
Necromancer: King of The Scourge

(Alternative English Title: Disastrous Necromancer ; Necromancer! I Am a Disaster ) Chapter Update Schedule: Everyday The game has come to reality, the rules of the world have been subverted, and mankind has entered the era of national career change. Monsters are rampant! There are countless secret realms, dungeons, and abyss! Horror and treasure coexist! Danger and opportunity coexisted! Only by becoming a job changer! Leveling up and becoming stronger! Only then could one stand at the top of the world! On the day of the job change, Lin Moyu became the only hidden profession, Necromancer. Get god-level talents, and Just a Level 1 talent increased all his skills by 10 times. Obtain a god-level passive skill and transfer all damage to the summoned creature. From then on, as long as his summoned creatures did not die, Lin Moyu would not die. "Endless god-level skeleton warriors!" "Billions of Lich Mage!" "Countless undead bone dragons!" "Can you handle it?" Under the curse, the gods turned into bones. Corpses burst, the sky fell, and the world collapsed. "I sit on the Divine Throne of Skeletons, walking between life and death." "I am the catastrophe!" Disclaimer Everything belongs to the original creator. If the original creator wants to take it down, please leave a review below, just found the novel and liked it so, I wanted to rewrite it here.

Immortal1 · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Chapter 6: Kill All And Come Out

Lin Moyu saw clearly the owner of the branch - a big tree about three meters high.

Lin Moyu's fingertips glowed slightly as he released the detection technique.

Detection is a basic skill that everyone knows, allowing one to obtain some basic information.

[Long Whip Tree]

[Level: 8]

[Introduction: Usually in a dormant state, it will attack passing life forms.]

Why didn't the skeleton warrior attack when it ran over just now?

Skeleton warriors are not living beings and have no breath of life.

So the skeleton warrior did not provoke the Long Whip Tree to attack.

But when Lin Moyu came in, the Long Whip Tree attacked him.

The whip tree continued its assault on Lin Moyu.

Although it could not harm him, Lin Moyu was not foolish enough to stand there and let it hit him.

He quickly retreated tens of meters, out of the attack range of the Long Whip Tree.

The Long Whip Tree did not move but remained vigilant, its long branches constantly dancing.

"It's really well-intentioned," Lin Moyu understood the good intentions of the dungeon designer.

From the greatly weakened low-level monsters to the level 8 monsters with the same strength as the outside world.

They had also selected level 8 monsters like this plant-based one that can sneak attack but cannot move.

The Long Whip Tree had the sneak attack characteristic, allowing novice professionals to experience the dangers of the wild early on.

Yet the immobile Long Whip Tree could not chase and kill professionals.

Once in danger, novice professionals could calmly retreat and get out of its attack range.

Moreover, the attack range of the Long Whip Tree matched that of several long-range professions.

This cut off the possibility of remote career exploitation.

It was designed so that novices could safely engage real level 8 monsters in a protected situation.

The entire novice dungeon fostered an atmosphere of protecting novices and cultivating newcomers.

Reducing casualties as much as possible while letting the newcomers adapt to actual combat and grow.

Amid bursts of clicking sounds, the skeleton warriors ran back.

A total of sixteen skeleton warriors guarded Lin Moyu like an army.

With a thought from Lin Moyu, a skeleton warrior rushed towards the Whip Tree.

To the non-living skeleton warrior, the Long Whip Tree did not respond at all.

It wasn't until the skeleton warrior struck first with its big knife that the Whip Tree began fighting back.

The huge branch was like a long whip lashing the skeleton warrior, making a metallic beating sound.

The Whip Tree's attack speed was very fast, its branches dancing madly and striking three or four times per second.

But the skeleton warrior's attributes were too high, with a physique as high as 550 along with tremendous vitality and defense.

Some small cracks appeared on the attacked bones, but they quickly recovered.

"Huh? It didn't get killed in seconds!"

Lin Moyu was slightly surprised.

The monsters from level 1 to 7 were all defeated in one shot, but against this level 8 monster, the situation had changed.

The Skeleton Warrior failed to instantly kill its target for the first time.

"Is this the strength of wild monsters? Let's see how many strikes you can withstand."

