
Neglected And Forsaken (Dropped)

From a young age, Kiseki didn't have what normal children have when growing up. No Family, No Friends, Nothing. So when he finally got picked up by a Family, he Swore on his Life, No Matter What or Who tried to take away the only happiness he has wouldn't see the light of day. He did everything to stop this from Isolating himself away to gain power to Hiding in the Shadow and kill anyone who tried to hurt It. What Kind of Road will Kiseki Go Down? Will He Truly Know Love and Happiness without it getting taken away? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P.S. This Fan-Fic was made a month or 2 ago so if my spelling or punctuation was bad than i'm sorry and it's my first one as well when i started reading Fan-Fic's.

TruckkunJr · Tranh châm biếm
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4 Chs

Chapter 1 - Sharingan Awakening

After The Battle

Word spread Throughout the Elemental region's about the Nine tails attack Six Year's ago, about the Death of The Fourth Hokage of his sacrifice to Defeat it in a very heated Battle But in the end he won by killing it (most people's believed ) Most were very Happy about the Death of The Fourth, especially Takigakure with Minato destroying a whole platoon of 1,000 Shinobi, Just with a single justu known as Hiraishin. Ever since that many family's were effected by there loss of there child, wife, husband or parents, Hatred grew because of this, but most of it was towards Konoha but mainly The Fourth Hokage for killing there loved one's so of course they were happy. This included Suna, Kumo and Kiri but not at the same level though still glad that someone that if waited few more year's could possibly get the title of God of Shinobi, and the only known people that had this title was Hashirama Senju and Hiruzen Sarutobi, has died.

Although Every village was glad he died, Konoha being the village to fight the Nine tails was heavily destroyed with the Senju Compound, loads of family house's and business shops being ripped apart or stamped on, therefor Konoha had to repair these destroyed buildings so shops could open and family's could finally have a home again. Meaning alot of Money had to be spent to have these built. But the most that effect the village was there loss of loved ones and their Hokage that they respected greatly, being killed in action against the Nine tails or by getting hit in the crossfire of the battle due to these loses they grew to hate anything to do with the Giant Fox or even the mention of it, So every year on the Day of the death of their love ones and the Hokage they celebrated the 'Death' of the 'Cursed' Fox also to thank them for their sacrifice.

But After the meeting with Shinobi and Civiliian Council, Word spread about a Child being the 'reincarnation' of the 'demon' fox, meaning a lot of attempts of murder from his baby sitters in the orphanage to kill the 'demon' that killed their loved ones and Precious Fourth. Though luckily they were stopped before killing him by the Anbu that Hiruzen assigned to keep the child from any danger including observing him if the Nine Tails tried to take over him.


5 Year's Later

Today was October 10th, the Festival to thank their love ones and Precious Fourth for their sacrifice and death of the Nine Tails, everyone cheered and laughed celebrating the Nine tails Death, anyone that seen this festival would think every where was happy about the death of the Nine Tails and was having laughs. Oh How Dead wrong they were to think that.

On The other side of the Festival That was being held, A young boy with two black bangs on either side of his face only just went over his midnight blue eyes with white in the middle of his hair that went to chin length, that seemed to be 5 was running from a bunch of civillians and shinobi alike with kunai's, pitchfork's and kitchen knife's that was heading his way.

"Stop running and get what you deserve, Damn Demon!" Said one of the villages with Poor Hatred In his Voice With Distaste in demon. With more Villages and shinobis Shouting "Demon", "Damned Fox" or "Demon Spawn" with also Hatred evident in their Voice behind him.

"Shit! What do i do there's no where to G-Wait there!" running to a alleyway that was dark with only little light, Kiseki running as far as he could reach a dead end of another wall. "Shit! Shit! Shit! Why does this always happen to me, what have ever done to deserve this..." thinking to himself, he turned his his face with a frightened and scared face expression shown on expression looked behind him, saw multiple men and female civilian and shinobi grinning towards him. "hahaha! Guess Lucks not on your side Demon, Guess we will finally finish what the Fourth Started today then." said a chunin shinobi holding a kunai running at him with chunin speed ran towards him with full intent of killing him, in a blink of a eye appeared in front of a shocked and frail kiseki, he positioned his kunai to his heart.

