
Ned Stark: The Saviour

Death decides to give Ned Stark another chance... What will he do with it? . . . Will be updated every weekend.

tanush_kumar · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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4 Chs

Chapter 1

Ned was not a man of many secrets, but he knew how to keep them well hidden. So when he found himself hiding at the docks of Gulltown harbor, he knew he had to be extra careful. The bustling port was filled with guards, sailors, merchants, and travelers from all over the known world, and he didn't want to be spotted by anyone who might recognize him. As he crouched behind a stack of crates, Ned couldn't help but chuckle to himself. It was almost like a game of hide-and-seek, except the stakes were much higher. He had to stay hidden until his contact arrived with the information he needed, or else risk being caught by the authorities. Hours passed, and Ned grew restless. He was starting to worry that his contact had been caught or worse, that he had been betrayed. But just as he was about to give up hope, a shadowy figure appeared out of the mist. Ned's heart raced as he stepped out of the shadows to meet his contact, hoping that this risky mission would be worth it in the end. The man was one of the Manderlys. His ship was ready. It was a small, rickety vessel, but it was his only chance. He approached the captain and offered to work as a deckhand. The captain looked at him suspiciously. "You don't look like a sailor," he said. Ned smiled. "I may not look like one, but I know how to handle a rope and a sail. I can work hard and I won't complain." The captain nodded. "All right, you can come aboard. But if you cause any trouble, I'll throw you overboard." Ned thanked him and climbed aboard the ship. He was relieved to be on his way out of the city, but he knew that his troubles were far from over. He had to be careful and watch his back. As the ship sailed away from the docks, Ned looked back at the city. He knew that he would never forget the family he had lost, the battles he will have to fight, and the honor he had to uphold. But he also knew that he had to keep moving forward and that his destiny was written. And so, Ned Stark sailed away into the unforgiving sea, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. He was a man of courage and determination, and he would never give up the fight for what he believed in.

At night, while Ned was up on the mast, adjusting the rigging, he felt a sharp pain in his side. He looked down and saw a small dart sticking out of his skin. He knew immediately that he had been poisoned. He tried to climb down from the mast, but his limbs felt heavy and weak. He stumbled and fell, landing hard on the deck below. As Ned lay there, struggling to breathe, he thought back on his life. He had always been a man of honor, a man who stood up for what was right, even when it was difficult. He tried to move but the poison was already spreading through his body. The last conscious thought he had was of his family, alive and departed. As he lay on the deck, struggling to breathe, one of the sailors noticed his fall and rushed over to him. The sailor, a weathered man with salt-and-pepper hair, knelt down beside Ned and examined the dart in his side.

Sailor 1: Gods be damned! What happened to you, lad?

Ned managed to whisper through his weakened voice.

Ned: Poisoned... I've been... betrayed.

The sailor's eyes widened in concern as he called out to the others.

Sailor 1: Captain! We have a man down! Poisoned!

The captain, a grizzled man with a hardened expression, came over, his eyes narrowing as he took in the scene.

Captain: What's this about poison? Who did this?

Ned managed to lift his arm weakly, pointing towards the mast.

Ned: Up... there... an assassin... my life's... in danger.

Captain: Blast it all! We'll find the culprit and make them pay. Help me get him below deck.

With the help of a few sailors, they carefully lifted Ned's limp body, their expressions filled with concern and determination. They moved swiftly, navigating through the narrow corridors of the ship until they reached a small, dimly lit room. Gently, they laid Ned on a makeshift bed, propping him up with pillows.

Sailor 1: We need to act quickly. We can't let him slip away.

Sailor 2: Aye, we can't let his fight end like this. Someone needs to do something but we don't have a healer or maester.

Sailor 3: The nearest port is still a few days away. We'll have to make do with what we have for now. We need to assess his condition.

The sailors worked together, examining Ned's wound and trying to find any signs of improvement. They used a damp cloth to clean the wound, hoping to slow down the effects of the poison. One of the sailors, a seasoned veteran, spoke with a sense of urgency.

Sailor 4: We should try to flush the poison from his system. We'll need fresh water and some herbs to make a concoction. Check the supplies, and see what we can find.

They quickly scoured the storage compartments, searching for anything that could help. They managed to gather a few herbs known for their medicinal properties, along with a jug of wine.

Sailor 2: This will have to do. Let's make a poultice and carefully administer it. We can't afford any mistakes.

