

“Every time such injustice occur and the poor are suppressed~” His deep inhalation solidified his decision. “ I will make sure to avenge those silenced voices”. In Hyuk The Crown Prince who was Exiled with his younger brother Jiho from his country after the attack on Palace , suffered a lot during their disguise in other Kings land. He witnessed unjust cruelty against weak and poor and Started Killing those tyrant rich people. His Younger brother stopped him from all the bloodshed. The War of two brothers starts as story unfolds. Note: First chapters are character development, so wait for the main story to unfold.

_Shuang_Wei · Huyền huyễn
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40 Chs

Ungjin Affairs

Confidently, Concubine Young Hee declared, "Kill Princess Hae Won discreetly."

Kim Hwan stuttered, "K-Kill Princess Hae Won… But you know…"

Returning the ink-mixing stone, "I understand this is a dangerous task. That's why I've entrusted you with it, believing in your capability."

A prolonged silence followed as Kim Hwan contemplated the potential consequences of being caught.

With a smile, Concubine Young Hee remarked, "I was contemplating a swift marriage between you and Ja Young if you succeed in this mission."

Tempted, he yielded, "I will carry out your command."

Kim Hwan meticulously devised a plan and set it into motion.

Princess Hae Won frequented to a herb shop monthly to personally select and purchase imported tea leaves due to her extensive knowledge of herbs. This shop, situated in the secluded West Market, was perfect for attack.

To address this, he deployed his elite assassin warriors in disguise to carry out the mission.

Maintaining a careful distance in the woods, Kim Hwan patiently awaited the return of his skilled operatives.

The Princess arrived in a palanquin accompanied by guards. In Hyuk opened the door, extended his hand, and escorted her out. She smiled at him with affection, and he responded with a sweet smile.

As they approached the shop, an assassination attempt unfolded. Masked assassins appear, and chaos ensues.

Princess Hae Won's guards engaged in a defensive struggle.

In a swift and menacing move, an assassin aimed his lethal blade at Princess Hae Won. With unparalleled speed, In Hyuk unsheathed his sword, positioning himself as a shield in front of her.

The clash of steel echoed through the air as he skilfully intercepted the assassin's strike, the two blades locking in a fierce battle.

Determined and agile, In Hyuk effortlessly pushed the assailant back, seizing the opportunity to counterattack with precise strikes.

As the defeated foe stumbled away, and atmosphere crackled with tension as In Hyuk faced the other assassins.

The metallic symphony of clashes and strikes resonated as he swiftly moved, dispatching each assailant with masterful precision. His blade sliced through the air with a deadly grace, leaving a trail of defeated foes in his wake.

In the face of In Hyuk's relentless assault, two of the remaining assassins, overwhelmed by fear, hastily retreated.

In Hyuk gets back to Princess Hae Won ," Your Highness are you hurt anywhere"

The princess, instead of responding, sought refuge in his embrace, prompting him to gently disengage. Kneeling swiftly, he apologized for the ordeal saying, "I should have been more careful," In Hyuk stood up and added " Let me accompany you to the Palace."

Princess Hae Won realized that being close to him could cause problems. She thought he was hesitant because he was afraid of getting in trouble, but she didn't know that In Hyuk was uncomfortable because Jiho had been mistreated by her family, which he found disgusting.

The wounded assassin approached Kim Hwan, grasping the issue upon glimpsing their expressions. Without giving them an opportunity to clarify, he swiftly silenced them by severing their throats, foreseeing potential complications. Mounting his horse, he swiftly departed the scene.

The Royal Palace Messenger entered, bearing the Royal Decree, and confronted In Hyuk. With authority, the Messenger declared, "Royal Guard Han Wool, I bring you the Royal decree."

In Hyuk, kneeling responded, "I will accept the Royal decree without objection."

"Royal Guard Han Wool is rewarded with a house, five hundred silver coins, and twenty silk rolls for protecting Princess Hae Won." The Messenger handed the decree to In Hyuk, who accepted it while remaining in a kneeling position.

Later, in Princess Hae Won's Chambers, she sat in the yard, aware of the decree. In Hyuk approached her.

Princess Hae Won spoke affectionately, "You can visit your house, Han Wool. Mother has heightened my security recently; it's okay for you to go."

