
NBA: No. 1 Forward

Follow the captivating journey of Lian Dao, once a promising basketball talent whose career was derailed by a devastating injury. Discovering a mysterious jersey that transports him back in time and grants access to a revolutionary basketball system, he discovers he has a system that grants him extraordinary abilities that elevates his skills to superhuman levels. Empowered by this second chance and driven by newfound determination, he embarks on a quest to reclaim his place in the fiercely competitive world of professional basketball. Navigating the complexities of fame, rivalry, and personal growth, he relies on the system to reshape his destiny as the foremost forward in the NBA. His journey transcends mere success on the court, propelling him towards a singular goal: to transform from a comeback story into the greatest basketball player of all time. --------------- SYSTEM INITIALIZING … … … NBA TALENT INHERITANCE SYSTEM ACTIVATED ---------------

Incognito_98 · Thể thao
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34 Chs

Victory and Respect: Lian Dao vs. DeRozan

"Your three-pointer has improved, but I won't let you score next time!"

As DeRozan spoke, he passed the basketball to Lian Dao and quickly positioned himself to defend, cutting off any space for Lian Dao to shoot.

Lian Dao remained silent but focused. In his previous life, coaching countless NBA stars had honed his understanding of the game. While DeRozan was talented, Lian Dao had trained players far more skilled than him, even before they entered the NBA.

Dribbling the ball outside the three-point line, Lian Dao began to weave through his dribbles with precision.

The basketball danced between Lian Dao's hands, moving like an elusive sprite.

DeRozan observed Lian Dao's dazzling dribbling skills, impressed by his opponent's fluid movements. Despite his admiration, DeRozan was determined not to give Lian Dao an opportunity to exploit his defense.

"This guy's dribbling is on another level, even for NCAA standards, let alone the NBA," DeRozan muttered to himself as he prepared to intensify his defense, aiming to restrict Lian Dao's space and force a turnover.

DeRozan, known for his defensive prowess even back in high school, moved in to press Lian Dao, hoping to disrupt his dribble and steal the ball.

Unfazed by DeRozan's approach, Lian Dao seized an opening. As DeRozan closed in, Lian Dao swiftly maneuvered the basketball through his legs, then with a quick step forward and a deft move behind DeRozan, he evaded his opponent.

Startled, DeRozan tried to recover, but Lian Dao wasn't done yet. With a quick pull-back dribble and a step back, he created enough space. Caught off guard, DeRozan found himself off-balance, unable to react as Lian Dao swiftly stepped back and launched a quick three-pointer.


The ball sailed through the net.

Score: 2-0.

DeRozan felt a mix of confusion and slight disbelief.

"Am I being shown up here? Isn't this kind of dribbling more suited for guards? This guy, standing tall at 203 cm, dribbling like that—it's almost unfair."

DeRozan's admiration for Lian Dao's dribbling prowess quickly turned into frustration.

"Don't even think about scoring again next time!" DeRozan muttered, feeling a twinge of embarrassment at being outplayed by a 203 cm tall opponent.

Undeterred, Lian Dao continued his offensive.

He dribbled consecutively outside the three-point line. Despite his height, his long wingspan allowed him to maintain a low dribbling center of gravity after bending over. His skills were honed in high school in New York and Los Angeles.

DeRozan eagerly sought a steal opportunity but found none.

Suddenly, Lian Dao pulled back the ball with his right foot as a pivot, faked a shot with his shoulders and head, causing DeRozan to tense up in defense. In a split second, Lian Dao executed a cross-step dribble, driving straight to the basket with a long stride, poised for a layup.

Reacting swiftly, DeRozan jumped up, extending his right hand towards the basketball in an attempt to block Lian Dao's shot from behind.

Anticipating the defense, Lian Dao adjusted mid-air, quickly pulling the ball away to evade DeRozan's block attempt, and executed a smooth backhand layup.

DeRozan's hand smacked against the backboard in frustration.

Score: 3-0.

The first basket caught DeRozan off guard.

But the second and third were a masterclass in skill and strategy.

Despite Lian Dao's physical disadvantage compared to DeRozan, he possessed a wealth of experience from future generations, something DeRozan couldn't match.

