
Need love again (Sonadow Fanfic)

The two hedgehogs find themselves in a trap, a trap of love. Can they break free by loving each other or killing? Shadow needs help and sonic needs to get away. Can chaos help them? Warning: Swearing, Cringe.

shadowxsonic · Khác
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5 Chs

Trapped with you

~Shadow Pov~

Sonic, Me, and Rouge were walking/flying, looking for an exit. "Im boreddd" Sonic complained, dragging the 'd', Rouge roll her eyes at the hedgehog's behavior and ignore him. "Then why did you even come to the cave in the first place?" I remarked.

"Because of the earthquake, what wasn't even an earthquake!" He is sassy right now. "boys calm down, I see some light" Rouge was right, there was light. She flew where the light was, trying to open more of the hole. I and stupid Sonic were still walking, we didn't have much room to run or spin dash. The cave was too small and tight.

We were so close to where Rouge was but I stopped when I felt the ground get uneven and the walls shake. Sonic noticed it too. "Are we seriously having an actual earthquake?!" I looked around everywhere, eyes wandering. I looked down to see my foot on some kind of trap trigger. (I forgot what it was called) Then out of nowhere, a rope that was hiding in the middle of the floor cracks sprung up, trapping me and Sonic.


"ugh! This rope itches"

"That's really on your mind right now?"

"Uh yeah, my quills hurt man!"

I roll my eyes at Sonic's childish remarks and focus on trying to get out. "Shadow, how the hell did you get in there?!" Rouge was running over but the ground started to shake again. "Back away!" Rouge froze as Rocks fell from the ceiling and blocked her way to us. "Great, first are only exits and now we can't even get to Rouge" Sonic complained. I glare at him, but he just gives me a sweet smile. My face flushes red. 'crap'

"Can't you just chaos-control us out here?" He asks. "No, the boss told us this cave is power resident" He made an 'O' face and stopped talking.

~Rouge Pov~

The two knuckleheads got trapped and now a big rock wall is blocking my way to them. I turn around running back to the hole I made to where we were supposed to exit. "I have to find Tails" Then I ran out.

It felt like I ran for about hours. I was about to call quits but I was in luck by finding both Amy and Tails. "Tails, Amy!" They turned their heads to me and ran over, I was too out of breath to move. "Rouge are you ok" Amy questions, helping me stand. "Yeah I am, but Sonic and Shadow aren't..." They both looked surprised, but then Amy got irritated. "What the blue idiot do?" My eyes widen but then I remember what happened this morning.

"They both got trapped in some rope, in a cave, and Shadow's mission was but Sonic interfered to help us. one of the entrances is blocked, also the area they are is blocked off too, and the walls are pretty thick" Amy rolled her eyes at Sonic's actions as I explained what happened. "Well, we have to help them" Tails chipped in. I put my hands on my hips, flicking his forehead.

"Didn't you hear me? An entrance is blocked and so is their area." He sighs and grumbles. Tails started to pace back and forth, thinking and tapping his chin. "You did say the walls are thick, so we need someone strong to break through" Oh god..."We can get knuckles!" I roll my eyes, shaking my head.

"Knuckles can't break through that kind of cave wall!" "Amy! What about your hammer?" "Nope," She tells him shaking her head. "My hammer would break" She put her fingers together and snapped them apart demonstrating what would happen.

~With Sonic and Shadow~

The two hedgehogs sat, in misery for about 25 minutes, waiting for someone. "What is taking them so long" Sonic whines, adjusting his body on the rope. "Do you have to be this annoying, Faker?" Shadow grumbles, already wanting to be dead. "Do you have to be emo all the time?" Shadow shoots Sonic a glare, then looks away.

"Shut up..." The blue blur rolls his eyes, placing his legs on Shadow's shoulders. "What the hell are you doing!" Shadow snaps. "We are stuck here, so why not nap?" Shadow pushes Sonic's legs off of him and kicks him in the face. "Dude! Why with the shoes?" "Do I have to remind you to shut up"

"You can do that without kicking me" Sonic rubs his nose in pain. They felt the walls shake again but their bodies got closer to each other. "Why are the walls shaking again!? and why are you so close?" Their legs were around each other waists, the two were a blushing mess. "Don't ask me!"

The two were silent, the whole cave was. The walls stopped moving in and shaking. Shadow looks at Sonic then looks away. Sonic does the same thing. "Shadow I need to tell you something..."

(A/n: The tension is growing for the two! The next chapter will be kinda smutty but more of making out.. if you are uncomfortable just skip some of that chapter there will be a warning and an end of the warning)