

Nadia hastily cradles Rajib, witnessing the severe damage the laser beam inflicted on his chest, causing him to bleed profusely.

"Nadia, I think I will die now, and before I go, I want you to know-I loved you all this time. I dreamed of growing up, marrying you, and building a beautiful family together, but it seems like it won't happen, and..." Rajib's words fade as he takes his last breath.

Foisal seeing this, Jumped, pulled his laser sword and attacked Omega man.

Omega man reacted instantly to the punch but Foisal changed his direction and jumped backward staying in the air.

Omega man was fast enough to grab Foisals leg and threw Foisal on the ground like hammer. Omega man smashed Foisal over and over again in the ground like a person is smashing a hammer on ground.

Then threw Foisal far away.

Nadia, devastated by the loss she was crying remembering a voice in his head

" How many times have I had to say I don't love you, why do you keep saying that? " :Nadia's voice.

" I don't care. I love you, that's it. " : Rajibs voiced

" Oh really? If i keep rejecting you for life you will " : Rakib.

" No lie. In this Twenty Five years of life, i don't want to fall for anyone else but you.

- The voice stopped -

With a sad tearful face she glances around,and realizes that all the military personnel surrounding her are already dead. Omega man, intending to shoot her with a laser beam, approaches.

Tears streaming down her face, Nadia raises her sword and leaps toward Omega man, determined to retaliate.

However, Omega man seizes her head and fires a laser beam, causing her head to explode and Omega man drops her dead body on ground.

"One team down, I think there are a total of eight teams and I will kill all of them with no difficulties " says Omega man.

Omega man closed in on another team approaching the building.

Nadim, spotting Omega man, swiftly recognized the threat and instructed his team to advance without him.

Transforming into his soul shell form, Nadim attacked Omega man with his sword, but the metallic adversary easily blocked the assault. Undeterred, Nadim used his soul energy against Omega man, only to find it ineffective.

As Omega man prepared to retaliate with a punch, Foisal intervened, bravely blocking the blow with his hand, resulting in a minor fracture.

Omega man, seemingly unharmed, remarked, "You are such a pain "

Omega man fired a laser at Foisal, who managed to dodge the attack. Simultaneously, Nadim continued his sword attacks, but to no avail.

In this critical moment, Supreme man emerged, delivering a powerful punch aimed squarely at Omega man.

Faria and Tamim swiftly arrived at the scene. Faria, noticing Foisal's injured situation , promptly moved to heal him.

Tamim witnessed transformed monsters attacking the forward military forces. He rushed towards the ongoing skirmish, aiming to assist the soldiers.

Nadim surveyed the area and, upon seeing dead bodies in the distance, sprinted towards them. To his dismay, he discovered the lifeless forms of Nadia and Rajib.

He reached there and saw that the bodies don't have any souls.

He holds Nadis body and sees the destroyed situation.

" No..it's not real..No..Ah..No...Nadia...You can't die like this" Says Nadim his body started to glow more with his aura and with that his memories started to glitch inside his mind.

He looked and saw the dead body of Rajib beside.

His soul started to evolve and slowly his body started to shake and eye became red and glowing.

His body started to pull soul around them like a magnet and some hole was created in his body and from that a strange yellow smoke started to flow from his body.

In the skies above, Omega man and Supreme man engaged in a fierce aerial battle, their clash echoing through the air.

From the base some people were firing at the military and they were countering taking cover.

" Sir, we need to get inside quickly. Otherwise Shohan might escape " Suggested a swat to Foisal.

" We have to, but these people who are shooting are creating problems. They are over thousands and all are covered with soul shells. "said Foisal.

Listening to this Tamim said from beside " I will take care of that "

On the other side Faria was trying to heal some nare dead military covering them with her energy force field to avoid billet attack.

Tamim teleported inside the base where those people were firing from.

One guy saw Tamim and started to fire at Tamim and it hit Tamims body but the bullet got broken hitting Tamims body.

" It tickles, " Says Tamim and teleports in front of the guy and grabs the gun, breaking it.

The guy punched Tamim but his hand bone broke.

The guy screamed and other guys saw and started firing Tamim.

Tamim dodged the attacks and started spamming his teleportation continuously and started knocking everyone who was with guy fairing in one hit.

More guys with guns joined to attack Tamim. Suddenly Faria also teleports there.

Tamim seeing Farid said " I don't need your help "