"Ehh! How did he Suddenly appear in front of me out of nowhere? Meh doesn't matter now. Though Funny how i will die to some chunin and not even start my path as an shinobi maybe i could of even created a frei-"Taking a long inwards sigh"Me,Friends highly doubt someone would want to speak to some demon..."With a long lone tear down his cheek, face staring straight at the chunin with a mix of sadness, fear and anger. Inches away from his heart, suddenly everything went White and Black and Weirdly everything slowing down with chunins body being covered with blue lines. "What are those blue lines in his body. Is that chakra that i sometimes read in Hokage-sama Books? But most importantly why is everything slower with everything being back and white? Doesn't matter i can use this at least put up some fight at least and not die a embarrassing death."

As the kunai was about to pierce the boy's skin, Kiseki grabbed the mans wrist with as much strength as possible to redirect the mans kunai to the left side of him. Then jumped with both feet twisted his his body to the left by being supported still by the mans wrist kicked the man in his chest with as much power from is skinny body, surprising getting a grunt from the man from the blow making him step back a bit, before he could make another move he heard the man that stared at him with shock but with disgust on his face "How Do you have the Sharingan! Your not even satisfied with my little sister's death you even Took the eyes from a dead Uchiha when you attacked 5 Year's ago! You Demon!"

Then the chunin ran in again in chunin level towards Kiskei, after trying to stab him with all tries only leading to dodge's finally got contact with him, stabbing him downwards down his left eye because Kiseki was overly applying too much chakra to his eyes causing strong shock of pain to his eyes and head. Kiseki Screamed Atop of his Lungs with agony well visible in his screams clutched his left eye but to only get more kunai's and knife's impaled in his hand's and feet's from multiple shinobi and villager's. Only just standing there with his body profusely bleeding from his legs that are barely holding him, arms that are just lifelessly down his side and chest from the kunai's and knife's thats stuck in him hunch over with his head down, the Midnight blue almost fading in colour showing every second his life is slowly leaving his grasp.

"Dammit! I'm Actually dying this time, i can already feel my life slipping away slowly but shortly. I have Nothing, No family, No friends and no where to live. I'm just Trash that doesn't belong In this World, I just hope though in my Next life i could of fount, Someone or somewhere to belong but seems in this life I'm destined to have Nothing..."

Before The villager's could kill him, A Raven Anbu masked Shinobi dropped in between the chunin, Kiseki and grabbed the mans arm that was about to cut Kiseki's Neck, and snabbed it with little of no effort and Said to the other Villager's including shinobi behind him releasing 2/4 of his KI Exclaimed "For Disobeying the Hokage's order and attempted murder on another Civillian, You All Shall Die!" letting go of the man, he put up his Hand in a Tiger Seal in front of his mouth and inwardly thought ""Fire Style: Great Fire Ball Justu" After Taking a Strong Inhale, He Exhaled From his mouth Fire that turned to a large Ball Heading straight to the shinobi and villager's in Rapid speed, Burnt Every Single one of them into nothing but Burnt Corps.

After Killing The shinobi's and villages, he turned his whole body to check if the Child was Okay. Putting his Hand on his Wrist trying to find a pulse, at first he could feel nothing but after some time he felt a only dim Pulse from his wrist, Panicking a Little he picked him up Bridal Style and looked over the Boy that was in his arm's with pure shock because of his statue, The Child you could tell he was malnourished from the wholes through his black Sleeveless t-shirt and Grey Anbu Pants that was most likely from Someone else throwing it out because it was two times bigger than him but worst of all was the scars on his body's and current open one's bleeding alot but the one on his eye was the worst. "How can A child thats only 6 cope with this much torture, but i don't want to know the kind of things they will do if they find out he's half bind... Poor Child. He Didn't deserve this!" he thought to himself.

After 5 Minutes of Jumping over houses and shops with Anbu speed, he arrived in the Hospital. Going to the front Desk, he shouted " He needs to be treated immediately! Can you get a doctor Quick." he said in hurry to not lose the child, after a couple of seconds the women turned her head and was about do what he said but then look at the boy with hate and Sneer on her expression said " Sorry sir but we do not Help Dem-" before she could Finish her sentence the Raven Anbu filled the whole room with KI, suffocating patience and almost making the women at the desk black out and shouted at her saying "DON'T EVEN FINISH WHAT YOU WAS GONNA SAY IF YOU DON'T WANT DIE AN EARLY DEATH! So HURRY UP and FIND ME a room, For KAMI SAKE!" Straight away the Women nodded and told the Anbu where to go.