In Hyuk, lost in thought, contemplate his plan. "It's a good opportunity to check the locations I've marked."

Politely, he bowed , "Thank you, Your Highness. I will excuse myself then," and left the chambers.

Hyuk opened the door to his new house and stepped inside.

Sitting in the yard, he reflected on his situation, he said, "What's the use of a house without a family?"

A picture of his smiling family, including Jiho and his parents, flashed in his mind, and he unintentionally smiled at the thought. A beautiful smile graced his lips and disappeared soon after he was hit with reality.

While he was there Jiho was beaten badly by Prince Dae Hyun. Prince Dae Hyun entered the kitchen and catches Jiho stealing food.

Prince Dae Hyun roared in anger. " How dare you put your dirty hands on Royal meals!"

Jiho, trembling in fear, fell to the ground after a forceful push from Prince Dae Hyun, who then proceeded to step on him before ruthlessly beating him with a wooden stick, breaking his ribs.

Jiho's screams echoed in pain, leaving the horrified servants unable to intervene. One whispered, "This is unbearable."

The onlookers remained silent, aware that any objection might make them the next target of Prince Dae Hyun's brutality.

The Prince increased the torment by pressing a burning coal against Jiho's back, intensifying his agonizing screams.

Prince Dae Hyun's Guard reminded him timidly, "Your Highness, the King awaits your visit."

Prince Dae Hyun, acknowledged, "You're right. I must see Father."

Turning to his servants, he commanded, "Drag him away, lock him in the storage room. I'll deal with him later."

Jiho, covered in blood, was dragged away and confined, lying on the ground like a lifeless corpse, his desperate moans echoing in the storage room.

At night, In Hyuk returned to the palace, catching snippets of servants gossiping about a thief.

A twenty-something servant cautioned a teenage maid, "Stealing is foolish; look at him, dumb enough to steal from the kitchen."

A sense of dread engulfed In Hyuk, and he intervened, silently praying, "God, don't let it be Jiho." He questioned them, "Who are you referring to?"

The lady servant explained, "The male kitchen servant, the one caught stealing. Haven't you heard?"

In Hyuk's heart sank at her words. He covered his face and slipped into the kitchen through a window, searching for Jiho in the storeroom but finding no trace.

Worriedly whispering, "Jiho, where are you?" yielded no response.

He thought of checking the storage room in the Prince Dae Hyun's chambers, he exited the kitchen, noticing guards on a stroll. Hiding behind plants until they passed, he sprinted towards the storehouse.

In Hyuk entered the storehouse to find Jiho lying on the floor, resembling a fallen log.

He lifted Jiho into his arms, whispering urgently, "Jiho…!" Tears welled up in In Hyuk's eyes, realizing the gravity of Jiho's injuries.

Jiho, unresponsive and immobile, displayed bruises on his face, red and swollen eyes, with blood clotting on his clothes and hair.

Regret consumed In Hyuk for neglecting Jiho. Gently placing Jiho's head down, he clenched his hands.

Despite the urgency, In Hyuk acknowledged his duty, recognizing it was nearly time for his shift.

Reluctantly, In Hyuk said, "I can't stay, Jiho. I'll be back." He leaped out of the storehouse window, headed to his room, and studied the map, realizing he must exit through the palace's main gate.

Regretful, he ruminated, "If only I had come sooner, taken Jiho out—he wouldn't be so hurt." Returning to guard the Princess' chambers, guilt consumed him. Thoughts of Jiho's condition and the fear of his death haunted him.

Filled with worry, he prayed fervently, "Jiho can't die like this," repeating his plea for Jiho's well-being a thousand times.

In Hyuk anxiously secures his trembling hands in his hair, compelled by necessity.

Finishing his duty at dawn, he lead his horse out of the Palace, tethering it in the nearby forest, and then discreetly returned.

Donning servant's attire, he loaded a cart with silk garments, a gift for rescuing Princess Hae Won, situating it inconspicuously.

He invaded the storehouse, where Jiho lied, lifting him onto his shoulders.

Glancing out the window to monitor passing guards, he swiftly emerged, dashing towards the cart. Placing Jiho inside, he removed the servant clothes and moved towards the Palace Gate.

The Gatekeeper observed In Hyuk and the cart, suspicious of their pre-dawn departure from the Palace in the dim light.