
Necromancer in the Apocalypse

After transmigrating to this world that have been exposed to mana, Alfred realized that this world is rampaged by Monsters and Beasts, Bringing great danger to humanity. However, the Awakened emerged, giving chance for humanity to survive. But guess what? Alfred is a Necromancer with mods from his past life. Watch as Alfred dominate the worlds, galaxies, and universe with his undead legion.

Pigeon_Random · Du hí
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4 Chs

Chapter 4: First Fight

The abandoned city dilapidated, with car wrecks, bones, bicycles. Vegetation had covered shops and tall building, as nature had reclaim the city.

As Alfred walked on the street that was overgrown with grass and bushes, he immediately activated [Anti-life Shell] so that he could absorb the energy present in the vegetation and beast carcass.

Soon Alfred could feel himself getting stronger, he noticed that when he had absorb the energy or the vitality in the carcass, the carcass looked drained out of blood and were reduced to skin and bones.

While Alfred was enjoying the feeling of getting stronger, a gust of powerful wind blew behind him. He felt his heart skipped a beat as he quickly flipped two meter to the side dodging the attack.

A beast scraped past him and landed on the ground in front of him.

It was a cat type beast that was two meters long. It had smooth black fur all over it's body and razor sharp teeth in it's mouth.

Alfred immediately recognized it as the F ranked beast, Winged Panther.

Besides buying a storage ring from the Awakened Official Website, he also made research on Awakened, beasts and monsters, including how to differentiate them.

The winged panther had evolved from a regular panther, but it differed from it in the sense that it had wings, it can fly, aggressive, stronger, and extremely vicious.

The winged panther roared as it stared viciously at Alfred before it flew into the air and made a move to bite Alfred's throat.

Alfred pointed his hand at the winged panther that was still mid air and casted [Dark Bullet].

Two spheres of dark energy surrounded his hands before twin bullet of dark energy shot forth. The bullet zipped through the air, leaving trails of darkness behind them.

Both [Dark bullet] landed square at the head of the winged panther. The impact jerked the winged panther's head, and making it fall to the ground.

It's head became hairless while looking as if it had its vitality drained.

The winged panther quietened and was motionless. Afraid it was feigning death, Alfred extended his [Anti life Shell] to absorb it's remaining vitality.

After that, he then took out a knife and gouged out it's heart, which he then put in his storage ring.

Alfred resumed his hunt for the beast as if nothing had happened.

There were many beast hiding around the city, but most of them were F ranked.

With Alfred's infinite mana, those F ranked beasts were no match for him. He killed over a dozen beasts along the way.


Alfred arrived before an abandoned house and heard a noise inside. Peeking through a window, he saw a few rats feasting on a carcass inside.

The rats had sharp claws and teeth, hard fur, and red eyes. They were known for their never ending thirst for blood, giving them the name Bloodthirsty Rats.

Alfred decided to spread his [Anti life Shell], a dark aura that looked like ethereal mist surrounded Alfred. He then extended the mist into the abandoned house.

The rats sniffed the strange mist warily but did not register enough threat from it to run away. Instead they continued with there feast in the mist.

Few minutes later, the rats were all dead having their remaining vitality absorbed by Alfred.

Alfred felt that he had advanced a rank and gained a few skills.