They crushed the herbs, mixing them with wine to create a thick paste. With great care, they spread the poultice over Ned's wound and applied a clean bandage, hoping that the medicinal properties would counteract the poison.

Hours passed, and the sailors kept a close watch over Ned's unconscious form. They took turns monitoring his breathing and pulse, their concern growing with each passing moment.

As Ned lay unconscious, locked in a fierce battle for his life, an extraordinary phenomenon occurred. Two distinct souls, a William from modern Earth and an Albus Dumbledore from the Harry Potter universe, merged with Ned's own soul. The merging of these souls brought forth a surge of unfamiliar energy, awakening Ned from his unconscious state.

Ned's eyes fluttered open, not in reality but in his mind and he found himself surrounded by a surreal presence. He felt a newfound sense of wisdom and knowledge, combined with an amalgamation of memories and experiences that were not his own.

Ned: What... What has happened? Who... are you?

William: Fear not, Ned Stark. I am William, a soul from a distant world. I have merged with your essence, bringing knowledge and understanding from my own time and place. It was not time for you to die so death has decided to do a favor.

Albus Dumbledore: And I am Albus Dumbledore, former Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I, too, have fused with your spirit, lending you the wisdom and magic of my world. We are here to make sure we save the world.

Ned's mind whirled with a mixture of confusion and curiosity. He tried to make sense of the extraordinary circumstance he found himself in.

Ned: Why have you joined with me? What purpose does this merging serve?

William: Ned, we have come to aid you in your journey. Your path is fraught with dangers and challenges, and our combined knowledge and abilities will guide you through the perils ahead.

Albus Dumbledore: The world you knew is but a fragment of a much grander tapestry. We offer you insights and capabilities beyond your wildest dreams, for the battles you face extend far beyond the realms you've known.

Ned absorbed their words, contemplating the weight of the new responsibilities thrust upon him. He recognized the significance of the souls now merged within him, and the potential they held to shape his destiny.

Ned: I am humbled by your presence and the gifts you bring. Together, we shall face the darkness and forge a path of justice and honor.

William: Indeed, Ned Stark. You are a symbol of resilience and righteousness. With our combined strengths, we shall bring light to the shadows that threaten your world.

Albus Dumbledore: Remember, Ned, that power must always be wielded wisely and with compassion. Your actions shall ripple across time and space, and the choices you make will shape the very fabric of existence.

With newfound determination, Ned embraced his altered fate. He understood the weight of the souls merged with his own and the responsibilities they carried. He was no longer just Ned Stark, but a convergence of worlds and knowledge.

As the ship continued its voyage, Ned stood tall, ready to face the challenges ahead. With the amalgamation of his own steadfast character, the wisdom of William, and the magical prowess of Albus Dumbledore, he embarked on a remarkable journey that would test his courage, resilience, and unwavering sense of justice. The destiny that awaited Ned Stark had been forever altered, and the world would soon witness the extraordinary merging of souls united in the pursuit of truth and honor.

As the night wore on, Ned delved deeper into discussions with William and Albus Dumbledore, seeking guidance and insights into the upcoming events that would shape the realm during the impending Robert's Rebellion. They contemplated the paths Ned might take and the decisions he would face, their combined knowledge and perspectives offering him a broader understanding.

Ned: The storm is gathering, and I fear that Robert's Rebellion will bring great chaos and bloodshed. I must ensure that the realm finds stability and peace once more.

William: Indeed, Ned. Your foresight and commitment to justice are commendable. As the rebellion looms, it is crucial to consider the consequences of our actions and strive to protect the innocent from unnecessary harm.

Albus Dumbledore: Remember, Ned, that power must always be wielded responsibly. Seek allies whose values align with yours, and stand firm in your convictions. Your choices will shape the outcome of the rebellion and the future of the realm.

Ned: You speak true, both of you. I will do what is necessary to safeguard the realm and its people. But I must also be wary of the political intrigues and hidden agendas that can sway even the noblest of causes.

William: The realm is filled with complexities and hidden dangers, Ned. Trust your instincts and surround yourself with loyal allies. Together, you can navigate the treacherous waters that lie ahead.

Albus Dumbledore: The struggle for power often blurs the lines between right and wrong. Stay true to your principles and remain vigilant. And remember, Ned, that honor and sacrifice may be required in the face of great adversity.