After Getting in the Room, The Raven Anbu Man placed Kiseki on the bed waiting for the Hokage and Doctor To show up.

15 Minutes Later.

After the Doctor checked on Kiseki, the Doctor Explained to The Male Anbu that the child was very lucky he didn't die because if it was longer the chance's of death was slim but luckily because of the child 'condition' he didn't go blind in his left eye though all the stab marks including his eye will have scars, but when he wake's up he needs immediate rest to recover from the physical abuse that has been caused to his body. Hearing this The Male Anbu Was Heavily Relief, because ever since he started looking after the child alone from the Hokage's Orders, he started to like the child but hated how he was treated and that caused him to feel nothing but sadness and sympathy towards him and some shock that a child could have such a strong will to live.

Suddenly getting took out of his train of thoughts, Hiruzen Opened the Hospital door and asked what had happened to make Kiseki In this Kind of statue. The male anbu knelt down on one knee and said "Hokage-sama When i arrived at the spot where Kiseki was, The child was already brink of death but because of his souls determined to live he only just survived the attack from shinobi and villages and because of this, i have eliminated all of them for disrespecting The Fourths and Kushina-sensei Last dying request. But Luckily The Doctor said he is very lucky he didn't die and his eye that was cut is alright due to his 'condition' but all the scars including the one on his eye will still be there " Said With anger but with relief at the end because the child didn't die.

As he said this, Hiruzen nodded But with a Sadden Expression shown on his face For not looking after the child that Kushina asked to be looked after but getting irrupted by the Raven Anbu " Hokage-sama, if its alright with you i would like to adopt the child because after supervising and looking after the child. The Child has Had nothing but Felt pain, loneliness, sadness and to be honest because of this i would like to adopt him but also because he has crept in my heart slowly every single time i looked after him."With nothing but care in his voice, Hiruzen grew a smile because ever since witnessing how lonely the child was, he wanted someone to adopt him up no one came but right here everything the child probably needed finally arrived.

"Are you sure about adopting him? What about your family, what will they think?" Hiruzen said with a curious tone, making sure if he adopts him, his family won't kick him straight out. Immediately after he said this the Male Anbu Said "Hai Hokage-sama, i'm sure and it doesn't matter what my father thinks but i do know my mum wants another son and she feels the same way i feel about the child, though it will take some time for 'Sasuke' to accept that he has another brother." He said with a Firm Voice.

While the Two male Shinobi was speaking, Kiseki was waking up with a massive grunt he asked with a low voice opening his Midnight Blue eyes, shocked that everything was back to normal asked "Where am i? I thought i was definitely dead?" He said with a confused but serious tone, bringing his hand to scratch the back of his should length black hair, then he turned his head to the door to find two men, one shocking him being the Hokage and the other one being the Raven Masked Anbu that he has felt multiple times watching him. After a minute of them speaking they both turned there head showing a happy expression but only one can be seen because the other one had a mask. then Hiruzen spoke up "So your awake now. Good! But how come you was out and not in the orphanage Kiseki." Hiruzen exclaimed with a confused tone.

Then Kiseki said with a blank expression"Well Hokage-sama, i've had to live on the streets for almost a year now after my 5 birthday, finding cloths and food in bins"Then gesturing with both hand sitting up towards his body"This is the evident of how little i've been eating and bad cloths i've been wearing." Shocking both the Hokage and Anbu of his living situation. With a Sad but shocked expression Hiruzen said "If it makes it all better i'm sorry for not noticing how much pain and how bad your living situation was..."but being interrupted by Kiseki with an angered expression but low tone "Hokage-sama, i do not need sympathy from you or any one for that matter of a fact, but i am curious Hokage-sama While i was trying to run away from the mob and i was about a get stabbed in the heart...Everything went slow and i could predict his movement with everything white and black." with an confused tone and crossing both arms around his chest thinking to him self.

He heard both Men Laugh and Hiruzen gesture him to the bathroom with an amused expression"Well that's a shocker, Kiseki if i was you Try to put chakra to your eyes, go over to the bathroom mirror and you'll get your answer." he said with a chuckle at the end. Then after Hiruzen said That Kiseki went to the bathroom mirror and direct his chakra towards his eyes and letting a shocked gasp. In both of his eyes where his Midnight blue colour was replaced with Blood Red With his pupil being black with two tomoe's in both eyes.

