Itsuki Itsuki. She hates my guts because I'm her opposite, so she'll need to wait as well. Her belief in fate and charms will definitely be used in the future, but I'm still debating if I want her to fall in love with me despite her hate or get her while she still hates me. Both seem fun.

That leaves Yotsuba. If I didn't know that I was chosen as a host of a system, I would think that God favored me because she was an ideal target. Inferiority complex? Check. Innocent to the point she uses childish panties? Check. Can't say no to people who ask for her help? Check. The plan writes itself down without needing me. She also likes, no, she is impressed by my physique, which can be used. It also helps that she doesn't care about rumors of me being delinquent. Not that they are untrue, but she doesn't need to know it. Yotsuba also just finished helping the basketball club, and with that, I had a plan.

(Yotsuba's pov)

Lalalala, I'm going to study with Uesugi-san, and now that Miku and Ichika are going to study with us, we are going to pass the upcoming exam... I think... I hope. I'm pretty stupid, but I believe in Uesugi-san, so everything is going to turn out OK.

"Hey, Yotsuba, right?"

I was suddenly called by someone behind me. After turning around, I immediately recognized the man in front of me.

"Yes! And you are Daiki-San."

It wasn't hard to remember his name. I may have gone to this school for only a month, but Daiki-san is kind of infamous, but I won't believe in rumors that easily. Not after what they did to Miku in our old school... His smirk didn't help with giving the nice guy vibe, but I think Uesugi-san said something about not judging a CD by its cover or something like that.

But enough of my monologue. I have a new friend to make.

"You see..." Daiki-san scratched his cheek, and he seemed pretty awkward. "...I wanted to ask for your help... because I heard that you are a reliable person..."

My smile widened as I heard the praise.

"Yes, yes!!! If you need any help, just say it!" I took his hand and shook it enthusiastically.

My energetic action seemed to calm Daiki-san a little, and he smiled gently.

"I heard that our basketball is doing great in tournaments, and you helped them in one match. You see, I wanted to invite everyone to celebrate their success until now. I am aware that my reputation isn't flattering by any means, but I hope to change by having a party. I hoped that you would help me to prepare everything before the start of the party."

My bunny-shaped ribbon jumped a few times because of my excitement.

"That's a wonderful idea!!!" But my mood dropped together with my ribbon flattening as I remembered something. "But I have a study session after classes... but you asked me to help... but exams are coming..." 

My inner battle would continue for much longer, if not for Daiki-san.

"Ah, you don't need to worry. The party won't start until evening/night. We have Saturday tomorrow so it shouldn't be a problem if we stay a bit late. Also, before I forget, I already invited the others, so you don't need to bother with that."

"No problem!" I raised my arm excitedly. "Where do we meet?" I asked.

"Let's share numbers. I'll send you the address later."

Great! A new friend acquired.

(Kirishima's pov)

The first stage of the plan was a success. Not that I doubted myself, I'm me, after all, but it was nice seeing the plan working nonetheless.

Of course, there wasn't any party, but Yotsuba just needed to think that. I already prepared everything at home, where I'll meet Yotsuba, but I'll check it one more time for good measure.

Food? Check. Drinks? Check. Alcoholic drink? Check. Condoms? Check.

I think that's everything I need tonight, but getting condoms was harder than alcohol, which speaks a lot about the country. By the way, the difficulty with the condoms was because of my size and not because of availability. I should feel proud of that, but I do.

I bought condoms for one reason. I don't want Yotsuba to get pregnant... yet. She is the key to her sisters, and getting her pregnant can wait until I get all 5 of them. I don't want to break the poor girl... too soon.

*Ding Dong*

Someone was at the door to my apartment, and I already knew who it was. I have already changed my clothes to something more comfortable.

After opening the door, I was greeted with happy Yotsuba.

"Hello! Am I late?"

"No, you are just on time. Come inside."

In my apartment, Yotsuba helped me with preparing for the part that will never come, but she seemed to have fun, and soon I'll have my fun too, but for now, we were done with everything and waited for guests. She also mentioned that she let her sisters know that she would be at the celebration party tonight, so it wouldn't look suspicious if she stayed the night. Perfect.

10 minutes have passed

30 minutes have passed.

1 hour has passed.

1 hour and 30 minutes have passed.

But no one came.

Yotsuba and I were sitting on the sofa, and she looked troubled, so she decided to ask me. "Are you sure that you gave them the right address? Do you want me to call them?"

Well, I hope that my acting is still as good as it used to be.

"*Sigh* No, don't bother." I tried to look dejected. "I get it... They probably didn't trust me enough to go to the party I organized. I probably sounded suspicious when I invited them." I scoffed.

"No... They just... Eh..." Yotsuba tried to cheer me up, but it wasn't working... from her perspective anyway.

"You don't need to try to comfort me. I... I knew that something like that happening was a possibility. *Sigh* Can you, at least, help get rid of the food and drinks. And sorry for wasting your time."

Yotsuba was disheartened and nodded while lacking her usual energy.

Stage two of the plan is about to start.


(Today's sauce is 339218, and it's not as random as you think.)


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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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