Ned absorbed their words, contemplating the weight of the choices that awaited him. He recognized that the path ahead would be fraught with challenges, sacrifices, and the ever-present risk of betrayal. But he was resolved to protect the realm and those he held dear, guided by the wisdom and insights of his newfound companions.

Ned: Thank you, William and Albus Dumbledore. Your counsel has been invaluable. With your guidance, I shall navigate the uncertain times that lie before us, and strive to create a future that upholds justice and honor.

Throughout the night, Ned and his two merged souls continued their discussions, mapping out strategies, and contemplating the best course of action. The coming days and months would test Ned's mettle and resilience, but armed with the wisdom and knowledge of William and Albus Dumbledore, he would face the challenges of Robert's Rebellion with unwavering determination and a steadfast commitment to his principles.

As William shared his knowledge of the "A Song of Ice and Fire" books and the "Game of Thrones" television series with Ned and Albus Dumbledore, he couldn't help but express his suspicions about their current situation. He believed that being in the world of Westeros might hold some advantages for them, allowing them to navigate future events with foresight and prevent potential disasters, the imminent threat of the Night King, and the importance of making the North self-reliant and strong. He believed that their understanding of future events could provide them with an advantage in preparing the North for the looming battle against the army of the dead.

William: Ned, Albus, the existence of this parallel universe—this world of Westeros from the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series—gives us a unique opportunity. We possess knowledge of future events and character arcs that could potentially shape the course of our own journey. The Night King and his army of the dead pose a grave threat to the realm. With our knowledge of what lies ahead, we can use this information to prepare the North and ensure its self-reliance and strength.

Ned: Are you suggesting that we use this knowledge to our advantage, William? To alter the course of events and prevent harm?

Albus Dumbledore: It is an intriguing proposition, William. The Night King's arrival will test the resilience of the North and its people. But we have the unique advantage of knowing what awaits us. But we must exercise caution. Interfering with the natural flow of events could have unforeseen consequences. We must carefully consider how our actions may ripple through this world.

William: I understand your concerns, Ned and Albus. But imagine if we can prevent some of the worst atrocities and tragedies that lie ahead. What if we can spare lives and bring about a more just and peaceful outcome? We must ensure that the Night's Watch is prepared and that the Northern houses unite in their efforts. By sharing our insights, we can rally the North to face the Night King with strength and unity.

Ned pondered the possibilities, weighing the potential benefits against the risks. He was no stranger to the weight of responsibility and the consequences of inaction.

Ned: We must approach this with great care. If we can prevent unnecessary suffering and uphold the values we hold dear, then it is our duty to do so. But we must be mindful of the delicate balance of this world and the potential repercussions of our interference. The secrets we hold are powerful. We must choose our allies wisely and tread carefully in our efforts to protect the North.

Albus Dumbledore: Agreed, Ned. Our intentions are noble, but we must tread lightly. We should seek counsel from trusted allies and exercise our influence discreetly, so as not to disrupt the natural course of events.

William: Wise words, both of you. Let us use this knowledge as a tool for good, to guide our decisions and help shape a more favorable outcome. But we must remember that we are mere guests in this world, and our primary goal should be to protect and serve its people.

And so, with a shared understanding of the risks and potential benefits, the trio resolved to utilize their knowledge of the "A Song of Ice and Fire" series to inform their actions. They would approach future events with careful consideration and attempt to prevent unnecessary suffering and tragedy, all while remaining mindful of the delicate balance of this world.

As the ship sailed onward, Ned, Albus Dumbledore, and William began to devise a plan—a plan that would utilize their unique insights to steer the course of their own journey, altering the future of Westeros while remaining true to their principles. With determination in their hearts and the wisdom of two worlds fused within them, they set forth on their path, ready to face the challenges and forge a better destiny for all.

Finally, as the first rays of dawn broke through the small porthole, Ned stirred.

Ned: groans Where... Where am I?

Sailor 1: You're safe, my lord. We're aboard the ship, and you've been poisoned. But don't worry, we're doing everything we can to help you recover.

Ned struggled to sit up, his movements weak and unsteady.

Ned: Poisoned... an assassin... I must warn...

Sailor 3: Shh, my lord. Save your strength. The assassin was found dead in the mast. We'll protect you and get you to safety.

Ned nodded, understanding that he was in capable hands. The sailors continued their vigilant watch, tending to Ned's needs and ensuring his recovery.

He had survived the assassination attempt, but his journey was far from over.

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