

Arcadia, world full of fantasy and destruction. Powerful foes and immortal beings. Millions of achievements waiting for our necromancer to grab. And unveiling the history you have never heard ..........................THE NECROKING.........................

Bobby007 · Kỳ huyễn
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27 Chs

Searching mystic

Its been several days since the demise of Sword Saint and birth of Sword Diety, the whole continent got the news of the incident and were thinking about switching sides.

On other hand, Vestry who have stepped back in order to avoid direct confrontation with Magnus was keeping its eyes on him,

"What are reports?"

"According to the intelligence, Ledia has been supplied with 100 golem knights and we think that they are preparing to wage war on another nation"

"we also got news about our prime target that he has seen heading towards the Ancient dungeons"

"what is he planning to do in old dungeons?"

Its been years since any high power has taken interest in Dungeon hunting for tressure since

raiding an dungeon costs so much.

Ancient dungeons

They weren't just your ordinary dungeons but another world in Arcadia. Ancient dungeons can be defined as passages leading to mystical cities which have abundance of resources. Since every dungeon have a boss room, rooms were filled with mystic levelled monsters, and mobs around were elites.

During the Ancient war, kingdom send many people in order to get their hands on those resources but were annihilated. Noone has ever reached the boss room.

"Do you know which dungeon is he heading towards? "

"We aren't sure but it looked like he headed towards northern dungeons and according to our guess it would be S rank dungeon, Ice King's lair".

"Immediately deliver this information to hero association, they will handle the matter".

Few days ago,

"Orion, explain about soul synthesis method? "

"According to available information, soul synthesis method is the complex method of giving an personality or mind to an object such as dead troops."

Since dead troops were merely puppets who cannot operate until the commands were given,and also the scale of dead army has increased tremendously, he cannot operate the whole army with just vague commands, he needed Generals who can lead the army in his absence to battlefield.

Dead army was divided into four units that are warriors, mages, assassins and berserkers. So he needed particular General to lead particular unit.

According to Orion, with the help of soul synthesis, he can also design the nature and personality of soul but the needed raw material was mystic soul which can only be dropped from mystic monsters.

"Mystic monsters, aren't they like superstrong?"

" yes, master, they are strong but you must not underestimate yourself"

Hearing the encouraging thoughts from Orion, made Magnus somehow happy and he began gathering information about mystic monsters.

Magnus involved Ebina in this matter,

"Mystic monsters, its been long since i have heard the word"

"Does you know anything about them?"

"currently noone know about the exact whereabouts of mystic monsters"

"And according to me,the chances of it dropping an mystic soul is quite low"

"forget about chances, I just need to find their location nothing else"

"i have heard rumours but I don't think you will find any mystic monsters there"

"what rumours?"

"Elders in our races used to tell the stories about some dungeons crawling with monster and you may even find mystic monsters at end of the dungeon"

"can you tell me about it?"

"well, I don't know much about it but I can introduce you to someone who is professional in the field of monsters".

Since many demihumans races are friendly in nature, they interact with each other a lot and which led to formation of friendly relationship.

As the bartos city was brimming with revolution of commerce, many other races and Ledia kingdom wished to cooperate with them by exporting and importing of goods.

Due to the lack of modern facilities, the talent of various races were hidden. But after the raid of Bartos, situation have changed, first the introduction of golem knights shocked the world.

And due to exportation, the introduction of fertilizers from Ledia brought an revolution in field of agriculture. Demi races were proficient in growing medicinal herbs but due to barren topography of Savage lands cultivation has been dream for them.

Due to the export relation between other races, Ebina came across an individual who was an expert in field of monsters and its parts.

"tell me immediately"

"He lives near the giant tree at western part of Savage lands, the giant tree is one of the landmark of savage lands, I think you will recognise it at first glance"

"Wait a minute".

Ebina left and brought an huge Trunk.

"this is specially ordered for you, citylord"

An black suit was present in Trunk as soon as he wore it an glamorous feeling went through his body and he left for giant tree.