
Chapter 22

Akio looked back and forth between Zark and the woman as they spoke to each other.

Akio was puzzled by how they talked. Did they have some past enmity he didn't know about or did something happen while he was out?

When Zark asked whether he knew her or not, he did not know why Zark was asking whether he knew her or not. He was pondering whether it was him who was responsible for their fight or somehow was related to it.

『What difference would my opinion make anyways?』

Although Akio was skeptical, he decided to answer truthfully. After all, he trusted zark even though the woman was unknown.

He lifted his head and looked at the woman. Her hair was still covering her face preventing him from getting a good view of her face. But as far as he could remember, he had no memory of ever knowing an important person.

Occasionally, he stole glances at the people who visited his father in his former home. But he did not even bother to remember their names. After all, his father never allowed him to meet them. He was always told to sit tight and make no noise while there were guests in the house.

Hence, he came to the conclusion that there was no way he would know such an important person.

When Zark and the woman heard that, they were both taken aback. Zark should have been glad, that now the woman would not be able to 'harm' Akio, but even he couldn't help being confused.

This was because of the confidence that the woman had displayed earlier. By seeing her attitude, Zark was pretty sure that Akio would have answered yes to knowing her.

He quickly recovered and decided to not let the woman get a chance to find an excuse.

『Now that you have heard his answer, please kindly leave the shop if you do not have anything to say. I would hate to resort to brute force on a woman.』

The lady, who was still staring at Akio in shock, recovered after hearing Zark's words. She was confused as to why Akio lied about not knowing her. She looked at him again to see if he really was the person she remembered, the person who saved her life. And sure enough, he was the same person.

The same height, the same looks. She couldn't be mistaken after all.

『So, why?』

While thinking one of the men behind her came up and whispered something in her ear.

Hearing what he had to say, her eyes widened but returned back to normal just as fast. She nodded once and the man returned to where he was standing.

She faced Akio and put away the hair on her face to the back of her head and tied it into a bun using a clip she took out from her pocket.

Zark who was watching her do all this thought she was trying to waste time and got terribly irritated.

『Now, listen yo-』


Zark was interrupted by Akio who was staring straight at the woman. Akio was staring straight at the woman in front of him. Now he could clearly see the face which was hidden behind her hair before.

She was a middle-aged woman with a few wrinkles on her face which were clearly visible. She did not use makeup like other upper-class people just for the sake of looking younger.

But that was not the reason he was staring at her.

『What happened, Akio?』

Zark saw Akio and seeing the look on his face decided to ask him.

Akio looked at Zark for some time without saying anything and then looked at the woman again.

Akio was worried about whether he should tell Zark the truth or not. In fact, till now he had not told Zark about his secret. But if he does admit to knowing this woman his secret will definitely be leaked.

Akio didn't want that. He didn't want someone he knew what his situation was to know about his current condition. He pondered for a long time. Countless scenarios were simulated inside his mind.

At last, Akio found a suitable solution. However, even this was a gamble. He was not sure if it would work or not. But out of all the ones he thought of, this one was the safest route.

Akio looked at Zark again and decided to tell him.


Akio nodded as he spoke.

『I know her.』

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I am still a student, trying to write as a part-time hobby. I am still in the process of learning. I am trying to improve with every chapter.

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The next chapter on 25/03/22, Friday, that is tomorrow. It may be a bit late around after midnight.

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