
NGJ Chapter 61: Undead x Uprising

Once the cover of night fell over the mansion and I made sure everyone was sound asleep via Wraiths(They apparently cannot see wraiths.) I used my mirror to teleport back home. All the maids were asleep and Grayfia was not here if I wasn't here so I had all of my house to me.

I entered my basement workshop and got to work. Because I have noticed a crucial detail I almost missed about Dark Gift. And noticing this detail gave me very very good ideas.

I am almost certain I can create my own undead templates if I manage to construct one using the undead construction circle. And with Dark Gift couldn't I make specialized undead?

So, I dumped the hundreds to thousands of undead bones, zombie flesh, wraith and wight remains onto the floor. And I got to creating.

Using both Thought Acceleration and Parallel Thought Processing I devised and theorized about the structure of the bodies I would create. How they should be made to fit their exact function. I wasn't half-assing these guys.

By the end, I created a new variant of the Skeleton Demons by building off of the base template. Instead of the grunt skillset that the skeleton demon template has. This one was more geared toward labour. Far more dexterity and skill as well as intelligence than the average grunt.

I call it: The Skeleton Worker.


[Skeleton Worker]

Min. Level: 25

Cost: 1

A variant of the average Skeleton Demon. These ones are smarter and more dexterous, capable of carrying out more complex tasks.


Basically, I threw out most of the stats they had, shifting quite a decent bit of the endurance and strength to intelligence and wisdom. Naturally, they were far slimmer than their battle counterparts. Only 190cm tall and as wide as the average person. 

Why did I make these? Well I had a very good reason. I do not always have the time to create potions and alike. So why not be a necromancer for once and have my undead do it for me?

I created 9 of these workers. For 3 of them, I gave [Alchemy] and [Dexterous], so that they could create potions for me. As long as the ingredients were there they could churn out potions for me. 

For 3, I gave them tools and the traits [Dexterous] and [Feelin(e) Fine]. These were the construction workers. I also spent an hour getting the construction skill to impart it onto them replacing dextrous in two and the other trait in one. These guys were tasked to expand my workshop downstairs and to build what the other workers needed. 

The last 3 got the skills, [Cursed Tool Creation] and [Cursed Energy Manipulation]. Their jobs were to create cursed tools out of mundane weapons I had in my inventory that I had in the hundreds. I had little hope in these guys due to their lack of skill but we would see.

Lastly, I created one more template. This one from the mage template. I needed someone to oversee my undead, especially the less bright ones. One that can innovate and adapt and appropriate my orders to undead while also being able to order the raw resources.

And thus was born.


[Skeleton Overseer]

Min. level: 100

Cost: 5

This skeleton is smart and capable of independent thought and innovation, their jobs are to oversee the work of lesser undead. Under their command, the non-combat skills of all undead are boosted.


I was surprised at the appearance of the new perk it had but it made sense. My system seemed to take some appreciated creative liberties with my designs. This undead is basically all Int and Wis. I has barely any spells built into it other than the very basics and view earth.

As for the skills I gave it I decided on Thought acceleration and Parallel Thought Processing. And then I gave the new skeleton his orders.

"Alright, your job is to make sure the undead under your command are able to effectively complete their given tasks. Try to keep the workshop stocked, I will give you orders on what I want the undead to focus on currently by Wraiths. If the warehouse needs replenishing either task the maids or the wraith I have left with you." I gave the orders but did not expect what happened next.

"{I understand my liege.}" The skeleton spoke. Because of course, it could. Whatever. It works for me. If anything that makes them even better.


Undead are... scarily efficient workers when working under an overseer.

Think of it like this, imagine a human worker. Let's call him Joe.

Joe here has a lot of requirements for working. He wants food and water to sustain himself, he wants entertainment he wants to sleep he wants to have breaks etc.

Because without those he would not be able to function. And those he has to spend time on, eating, resting, drinking, sleeping, entertaining himself etc.