Years spent as a trainer in later generations had honed Lian Dao's instincts and tactics, compensating for any shortfall in physical prowess.

"When I get past you, it's like crossing the street in the morning," Lian Dao quipped, his words slicing through DeRozan's concentration.

DeRozan's expression darkened.

"Don't get too comfortable. It's only 3-0."

In the fourth round of their 1v1 duel, Lian Dao prepared for another big dribble to create space.

This time, DeRozan anticipated it.

As Lian Dao began his dribble, DeRozan swiftly moved laterally, shadowing Lian Dao and disrupting his rhythm.

Though not yet the "King of the North" of later years, DeRozan's physical prowess was formidable.

Lian Dao found himself tightly marked, with DeRozan increasing the physicality of his defense.

This was a challenge Lian Dao hadn't faced before.

Dribbling behind his back, Lian Dao feinted a move to create separation from DeRozan.

Suddenly, at the free-throw line, Lian Dao executed an abrupt stop, pulling the ball back between his legs, feinting a shot fake.

DeRozan, reacting instinctively, leaped to contest the shot he thought was coming.

But Lian Dao quickly stepped back beyond the three-point line, lowered his stance, and released the shot.


DeRozan sailed past him, helpless to prevent the shot.

Score: 4-0.

This goal left DeRozan feeling a twinge of regret; it seemed too easy.

Taking stock of the situation, DeRozan passed the ball back to Lian Dao and signaled to resume.

This was the final play.

Lian Dao dribbled outside, steadily retreating, puzzling DeRozan.

Only when Lian Dao reached mid-court did he suddenly pull up for a shot.

DeRozan was caught off guard by the unexpected move. He hadn't encountered this style before and had no time to react.

Normally, a half-court three-pointer is a desperate attempt when time is running out, but in this 1v1 match, who would have expected such a bold play?

Both Lian Dao and DeRozan watched as the ultra-long three-pointer left Lian Dao's hand, following its trajectory closely.

The ball sailed through the air, and emotions played out on their faces.

Excitement slowly spread across Lian Dao's face.

DeRozan wore a pained expression.

The ball seemed to hang in the air for an eternity, tracing a beautiful arc over half the court, before dropping cleanly through the net.


5-0. Game over.

Lian Dao emerged victorious in the 1V1 duel.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the task. The reward has been sent to the system space and can be claimed at any time], announced the system.

Immediately, Lian Dao accessed his rewards. He first equipped the sprint speed talent, increasing his upper limit from 54 to 64.

In the system space, he found 20 small blue bottles labeled "Training Stamina Recovery Potions." These potions were designed to replenish stamina quickly during physical training, though they couldn't help during actual gameplay. Still, it was better than nothing.

Satisfied with the rewards, Lian Dao took stock of his items before exiting the system.

DeRozan stood on the basketball court, frozen in disbelief at the shot he had just witnessed. After a long moment, he regained his composure, turning to Lian Dao with a serious expression.

"You've made incredible progress. You earned this win. Your improvement has genuinely surprised me. I look forward to working with you. Together, we could make USC history this year!" DeRozan said earnestly.

"A championship?" Lian Dao replied with a smile, extending his fist.

DeRozan grinned back, his white teeth gleaming. He fist-bumped Lian Dao, their shoulders brushing in camaraderie.

These three to four months before the NCAA season provided a crucial window for USC to refine their strategies and build team cohesion. As DeRozan and Lian Dao exchanged their hopeful glances and fist bumps, the gravity of their upcoming challenges sank in. The dream of claiming an NCAA basketball championship for USC seemed within reach, but it required meticulous planning and relentless dedication.

Lian Dao, buoyed by his recent victory over DeRozan, felt a surge of determination. "We've got to make every moment count," he declared, eyes gleaming with ambition.

The NCAA's guidelines were clear, but USC, like many other elite programs, used every advantage within the rules to gain an edge. Secret training sessions became the norm, allowing the team to gel and refine their game away from the public eye. The anticipation built as the start of the official training season approached.

USC seized the opportunity presented by the semester break to implement a comprehensive training regimen.

I'll be updating at least five chapters every day for a few days, after which I will reduce to maybe two or three per day.

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