One strike, two strikes, three strikes.

After the fourth strike, the Long Whip Tree stopped all movements.

[Kill level 8 Long Whip Tree, experience +160]

Seeing the notification, the experience was much more than killing a level 7 brown bear.

Lin Moyu calculated that in terms of cost-effectiveness, it would be better to kill level 7 monsters.

After all, it was one strike for 70 experience points.

The level 8 Long Whip Tree needed 4 strikes for only 160 experience.

It seemed high, but the cost-effectiveness per strike had actually fallen.

However, he also had to consider the time spent searching.

If he spent all his time looking for monsters, it would be uneconomical to find low-level ones.

Looking at the forest ahead, there were densely packed trees, most of which were level 8 Long Whip Trees.

As long as he looked carefully, Long Whip Trees could still be distinguished from ordinary trees.

There were hundreds in sight as far as the eye could see.

This way, the efficiency would be greatly improved.

This was simply a treasure land for leveling up.

Even Lin Moyu was a little excited at this time.

With a thought, the skeleton warriors immediately separated and rushed towards various parts of the forest.

Their knives kept falling on the Whip Trees.

Four strikes each, very straightforward.

Experience started to soar again.

Everyone else's upgrade speed greatly decreased after level 5, but Lin Moyu's was getting faster and faster.

It was originally expected to take more than an hour to complete the upgrade.

As a result, after only 50 minutes, Lin Moyu was promoted to level 6.

Outside the dungeon, the sky gradually darkened.

The time had come to 7 o'clock in the evening.

It had been a full 10 hours since entering the instance at 9 in the morning.

Lu Yun, the principals, and Xia Dongyang still did not move.

They had already had tea for the day, which was brought to them while they ate.

Every year, several principals guarded the students on the first day they entered the novice dungeon.

Although accidents were rare, there was no guarantee that none would occur.

Because it was actual combat, injuries were unavoidable, but there had also been cases where students died in novice dungeons.

Xia Dongyang didn't leave either. Since Xia Xue was in the dungeon, he, as her father, was also worried.

He had missed his daughter's job transfer ceremony and didn't want to miss her first instance too.

The dungeon entrance suddenly emitted a brilliant light, and everyone looked up at it simultaneously.

"Someone came out."

"It's not time yet, so there must have been an accident."

There were two entrances and exits in the dungeon. One was in the deepest part guarded by level 8 monsters where you could exit through the forest.

The other was where you entered, allowing you to exit from there as well.

Lin Moyu stepped out of the light.

Lu Yun walked over quickly, "Mo Yu, why did you come out?"

Lin Moyu said softly, "If you kill them all, you come out."

His calm statement about killing them all initially left Lu Yun unable to understand.

Lin Moyu spoke too calmly, without even a little expression on his face.

In the next second, Lu Yun saw Lin Moyu's level.

[Lin Moyu, Necromancer, Level 7]

"You..are..level 7?"

Lu Yun spoke in a tone of disbelief, suspecting he was mistaken.

Shock occupied his brain, and he couldn't react for a while.

This was something that had never happened before.

Previously, the highest level reached in the novice dungeon was only 5, but now Lin Moyu had broken the record by reaching level 7 directly.

Just in 10 hours...

"There weren't enough monsters, otherwise he should have been able to reach level 8."

"Ms. Lu, I want to apply to go to the suburbs of Xihai City."

Lin Moyu stated it as a matter of fact, simultaneously applying for permission to leave the city.

No one ever thought there would come a day when all the monsters in the dungeon would be killed off.

Every time someone re-entered the instance, the monsters inside would reset.

No one had ever been able to clear the entire dungeon of monsters within 12 hours before.

After all, this was a novice dungeon, and everyone who entered was a novice professional with few skills, weak combat power, and no experience.

Especially the deepest level 8 monsters - their strength was on par with wild monsters.

But Lin Moyu did it, in less than 10 hours.

Completely breaking the rules and shattering records.

Lu Yun thought hard, but just couldn't figure it out, numb with shock.

"Teacher Lu?"

Seeing Lu Yun not responding, Lin Moyu called out again, waving his hand in front of Lu Yun's eyes.