After doing this he ran out side the bathroom and asked with confusion "What happened to my eyes?" Both men with a confirmed smirked but one being shown, the masked Anbu Said "The reason your eyes changed to that is because you have an Dojustu and your certain Dojustu is only found in the Uchiha Clan called the Sharingan also Well known for there Fire release, So this means your mum/dad or grand-parents must have been an Uchiha."Turning His head towards Hiruzen, As he did Hiruzen nodded then the Raven masked Anbu took off his mask to show an 13 year old teen with Black charcoal eyes, silky black hair that went to shoulder-chin length either side of his face with one stressed line on either side of his nose and pale skin all over his body standing at 5'6 little bit taller then most his age.

"Guess this is your first time meeting me, My Name is Itachi Uchiha, Heir to the Uchiha Clan and Older brother of 'Sasuke' Uchiha. You might not know why i know you but i've been looking after you from the shadows ever since you was 4 years old from Hokage-sama's Order's. Though i was tasked to look after you at first but ever since i saw how much pain, you have took on your shoulder's and the amount of will power you have not to just commit suicide, you have gain my respect but also crept in my heart your like a little brother to me now. So i asked Hokage-sama here if i can adopt you and he said Yes, so do you want to become my little brother and finally give me and my family a chance to show you love that you haven't had." The Now Revealed Anbu Itachi said with a caring voice and a small smile.

"there's a lot to think about, with one of my parents being Uchiha and you want me adopt me... I just don't know, all i've known was loneliness but suddenly i have someone asking me to join their family...I'm"*Crying*"I'm just scared getting left again, all alone, no one to care about me..."All of a sudden, all that Kiseki could feel was warmth from the protective hug that Itachi provided. After 5 minutes of crying, Itachi spoke "You don't have to be scared, i will always be here for you and so will be Our family, you will never lose us Little Brother." With a love and protective voice itachi put Kiseki on his back to give him a piggyback so he can lean and sleep on his back.

"So What do you say, will you give me and our family a chance?" and straight away as he looked behind him, all he could see was Kiseki nod slowly and drift asleep with a slight happy smile.

15 minutes Later

Entering The Uchiha Clan Head House, closing the door behind him Itachi found Satsuki and Mikoto in the front room watching a movie, as they were watching the movie they heard the door close and looked towards the door frame into the hall way to find a Itachi holding A Child that looked like about the same age as Satsuki, asleep on his back standing up Mikoto said "Itachi how come do you have Kiseki on your Back?" checking the kid, she fount multiple scars on his body but the most obvious was the one over his left eye that looked fresh with a shocked look, she turned her head towards her Oldest Son before she could speak, Satsuki said "Nii-san why do you have a Boy on your back?" curiosity in her voice, then itachi spoke up with kindness in his voice "This Satsuki is going to be your Adopted brother, treat him like you treat me okay, he's been through a lot?" tapping his two front finger against her forehead with a kind smile and closed eyes.

As Satsuki pouted cutely and rubbed her forehead about to tell her Nii-san to stop doing that she was interrupted by her mother saying "Satsuki, you need to go bed now and training starts tomorrow with you new brother Kiseki okay?" giving her daughter a kiss on her forehead. Satsuki replied with a smile "Okay Kaa-san!" running to bed, Mikoto turned her head towards Itachi and said "Take Kiseki up to his new bedroom across Satsuki and tuck him in, i can tell he's been through a lot." With worry in her voice.

Nodding to his Mother, Itachi Went up stairs and opened the Door Quickly but quietly. Then Walking to the bed, gently putting Kiseki on the bed and putting the Bed sheets over him after checking if he looked comfortable Itachi went to the door opened it and Looked back upon Kiseki and Thought "You've been through to much, i will never leave you and hell be damned let you suffer the same pain you did today... You are as important to me as Kaa-san and Satsuki. Even if you hate me and i have to be an obstacle for you to become become stronger... I will Always love you Little Brother." With a love and determined voice and Mangekyou Activated unconsciously.

Here's The Ending Ladies and Gentlemen! Pretty Sad right and if your curious how Itachi Just got his Mangekyou, it was because of the amount of love he has Kiseki Its Basically As much or more than Canon Sasuke So when He activated his man was showing images of Kiseki dying thats Why i included "i wont let you suffer the same pain you did today..." the last bit showing death images of him and Sasuke in This FanFic Sasuke will be Female she looks like this but different start of naruto cloths and longer hair going down chest.


Spelling is bad, so don't come roasting me and i rlly can't be arsed to correct them. Hope you like it still.