Now take one of my boners here. This little man does not need food, water or even sleep. Yes, he does need breaks because Skeletons aren't perpetual motion machines and the energy needed for the movement still has to come from somewhere but still.

A skeleton with the same stats as a human if around 200% more efficient with no expectations or wants for such paltry things as "human rights" or "humane treatment".

Anyway as my undead got to work I refilled my Curtain Battery before texting Azazel to come see me as I poured us both some tea that I also shoplifted using Wraiths.

It's surprising just how many problems can be solved by throwing undead it.

Before long Azazel himself teleported into my home.

I must get that Teleport Blocker soon.

"Good evening Aki-chan, been a while hasn't it?" Azazel said as he plopped onto my couch and took the tea in front of him.

"Indeed. I take it you like my little concoctions Azazel?" He smiled at that.

 [+5 affection with Azazel ]

"Yes, I really do, I haven't been interested in something this much in decades besides sacred gears. I cannot even reverse engineer it completely since it seems to need your unique abilities to be created." I nodded at that and he continued on.

"I really like you Akira, no homo as you say. I am saying this as myself and not the Governor of the Fallen Angels. I really want to see what you manage to grow into, I hate seeing talent getting wasted."

"So I would like to invest in you, for our friendship. But I feel like you want to talk about the deal first no? What I want from you is pretty simple. I want a crate for each of the 3 potions. While they might not be as effective for 2 pair wings and above they are still useful assets, not all of the Grigori know healing spells after all."

I paused and hesitated for the sole reason to look like this was an important decision and that this would actually cost me. Even if I am caught duping him I feel like Azazel would just be mildly amused.

"Fine, but in exchange I want your backing. Just to be clear I am not joining the Grigori nor am I asking for their support. I simply want your personal backing in case some devils or angels try to pull a fast one on me." This one was a no-brainer. Grayfia would have thought twice about laying her paws on me if she knew Big A was backing me up.

"Haha, of course honestly I would do that even if you did not offer me potions for it. Sure, use my name if you want, just don't wear it out."

"Also, I want exotic ingredients that can't be found on earth along with the ingredients for the potions being compensated. And I want my payment done in gems that can hold mana."

"Alright, I will have my men drop off all of those every Sunday at the location you want. Also, Akira mind giving me your phone for a second." I narrowed my eyes but still gave it to him.

"Just to be clear if you start scrolling through my gallery or install any spyware I am going to dedicate my life to murdering you." Azazel smirked and shrugged with a cocky smile before handing it back. Even he knew that you don't start scrolling through a mans gallery when they give you their phone.

That is a great way to make a mortal enemy.

"Alright, I deleted all tracking capabilities from your phone and updated it for you as a freebie. And also take this." He handed me a sleek black yellow credit card.

"You can use that for basically any purchase you want as long as you aren't trying to buy multiple skyscrapers in succession." I lifted my eyebrow up. Call me paranoid but after my encounter with Sirz and Grayfia, I am not inclined to trust leaders.

"Why all this generosity?" He simply laughed again like an amused old man.

"Like I said, consider it as an investment. For our friendship. It's not like human money matters too much anyway." He said it as if it was obvious and I couldn't help but smirk as he held a fist out. The system does not lie, he truly considers me somewhat of a friend. 

And I reciprocated with my own. Doing a fist bump with him.

"Alright then, thanks for the gift old man."

[+10 affection with Azazel]

"Haha, getting comfortable now? It's always good to loosen up a bit Kira-chan, if you ever feel like hitting up a strip club call me. But now I gotta go or else Shemhazai will have my head. See you soon Kira-chan." My eyebrow twitched at the nickname but I withheld my complaints until he left.

*Sigh*, I just can't bring myself to be truly angry at that man.

A/N: It's time to show the Necromantic part of the gamer now. With Dark Gift and Undead Design, the variety of undead he can create is almost limitless.

What do I hear? The start of an undead empire?

What do you think? Your comments motivate and fuel me. So be sure to share your thoughts in the comments below. 


❗You can read up to 10 chapters ahead on this fic and the other ones I write on my p*treon at: 


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