After a while, Lu Yun finally came back to his senses and repeatedly agreed, "Okay, okay, I agree, and I will give you proof of permission to leave the city."

"You take a rest first, and wait for the students to come out before I send you back."

Lin Moyu proved his strength with practical actions and got the proof to go out of the city.

His plan could proceed smoothly.

Lu Yun returned to the table, and the other principals looked at him curiously.

"Old Lu, what happened to you just now?"

"Why did that student come out early? Is there something wrong?"

"Yeah, he wasn't injured, right? Why did he come out alone, where are his teammates?"

Lu Yun drank three cups of tea and took two deep breaths before speaking, "He is Lin Moyu. He cleared the novice dungeon and killed all the level 8 monsters."

The principals gasped in shock.

Even Xia Dongyang, who was used to seeing formidable experts, was stunned at this moment.

They noticed that Lin Moyu himself was level 7.

Not to mention anything else, leveling up from 1 to 7 in 10 hours was already an incredible speed.

What's more, being able to kill all the level 8 monsters in the dungeon was enough to show just how powerful Lin Moyu's combat ability was.

"The hidden profession is really powerful," Xia Dongyang sighed.

It could only be explained this way - Lin Moyu's necromancer profession was extremely potent.

"Based on this, the Necromancer profession should exceed even the known rare professions, and can be completely comparable to legendary professions."

"I don't know how strong legendary classes are, since we've never seen them. But we have seen rare classes, and they are not nearly as efficient."

"I just don't know if the necromancer will still be so strong after leveling higher."

"Indeed, for example, the elemental mage awakened by Xia Xue this time is actually like this initially - not much different from other mage classes. But if she can get the passive elemental enhancement skill, it will be comparable to a legendary profession."

The principals were experienced veterans.

They knew that some professions were very strong at the start but weakened upon leveling higher.

There were also some not so impressive at first, but grew stronger and stronger.

It also depended greatly on skills and talents - there were huge differences within the same profession across different individuals.

Out of hundreds of professions, all kinds of situations existed, making it difficult to generalize.

Lu Yun glanced at Lin Moyu, who was meditating nearby, with some expectation in his heart.

"At least for now, Lin Moyu's necromancer profession is very powerful, and it seems we won't be in charge of his future development."

"It's true, if he can get into Xia Jing Academy, then it's their responsibility."

Xia Dongyang said, "Xia Xue has been competitive since childhood, and I'm afraid she'll take a hit this time."

Lu Yun couldn't help laughing, "Not just this time, you're often away from home. In fact, over the past few years, Lin Moyu's grades have been surpassing Xia Xue's. She's been the second-ranked student for three years now."

"Is that so..." Xia Dongyang smiled wryly. Xia Xue had never told him that herself.

He understood his daughter's temperament - the more silent she kept, the angrier she felt inside.

Lin Moyu regained his spiritual power through meditation.

At this time, the number of his skeleton warriors had reached 24, but there were 70 open slots in the summoning space.

The number of warriors only accounted for one-third of the total.

It would take a lot more time for him to fill up the remaining slots.

The time came to 9 o'clock in the evening.

The 12-hour dungeon time limit was over, and the students who entered were teleported out one by one.

After a 12-hour battle, many students were exhausted, but more excited.

The feeling brought by actual combat was completely different from learning in books.

Many were stained with blood, and there was a strong stench in the air.

A gust of wind blew as a teacher released their skills to dispel the smell of blood.

The tutors of each school quickly gathered their students, counted heads, and checked if anyone needed medical treatment.

After some busy work, the result wasn't bad - everyone was intact.

Most had reached level 3, and a few powerful ones level 4.

Xia Xue was also excited.

After a day of fighting, she had reached level 5, tying the highest record in the novice dungeon.

"I will definitely not lose this time."

"The highest record is level 5, and I've already tied it."

"Where did that guy go?"

After coming out, she didn't see Lin Moyu. After looking around, she spotted him meditating in the distance.

"When did he come out?"

Then her eyes widened, and she froze as if electrocuted, her whole body numb.

"How is it possible, how did he reach level 7?"