

A world of magic swords and dragons. A boy who had a tragic beginning found hope in his despair in his darkest moment. From the bottom of a pit, he claws his way to power. With the power of the dead, he will conquer all and stand at the edge of the world staring into the abyss.

Jordan_Haskett_4344 · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs

Preparation For the Finale Fight

He could do nothing to stop it now, so he continued into the lair while keeping tabs on the snake. A foul smell hit him as he entered the den, but he persevered.

It came to an opening the gold chest stood in the middle of the room. Jax walked straight past it moving swiftly to the back wall.

It was completely covered in some red balls picking one up and inspected it

-----[lv 0 baby blood spider]-----

Jax "uhhhhh"

He gagged as he through the egg on the ground with a pop.

[killed lv0 blood spider +1xp] (+1 soul)

Looking at the wall was covered with around 100-200 eggs which meant he could get lots of souls.

Using the blue flame, he decimated the spider eggs leaving zero


[killed lv0 blood spider x 187 +187xp] (+187 soul)

[level up]



-name- Jax

-race- half-lich half-vampire

-class- necromancer -sub-class- none

-rank 0 -level- 12 (88/3000)

-strength- 44

-agility- 44

-dexterity- 44

-intelligence- 44

-mana- 880/880

-souls- 249

-free attribute point- 20


Turning his attention to the golden chest.


[golden chest]

-Spellbook web shot-

-spider bone-

-spider fang bow-



-web shot- (mana cost 25)

{a web shotes out of your palm and entangles the enemy}


[spider bone]





-spider fang bow-


-pricing damage +20%

-accuracy +10%

-skill- poison shot


Jax had a fulfilled smile on his face and decided to ignore the spider bone and stored it away.

He had fully luted the spider lair and found 3 mana crystals and a gold bar as well as 2 more black pieces of paper.

Leaving the lair, he now had to fight the green snake.

He needed to improve his strength as he remembered he had the perfect skill to help him.


-unique existence rank 0-

1st -collect the souls of the dead

2nd- first summon of skills becomes a named monster


He never named his skeleton archer back when he first summoned it.

Placing the shard into the chest of the skeleton its entire body glowed with white misty light.

[first, summon of skeleton archer please name]

Jax "Slade"


1st -skeleton hunter

2nd -skeleton ranger

3rd -skeleton marksman


[skeleton hunter]

-this evolution empowers the skeleton long range and hunting capability using undead hounds to help track and kill its pray-


<passive skills> hunting mastery - tacking

<active skills>summon undead hounds


-skeleton ranger-

-this evolution empowers the skeletons with close- and long-range attacks by using a bow and short sword-


<passive skills> close combat mastery - unholy swiftness

<active skills> multi-shot


[skeleton marksmen]

-this evolution empowers the skeleton's long-range capabilities to a new level killing enemies across the battlefield with ease-


<passive skills> bow mastery - unholy accuracy

<active skills>dead shot


Jax didn't pay too much attention to the ranger as he didn't need close range. Which left him with marksmen and hunters, but which was better?

In terms of quality, the marksmen were the better archer, but the hunter had his hounds.

[confirm evolution to skeleton marksmen]

-yes- or -no-

"yes," Jax said with a sigh

He wanted both but for now the more summons he has the better options he will have.


-name- Slade

(Level 0/10) (0/100)

(Upgrade 0/100 monster cores)

class - skeleton marksmen

-strength- 14

-agility- 16

-dexterity- 12

-intelligence- 12

-mana- 100/100


<passive skills> bow mastery - unholy accuracy

<active skills> dead shot


Jax stood still with silver perched on his shoulder, with Osiris and Slade standing by his side. He now had 4 skeletons and 3 ravens.

He was happy with his newly named summons both would be of great help.

Now came the hard part the green snake had devoured all of the creatures in the cave. Observing through the raven the green snake was now 7 meters long.

Jax made his way towards the stone door Closs to the goblin village.

Looking at the stone door he saw a magnificent carving with 4 slots. The was writing around the door.

"4 cores to make the key"

He noticed the shape of the 4 slots matched 3 of his monster cores. The goblin shaman the wolf king and the blood spider cores matched 3 of the slots.

Jax "dam"

He soon realized the last core would be the green snake's core. The biggest problem was how. He was stronger now, but the snake had depowered all of the creatures in the cave he can't even predict how strong it could be.

He didn't want to fight it the only reason he could kill the wolf king and demon spider is they injured each over. Using their injuries, he killed them but almost died against the wolf king.

But now he has no choice he must fight the snake, but he didn't feel ready. The snake was an unknown he saw first-hand the wolfs and spider's powers and knew how to counter them.

But how, the snake wasn't as simple as the over creatures it had no scars on it. All of the overs had past injuries and scars from what he saw.

That lead him to believe the snake's scales were very hard meaning its defence was off the chart. Its Fangs had some kind of venom on them.

It would be a hard fight even with all his newfound power. But now he had no choice he solidified his will.

The first thing was locating the snake and finding the best area to kill it.

The snake had migrated from its swampy area towards the centre of the cave. Observing the area around the snake he tried finding an opportune strategy to kill it. But so far it was highly disadvantaged to him.

Making his way towards the centre he saw the green snake sleeping in a coil.

[emerald python lv20]

He couldn't fight the snake in the open as by far the fastest way to get himself killed.